
How can I test DHTML with Selenium RC?

I'm having problems testing parts of my html pages with Selenium RC. If an element is present in the page and is visible when the page is loaded then there is no problem, Selenium RC can access it and can get its value or write into it (if it's a input), etc. But if the element is not visible and it is only made visible using javascript...

C++ resource syntax error

I have a resource: IDC_MYMENU MENU BEGIN POPUP "&File" BEGIN MENUITEM "E&xit" END POPUP "&Stuff" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Go" END END On the first END it says there is a syntax error, I don't understand why. Anyone know? :( ...

Best Practices for modularizing Selenium RC test scripts

I am creating Selenium RC test scripts in Visual Studio (C#). I am struggling with re-factoring the tests; all my tests are in a single file. I would appreciate any input and/or pointers to websites, books, etc. to learn about modularizing the tests. I have to run the same tests on different sites (same application but configured differ...

Running Selenium Tests in Virtual PC

I am creating test scripts in Visual Studio IDE using Selenium RC and executing them thru NUnit. In order to run these tests on Virtual PC, what would I need to do. What all would I need to have on the Virtual machines? Only NUnit or even Selenium? If anybody has any experience setting this up and executing the test I would appreciate ...

How do I make Selenium RC to not move the browser window?

hi, Is there a way to specify where Selenium RC spawn the browser window? When I run my test script, Selenium RC opens 2 windows in the browser, the Selenium RC window and the AUT, and the Selenium RC window takes up most of my screen space. Ideally, I want to control where their location and size separately, but if not, it would be nic...

Unable to select a Window thats forced open in Selenium RC

Please find below the code used selenium.getEval("this.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().open('', 'Window')"); (opens a new window) selenium.click("A link"); (This is done in the Parent Window, and the Pop up opens in the window opened in the above statement) BaseClass.selenium.selectWindow("Window");(This does not report any error) Syste...