
A Good and SIMPLE Measure of Randomness

What is the best algorithm to take a long sequence of integers (say 100,000 of them) and return a measurement of how random the sequence is? The function should return a single result, say 0 if the sequence is not all all random, up to, say 1 if perfectly random. It can give something in-between if the sequence is somewhat random, e.g. ...

How to test a random generator

I need to test a random number generator which produces numbers randomly. How to make sure the numbers generated are random. ...

How is randomness achieved with Math.random in javascript?

How is randomness achieved with Math.random in javascript? I've made something that picks between around 50 different options randomly. I'm wondering how comfortable I should be with using Math.random to get my randomness. ...

How can I determine the statistical randomness of a binary string?

How can I determine the statistical randomness of a binary string? Ergo, how can I code my own test, and return a single value that corresponds to the statistical randomness, a value between 0 and 1.0 (0 being not random, 1.0 being random)? The test would need to work on binary strings of any size. When you do it with pen and paper, y...

If sorting records by a number in the record, but some records have the same number, the order is not gauranteed but shouldn't be random?

Let's say if we are sorting some records by a number in record: Name Number_of_Language_Known John 3 Mary 2 Peter 3 Mike 1 ... If we are not also sorting by Name, then the order of John and Peter is not guaranteed, but it shouldn't be random if the records never changed? I think it should be true in most environment (that is, not...

True random number generation

How is exactly that we talk about "true random" numbers when we are actually measuring something. I mean, isn't measuring almost the opposite of randomness. Som articles says that, for example, throwing a dice is "true random". Of course it isn't Pseudo-random, but is it even random?? If you could have a machine that throw dices from de...