
Gem installed rails 2.3.8, but not generate rdoc, how to fix?

I use gem install rails -v=2.3.8 to install rails, and it says rdoc and ri has been generated. But when I gem server, I can't open the rails doc in browser, it says doc_root/rails-2.3.8/rdoc/index.html not found I looked into /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/doc/rails-2.3.8/rdoc, found it is empty. How to fix it? How to generate the rdoc ...

When running rdoc the folders 'images' and 'js' are not copied to the doc dir

I am running rdoc 2.5.9 and when I generate rdoc with the default 'Darkfish' template just by running: rdoc app README in my rails root folder. All the files are generated but the 'images' and 'js' folder is missing in the doc directory. So I need to copy them manualy. I have the following versions: gem 1.3.7 ruby 1.8.7 Rails 2.3.8 ...

Can't access rdocs via gem server for my gems - how to make this happen?

I have several gems that contain rdoc, specifically a README (but also rdoc in the code), and I'd like them to be available via the gem server command, however they are not. Even when I do gem rdoc mygem it churns and indicates it's writing to the correct location, however nothing ends up there. Almost every other gem I have installed ...

What is the difference between ri and rdoc

Whenever I install gems I see ri and rdoc follow. I know this is documentation but what is the difference between the two and how to use them? ...

Good tutorials on how to use rdoc?

Are there good tutorials on how to use rdoc: how to comment the source code how to generate documentation how to put it online I cannot find any good information for this. ...

Cannot find a class

You can use Octopussy like this: Octopussy.user "my_account" But I cannot find the "user" method in the API documentation http://rdoc.info/github/pengwynn/octopussy/master/Octopussy According to the documentation that module is extended by SingleForwardable. That module has to contain the method "user" but I cannot find that module....

Yard is not the same as Rdoc?

Correct me if I'm wrong, is Yard not the same as Rdoc? It's not based on Rdoc but a total rewrite? So if I'm using Yard, I don't have to bother with Rdoc right? ...

How do you examine the source code?

How do you examine the source code for a library you are using and want to modify. Eg. when you have downloaded a gem, I guess that you are forking the repo from GitHub and then cloning your forked repo. So now you have: the local repo's source code (which you open with IDE/text editor) the source code on GitHub (which you browse onl...

yard and links to classes/modules in the doc

Hi, I'm currently switching from rdoc to yard for my ruby software documentaion. In my doc I often reference some classes/modules from the comments, for instance : ## == Provides various utility features ## ## == Features ## ## Logging : logging is provided by the Mysoft::Mypackage::Utility::Logger class ## Rdoc correctly creates a...

Accessing rdoc files from one place.

In Ruby, if you run the command gem server it will present you with a web page of documentation for all the gems you have installed on your machine. Can something similar be done for your local documentation, so that all of your local rdoc documentation is in one easy to access place? Any advice would be much appreciated, thanks. ...

generate documentation from javascript

How are you generate documentation for javascript ? Especially in a rails application ? Any plugins to rdoc or something similar ? ...

Can I make Eclipse's rdoc support work as well as Javadoc does?

When I write Java in Eclipse, I can point to pretty much any declaration or method invocation and instantly get the relevant Javadoc for the class or function I'm interested in. I guess it's spoiled me a bit -- rarely do I have to poke through the API documentation by hand, and frankly it's a nice feature to have. I've been doing Ruby ...

Simple Rdoc Question about documentation modifiers.

I have this method in a class I am using def binary_search(a,x) # ... end and I want in the documentation for the parameters to appear as def binary_search(array, key) and not binary_search(a,x). I have tried to use the documentation modifier # :binary_search: array, key with no success. I know this a little thing, but if somebody k...

How to enable 'Click to toggle source' button' in Ruby RDoc.

When using the Darkfish RDoc generator to generate RDoc documentation, next to methods there is a Click to toggle source button next to each method. It isn't working for me when I generate my documentation, so how do you get that feature to work, do you have to add a keyword into your RDoc source or something? ...

Can't get RDoc to suppress cross-references for a specific word

I'm using the jeweler gem when developing new gems. As part of the skeleton, it sets up a set of RDoc related rake tasks - the main one being rake rdoc. As far as I can tell from the Rakefile, this task uses the rake/rdoctask library to generate HTML documentation from my RDoc comments. It tries intelligently to make references to class...

RDoc Syntax Reference

I'm looking for a good, solid reference for proper RDoc syntax. Recommendations? I can't seem to find anything that clearly shows: How to document class methods and their parameters How to document what a class or class method does. Update 1 I found a similar question with a great answer and I wanted to reference it here: http://sta...

rdoc, darkfish, and the :call-seq: tag

I'm in the process of documenting a Ruby project with rdoc, and I discovered the darkfish rdoc formatter. I really like it, but the :call-seq: tag no longer works. Instead, it puts the literal string :call-seq: in the documentation and then formats the call sequence itself as a code block. I don't want to just take all of the :call-se...