
How do I add existing comments to RDoc in Ruby?

I've got all these comments that I want to make into 'RDoc comments' so they can be formatted appropriately and viewed using 'Ri.' Can anyone get me started on understanding how to use RDoc?...

How do you generate rDoc for a particular plugin using rake

OK, I am trying to generate the rDoc for paperclip, but the rake task is choking on another plugin before it gets to it, so this is out of the question: rake doc:plugins I could go and fix up the broken plugin, but I'm busy and lazy, so I just want to generate the docs for paperclip. Is there any way of doing this? ...

RDoc : Change name of 'Atttributes:' section in ri-documentation

I'm using some meta-programming to generate a bunch of methods in ruby like so: class EmotionalObject def self.mood( name, *details ) define_method(name) do # ... end end mood :happy, #... mood :sad, #... mood :ebuillent, #... #... end I know that I can pass rdoc '-A mood' to get it to recognize my mood gen...

RDoc CONSTANT comments?

In RDoc, is there any way to show constant comments? I would like to comment a constant in a project of mine but and realizing that they dont show up in the RDoc output. I checked documentation which is likely to have comments for their constants, but never saw any (http://www.ruby-doc.org/core/classes/Math.html). It's possible that the...

Using .gemspec version in documentation/library/script

So, I've been writing a bunch of ruby gems recently, and one thing I would find convenient is to include the current version (as specified in the gemspec) in the rdoc-generated documentation for my libraries, and in the OptionParser-generated --help sections used by my scripts (which I'm distributing via gem). Any way I can make it easy...

How can I define sections without === Headings for RDoc::usage()?

I like to generate man pages using '--help' output via help2man and txt2man. Ruby's RDoc system is very convenient, but I can't seem to configure RDoc::usage in exactly the way that I want. Here's a sample script: #!/usr/bin/env ruby # # === Name # # foobar - Example command for StackOverflow question # # === Synopsis # # Usage: fo...

Can you install documentation for existing gems?

Rubyinside mentioned a blog post on how to speed up gem installation by not installing RI or RDoc. Is it possible to install a gem and subsequently install documentation at a later date, so you can hack in haste and RTFM at leisure? ...

How to generate Ruby documentation using different template?

I want to generate the Ruby documentation with hanna template. How to do that? Or where can I download it if it's available at all? Using rdoc -o ~/doc --inline-source --line-numbers --format=html --template=hanna gives me docs with missing methods. It seems like it doesn't generate methods written in C. ...

Making RDoc Ruby Gem Default on Mac OS X

Hey all, I've recently installed RDoc version (2.4.3) through Ruby gems to replace the one shipped with Mac OS X (version 1.0.1). Unfortunately, I can still only use RDoc 1.0.1 when I call run "rdoc" at the command line. rdoc -v returns: RDoc V1.0.1 - 20041108 I tried amending the $PATH variable to point the first entry to the RDoc 2....

Replacement for rdoc usage

According to this post, RDoc::usage is not currently available in ruby 1.9. Are there any good replacements available? I'd be interested to hear what's available from the standard install as well as what's available from gems. ...

Getting RSpec into RDoc

In Ioke doc, the ISpec tests are included in the documentation, see ioke.org/dok/index.html How can this be done with Ruby's RSpec and RDoc (or SDoc)? I can't find any commandline switches or external libs to do so. Any ideas (not including implementing it all by myself ;-) )? ...

Running gem server in passenger

I'm running a few rails/rake apps in Apache/passenger and I want to add the documentation app served by gem server to these apps, so I can easily give it a special (sub)domain, like docs.example.org, so it's easily available for all members of our team and nobody has to start the server himself or remember port numbers (like 8808, the de...

Possible to fetch Rdoc entries from external ruby classes ?

If i have bunch of classes in objectspace and have a list of methods which generated also from objectspace, is there any possibility to fetch rdoc documentation for single method ? Example: FILE: foo.rb # Class rdoc information here class foo # defining bar here, just prints hello world def bar puts "hello world" end end F...

Rails model documentation

I need to create documentation for my rails models. I can't figure out how to get the Rake doc:x commands to include the validators and relationships. I'm using annotate_models to document the table structure. It would be great if there were something like RailRoad that worked with 2.3.x series as well. ...

How can I make rdoc properly read method arguments from my c extension?

Hello, all, I'm using rdoc to generate documentation for my Ruby code which contains C-extensions, but I'm having problems with my method arguments. Rdoc doesn't parse their names correctly and instead uses p1, p2 etc. So, first off, my extensions are actually compiled as C++ so I have to use function definitions that look like this: ...

Is there a Ruby documentation tool that allows inclusion of diagrams and images?

I am a big fan of Doxygen which I have used for years with various languages. In particular, I appreciate its wiki-like ability to include images and run the Graphviz dot generator to have arbitrary inline diagrams from inline DOT code or external files. RDoc has diagramming support to generate class diagrams using Graphviz but I can't ...

How do I generate RDOC for (all of) Rails?

I can do sudo gem rdoc activerecord --no-ri and sudo gem rdoc actionpack --no-ri both of which give me good docs. But sudo gem rdoc rails --no-ri gives me pretty much nothing, as the Rails gem itself is really just a holder for the others. How can I generate the equivalent of http://api.rubyonrails.org/? ...

How do I create an arbitrary link in YARD documentation?

I'm trying to create some links in my YARD documentation. I can get an HTTP link: # I like {http://stackoverflow.com Stackoverflow} renders as <p>I like <a href="http://stackoverflow.com"&gt;Stackoverflow&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt; But an email link: # You can email the {mailto:[email protected] bugs} list gives me a warning: [warn]...

Gem Server and Rails RDoc Not Found

I would like to read Rails documentation locally though gem server. I go to http://localhost:8808/ and Rails 2.3.3 gem is in the list of the gems installed, but when I click [rdoc] I get: `/doc_root/rails-2.3.3/rdoc/index.html' not found. I tried to uninstall and reinstall Rails but I got no effect. All other gems work properly, why ...

Open external link in a new window in ruby docs (rdoc)

Hi there, I'm stuck: I need to create an external link using Rdoc which opens in a new window. What I have and what opens up in the current window is this: ... to be found here[link:../../bla_bla_bla/index.html] ... How do I make it open in a new window? Any idea? Thanks Matt ...