
Scala and Java Real-Time System

Just wondering if anybody has run Scala app or web-app on Java Real-Time system? I assume because scala is bytecode compatible with regular JVM, then it should not take much effort to run it on a Real Time JVM such as Sun Java Real-Time System ? Edit: As per

Sun Java Realtime System on VirtualMachine / cloud

Just wondering if anybody can run/compile application for Sun Java Realtime system JRE on a VM such as VMWare or on the Cloud such as on Amazon EC2 ? I know it is not ideal running Realtime java on a virtualized infrastructure, but it makes things easier. (Otherwise I just have to install SLES SP2 on physical hardware.) ...

What exactly is RTSJ, the Real-Time Specification for Java?

What exactly is the Java Real Time Specification? That is, how does it differ from the "regular" JSE or JEE specifications? ...

c# webbrowser | pushed realtime quotes

Hi, I am programmer and share trader. Before I have written a day trading application. Until last week it was possible to fetch realtime quotes from . Every time the site was surfed the quotes had changed. The HTML contents could then b...

Capturing the input stream as a user types

I am working on a C++ based command line tool and I want to capture the user's keystrokes in real-time without requiring them to hit Return to commit the input. I can't seem to find an iostream call to support this kind of behavior but I recall from my college years that it can be done. Can anyone point me in the right direction? ...

is there an open source realtime collaborative wiki engine ?

Hello, I am looking for an - open source - real time - collaborative wiki engine. A sort of mix between mediawiki and an open source version of google docs where several users could see each other's edits in real time. Is there such a state-of-the-art beast ? Thanks Jerome Wagner ...

can I auto update my uitextview from the value of the row of my uipickerview without pressing any select buttons?

So I have a uipicker view, that I have managed to load some data from my db into. I would like to update a textview, which is right above the pickerview, with each changing of the row. Is that possible? If I don't have to, I would like to avoid pushing a button in order to show the respective text. Can I make it so that the value in th...

Where is the best place to start learning Java Socket Programming?

I wish to create a Java Socket server which can be connected to using Javascript and/or Flash. I have experience in Connecting to sockets in flash, and using a comet like system in Ajax. I wish to make a live communication system, which will intale multiple connections to the server from various clients, needing almost instant communicat...

Output to jTextArea in realtime

I have some code which takes a few minutes to process, it has to connect to the web for each string in a long array, each string is a url. I want to make it so that everytime it connects, it should refresh the jtextarea so that the user is not staring into a blank page that looks frozen for 20 min. or however long it takes. here is an ...

Can games be considered real-time systems?

I've been reading up on real-time systems and how they work etc. I was looking at the wikipedia article as well that said a game of Chess with a timer per move can be considered a real-time system because the program MUST compute a move in that time. What about other games? As we know, games generally try and run at 25+ FPS, could it b...

Some examples for common Real Time processes in Linux

What are some of the common SCHED_FIFO and SCHED_RR processes in Linux? Does user input falls under the cantegory of Real Time processes? ...

How does real-time collaboration with multiple clients work in a system using operation transformations with a central server?

I just finished reading High-Latency, Low-Bandwidth Windowing in the Jupiter Collaboration System and I mostly followed everything until part 6: global consistency. This part describes how the system described in the paper can be extended to accomodate for multiple clients connected to the server. However, the explanation is very short...

Dealing with a shutdown during a file write?

All, I'm working on a Real-time system, VxWorks I think, I'm saving application settings to a file. What's the best way to handle preserving the settings if the system shuts down or loses power in the middle of a file write? All I can think of is shuffling a few files around or reducing the frequency at which i Save variables in order t...

Open source segmented interrupt architecture RTOS?

A segmented interrupt architecture RTOS can boast "zero interrupt latency" using clever partitioning of work between the interrupt handler and the scheduler. There are at least a couple proprietary closed source instances of this approach, e.g., AVIX and Quasarsoft- Q-Kernel. A related SO question asked about open source RTOS links, but...

Real time web services

Hi everybody, I have a little (maybe the answer could require a book) question about web services and server side programming. But first, a little preamble. Recently we have seen new kind of applications & games using some kind of real-time interaction with a database, or more generally, with other users. I'm talking about shared drawin...

Real time ruby apps: CRAMP vs NODE.JS

Hi folks, i was wondering if any of you had insights about which one is better, and what factors should be taken into consideration when using one of these ...

GreenHills - small data area overflow

I'm hoping maybe someone has a quick answer for this but essentially when I turn on optimizations, I get the following error: [elxr] (error) small data area overflow: 0xfff9f6fc (signed) didn't fit in 16 bits while performing relocation in file test_main.o at location sti_13_test_main_cpp_252229d3+0xc, to reference sym...

Realtime graph using JFreeChart and displaying in JSP

I'm trying to plot the system CPU utilization in a JSP page. I'm using JFreeChart library to do so, I have a problem, The generation of the graph I've written in a Servlet and that generates an image, so on the JSP page it flickers and reloads the image. Is there a better way to implement it as I want to see a continuous flowing graph...

Realtime MySQL search results on an advanced search page

I'm a hobbyist, and started learning PHP last September solely to build a hobby website that I had always wished and dreamed another more competent person might make. I enjoy programming, but I have little free time and enjoy a wide range of other interests and activities. I feel learning PHP alone can probably allow me to create 98% o...

Preallocating memory with C++ in realtime environment

I'm having a function which gets an input buffer of n bytes, and needs an auxillary buffer of n bytes in order to process the given input buffer. (I know vector is allocating memory at runtime, let's say that I'm using a vector which uses static preallocated memory. Imagine this is NOT an STL vector.) The usual approach is void proces...