
Problem in selecting constants of an enum class

I've encourted a problem recently about cycling between constants of an enum class in .net (that is created from my OWL class, by Rowlex OwlGrinder). Problem was solved by means of using .net reflection (thanks to great help from dear Mr. Jon Skeet): stackoverflow:problem-cycling-enum-class-values By solving this, I started using it. Af...

How can I uses Sesame's RDFXMLParser in JRuby?

I am not very experienced in Java and JRuby but need to parse RDF data using Sesame's RDFXMLParser in JRuby and my python-minded brain just does not want to get into it. I have problems translating the Java example into JRuby. At first I don't know how to define the RDFHandler in a way it would make sense. I also don't get why the parse ...

Some functionalities of Rowlex

I'm recently working on a semantic web application project using Rowlex. I've reached some functionality needs which I couldn't match the appropriate methods to them. I was wondering if somebody would help me. I'm creating a new RDF document, but at the end I don't know how to save the populated rdfdocument. I'm creating a new individu...

OWL: Abstract classes , anonymous nodes, Regular Expressions

When defining an Ontology using OWL, is there a way to say that a class should always be an Anonymous Node (no rdf:about="...") e.g. <my:FamousQuote/> is abstract and any Instance of this class should always use a subClass (edited here:) that a DataTypeProperty should match a regular expression ? Thanks ...

What are the strengths and weaknesses of a triplestore database?

What are the strengths and weaknesses of a triplestore database, such as Mulgara? In which situations would its performance be significantly different from that of a traditional relational database? I'm thinking in particular about situations where you have data in the form namespace:predicate=value. Triplestores would seem to keep the ...

Browser fails to recognise Content Type header correctly

I have an issue with my browser failing to recognise the content types I am sending in my responses and trying to download the file instead of displaying it. I have a generic handler (named SPARQL.ashx) written in ASP.Net which does some work and produces an object which is of two possible types. Either it gets a SPARQLResultSet or a...

Could ROWLEX be used as .DLL files in commercial projects (because of some non-LGPL components)?

As people asked in How can ROWLEX be licensed under L-GPL while it uses SemWeb which is GPL? there is no definition if ROWLEX could be used as a library freely in commercial projects. How free is to use it in such projects? Is it possible to contribute to this project and simultaneously use it freely in commercial sector? ...

Assigning multiple values to a property

Hello, I am using rowlex in my project. I have a property assigned to an individual in my RDF file, which has a value. For example for individual 'Student', there is a property 'isMemberOf', with value of a class uri 'class00021'. Then I want to add a second value to this property. For instance a 'Project' value with uri 'proj000052'. T...

Removing individuals & properties from RDF

Hello, I have a RDF file in my semantic web project and I use Rowlex for manipulating it. I've needed to remove an individual from RDF, so I used <RDFDoc instance>.RemoveIndividual(new OwlThing(<individual URI>, <RDFDoc instance>)); With this code, I had my individual gone, but it's properties still remained. So I figured out that I ...

Individuals and properties in semantic web

Hi, I'm currently working on a semantic web e-learning project. I've made an ontology and classes. However, when populating RDF files, I create an individual (for example a course) and place it in a RDF. Afterwards if I it is needed to relate another individual to this one by an object property (e.g. student-> studyMemberOf-> course), I...

use of Uri and Url in semantic web

Hello, I'm working on a semantic web project and I've encountered some problems about Uri & Url. First of all, a general question: how are Uris referenced by a user application in world wide web? Are there like Urls, stored on some international servers, and the resource is given to user application, when relevant Uri is requested? I ma...

Get individuals of an ontology class in .Net

Hi, Regarding to my previous post, now when I'm testing, progFields in below: System.Reflection.FieldInfo[] progFields = typeof(Program).GetFields(); returns nothing. My ontology about Program is like this: <owl:Class rdf:about="http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Ontology1243411901.owl#Program"&gt; <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="http...

Using RdfProperty of array to custom class

I have defined: [RdfSerializable] public class SomeItem { // Unique identificator of the resource [ResourceUri] public string ID { get; set; } [RdfProperty( true )] public string SomeData { get; set; } } and in some other class: [RdfProperty(true)] public SomeItem[] MyTestProp { get { return new SomeItem[]...

Is ROWLEX supports natively IEnumerable<> ?

Hello! Is ROWLEX supports IEnumerable? Because when I use RdfProperty(true) with string[] it is working correctly, but when I write IEnumerable< string > type of property and return string[] (that is casting implicitly to IEnumerable) and it is not working. It is good if generic enumerables are supported, not only Array class. Example...

In ROWLEX is there a way to remove "rdf:datatype" from serialized object?

In ROWLEX is it possible to remove "rdf:datatype" attribute of each property and/or use common RDF Schema instead? Example: <MyOntology:Channel> <MyOntology:title rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string"&gt;My news</MyOntology:title> <MyOntology:description rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string"&gt;M...

Doubled tags for one property in ROWLEX

I have this code: [RdfSerializable( HasResourceUri=false )] public class Item { [RdfProperty(true)] public string MyProp; } [RdfSerializable] public class AllItems { [RdfProperty(true)] public string mTitle; private int id = new Random().Next(0, 20); [ResourceUri] public string...

Trackback implementation: rel="trackback" vs RDF

Hi, I want my Rails App to parse external websites for a trackback URL but I'm not really sure if I should just look for a <a href="url" rel="trackback">Text</a> or follow the RDF specifications described by sixapart. Or both. Wordpress and Techcrunch both only offer a rel="trackback" link and they should know. On the other hand may...

Is there a way to read a Hibernate Session as RDF triples?

I need to query my local Hibernate managed datastore for persisted objects based on criteria where the relevant data for the WHERE clause is in the Linked Open Data cloud. Is there a way to read a Hibernate Session as RDF? If so, I can at least use the combined Dataset to decide what objects to retrieve from Hibernate. Preferably the s...

RDF integration with C#

Hi, I'm working on a project where i had been asked to do a semantic search. The scenario is a database with a table containing 3 pieces of information, Doctor Name, Patient Name, and Date of Visit. I had been asked to create a form that contains 3 fields: Doctor, Patient and Date. So when a user wants to search for a patient's correspo...

How to define a property with same name on two different types in ROWLEX?

If I have those two classes that have two different properties but with the same name: [RdfSerializable] public class Type1 { [RdfProperty(true), Name = "title"] public string Title { get; set; } } [RdfSerializable] public class Type2 { [RdfProperty(true), Name = "title"] public string Title { get; set; } } and try to...