
Technical Interviews

Prospective clients are asking for production level examples of my work. I've been stuck in Research and Development mode for the past couple years, and don't have anything that I can think of to show them. Suggestions? ENetArch ...

read multiple files using multiprocessing

I need to read some very huge text files (100+ Mb), process every lines with regex and store the data into a structure. My structure inherits from defaultdict, it has a read(self) method that read self.file_name file. Look at this very simple (but not real) example, I'm not using regex, but I'm splitting lines: import multiprocessing ...

Simple XML reading question (PHP)

Hello, I have the following XML file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <SearchResults:searchresults xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" /vstatic/279989c5e93d519f8d8f23d3f6cac661/static/xsd/SearchResults.xsd" xmlns:SearchResults="http://www...

Enforced reading list for development & test team

Seriously, is this a good idea? Is it reasonable to instruct your team to read certain books - outside of business hours! Before you write me off as a crackpot, bear with me... I head a medium-sized team (6 developers and 5 testers). We have quite a well documented software dev process that we adhere to most of the time. In o...

Reading a .doc or .docx file in c#

hi friends i'm just workin on a project which requires to read word document. i want to know how to read the *.doc file character by character.... how can i do it? thanx ...

How do I read a large file gradually?

I'm having some problems reading a file with java. It is absolutely huge (2,5G) and adjusting my memory doesn't help. The data is all on a single line so I can't read it one line at a time. What I would like to do is to read the file until I find a certain string for example "<|start|>" or "<|end|>" and then print the data in between the...

How to read a word document in c#

i'm just workin on a project in c# 3.5 windows application which requires to read word document. i want to know how to read the *.doc file character by character.... how can i do it? ...

How to read Microsoft Word documents in .NET?

How to read doc, docx file into .NET with C#. Pls give some advice to do this. ...

Reading a text file or XML file in Android java

Hello all, I am currently working on a group project to build an Android game. I have been delegated the task of building a PC based level editor (which is all done). All I have to do now is decide on the file format for the map that is outputted. At the moment it is just a standard text file with different numbers to represent differe...

reading unknown number of integers from stdin (C)

I need to read an input file like : 1 19 20 41 23 2 41 52 43 3 90 91 941 4 512 5 6 51 61 each odd line is an integer each even line is unknown number of integers it is very easy in C++ while( cin >> k ){ ............ } Im not so used to C language so I couldnt make it in C. any ways to do it? ...

Reading and Writing Configuration Files

Hello everybody! I'm writing a small script which generates some configuration for devices. I want to have separate file, where I'm storing configuration, and change some strings during printing the content of the configuration to the browser. How can I replace string in a line of the file with a variable from $_POST['somevariable']? --...

Reading a remote URL in Domino LotusScript

I have a remote RSS feed which has to be transformed into Notes documents using LotusScript. I've looked through the documentation, but I can't find how to open a remote URL in order to retrieve its contents. In other words, some sort of wget- or curl-like functionality. Can anyone shed some light on how to do this? Using Java is not an...

.NET 3.5 C# TcpClient Reading Issues (Segment loss)


reading binary datafile and writing into decimal no file

exp data is generated by my mc scaler card as a binary file with first 511 bytes as header and then 24 bit data followed by four bit roi data. i am not a expert in programming. i do understand a little. I would like to convert this file into a file (without header) decimal nos with first col as channel no (1 to 8191) then the data (24 bi...

Basic polynomial reading using linked lists

Ok, after failing to read a polynomial, I'm trying first a basic approach to this. So i have class polinom with function read and print: #ifndef _polinom_h #define _polinom_h #include <iostream> #include <list> #include <cstdlib> #include <conio.h> using namespace std; class polinom { class term { public: double...

Reading UIWebView TEXT content

Hello Everyone, I am interested in reading ONLY the TEXT content of a UIWebView. How do I do this? I found lots of help on the web about reading the HTML content but I want ONLY the Text. Any suggestions? Thanks ...

ICalendar not readable by google calendar.

Operating system : WinXP Program and version you use to access Google Calendar (FF3.5): I'm developing a script (based on an existing vCal ASP.NET class I found online) to generate an .ics file. This file works perfectly when importing to Outlook 2003. When I try to import to Google Calendar, I get the following error: Failed to impo...

Python: Huge file reading by using linecache Vs normal file access open()

Hi, I am in a situation where multiple threads reading the same huge file with mutliple file pointers to same file. The file will have atleast 1 million lines. Eachline's length varies from 500 characters to 1500 characters. There won't "write" operations on the file. Each thread will start reading the same file from different lines. Whi...

c# reading integer fields from database, returning empty string when reading integer type field

what is wrong with this code? field="id"; table="MInvMonth"; condition="machine_id=37"; public static String getConditionedField(String field, String table, String condition) try { if (cmd == null) getConnection(); cmd.CommandText = "Select " + field + " from " + table + " where " + condition; SQLiteData...

binary files writing/reading problems...

Ok i have problem with my code for reading binary file... First i will show you my writing code: void book_saving(char *file_name, struct BOOK *current) { FILE *out; BOOK buf; out = fopen(file_name, "wb"); if(out != NULL) { printf_s("Writting to file..."); do { if(current != NUL...