
Metronome Timer slowdown (via Handler, or Threads too)

I have a simple, classic, statement that every 200 milliseconds plays a sound (a metronome). I wrote it using Handlers, and then in another way, using Threads. The problem is the same in both ways: when I press hardware home button, or also simply when I press a button to open a ListView, the metronome terribly slowdown for a while. T...

Which real-time (RTSJ) JVM is most preferred?

There seems to be only a handful of JVMs that are implementations of the Real-Time Specification for Java (RTSJ). The Sun/Oracle Java Real-Time System is over $6000 and IBM's real-time WebSphere is over $7000, so many Java developers may never have the opportunity to use either of them. Oracle's JRockit seems to be a free real-time Jav...

Trying to capture display output for real-time analysis with OpenCV; I need help with interfacing with the OS for input

Hi, I want to apply operations from the OpenCV computer vision library, in real time, to video captured from my computer display. The idea in this particular case is to detect interesting features during gameplay in a popular game and provide the user with an enhanced experience; but I could think of several other scenarios where one wo...

Make field data change in real time without refresh.. How on a Website?

I have two numeric fields that contain the following information: (1) Users Registered (2) Money Raised Is it possible to make the data change in real time (EVERY SECOND) while someone is viewing the page with the fields? I don't want the viewer to refresh manually to see the updated number, but have the fields change automically whil...

How do they make real time data live on a web page?

How do they do this? I would like to have web pages with data fields that change in real time as a person views the web page. Here is an example: link text How do they do this? Jquery? PHP? I need to connect my field data to mySQL database. Erik ...

Lua's GC and realtime game

As I know, the tracing GC can't avoid thread blocking during complete GC. I had used XNA+C#, and GC time impossible to remove. So I switched to lower level language C, but I realized I need scripting language. I'm considering Lua, but I'm worrying about Lua's GC mechanism. Lua is using incremental tracing GC, and thread blocking should ...