
UDP Socket Client in .NET

I use UDP Sokckts in my client application. Here are some code snippets: SendIP = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(IP), port); ReceiveIP = (EndPoint)(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0)); socket = new Socket( AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp); socket.Bind(ReceiveIP); And to Receive (while(true)): ...

how to get recipients addresses as String in JavaMail?

I have a piece of code VERY similar to this one I the difference is that I need to get the "TO" addresses as a String. I can't find in the API how to get the "TO" recipients as String for each Message. Can anyone guide me on how to do this? At least a ...

Making an asynchronous Client with boost::asio

Hello, i'm trying to make an asynchronous Client with boost::asio, i use the daytime asynchronous Server(in the tutorial). However sometimes the Client don't receive the Message, sometimes it do :O I'm sorry if this is too much Code, but i don't know what's wrong :/ Client: #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <ostream> ...

Boost Asio UDP retrieve last packet in socket buffer

I have been messing around Boost Asio for some days now but I got stuck with this weird behavior. Please let me explain. Computer A is sending continuos udp packets every 500 ms to computer B, computer B desires to read A's packets with it own velocity but only wants A's last packet, obviously the most updated one. It has come to my at...

Reading and parsing email from Gmail using C#, C++ or Python

I have to do a Windows application that from times to times access a Gmail account and checks if there is a new email. In case there is, it must read the email body and subject (a simple text email, without images or attachments). Please, do not use paid libs, and in case of any other libs used, give the download path. And I need the e...

mfc socket onreceive is not called

I am making a project in VC++ using mfc. I'm connecting to a server, sending a notification message like "user blabla" and start awaiting messages from that server. The server receives the initial message and responds with a message but the onReceive method isn't called on the client. The client is receiving the message because when I ca...

How to receive/send files with a java Webservice

Hi! So i'm writing a WebService in Java that should receive a file as an input, and then the WebService does some processing on that file, and finally it should send a new file to the client. My question is : How do I send a file to the client? (and how can I tell them to upload one). Thanks for the help ...

jQuery .sortable + receive Event: get the position of the inserted element

I've got a jQuery sortable element and another draggable element. With the sortable receive event i get the new inserted object and start an ajax query to write it in database. But it would be nice to get the right position of the new element, too. When i fire sortable("serialize") on receive event, the new element is not in the string...

Socket programming in Perl

What is the best way to receive data from a socket in Perl, when the data length is unknown? Right now, I read one character at a time in a loop, until I reach the '\0' character. Is there a better way to do this? ...

[Java] Listening on UDP socket

Hey everyone, I am using this code to receive data from a UDP socket and return it as string: byte[] receiveData = new byte[MAX_PACKET_SIZE]; DatagramPacket receivedPacket = new DatagramPacket(receiveData, receiveData.length); serverSocket.receive(receivedPacket); return new String(receivedPacket.getData(), 0, receivedPacket.getLength(...

C# sample needed to receive SMS with mcore componnet

how to receive sms from nokia n70 or upper to pc with c#? i have on ListView and to cloum 1.cloum is sms number and 2.cloum is text messege. plz sampel code ...

Howto use BizTalk TestableReceivePipeline when having a schema which has an imported schema

Under Microsoft BizTalk 2009, we want to test the ReceivePipeline(which has a Flat file disassembler) with the built-in TestableReceivePipeline class. It works fine if we use one single Schema, but it throws an error (System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaException: The 'ABC' element is not declared.) when we try to use a schema(Schema1) which has ...

C# asynchronous socket Begin/EndReceive questions

I've implemented a async funtion in order to read large socket data, mostly files will be transferred. Code is based on this question: public class StateObject { public Socket workSocket = null; public const int BUFFER_SIZE = 1024; public byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE]; public StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); } public st...

Blackberry Development - Create a received SMS

I want to develop a Blackberry application which creates a received SMS in the SMS inbox. Is this possible? I have to tried search the internet but I can't find a way to implement this. Thanks. ...

Implement Google Voice Actions in Android

How can I implement the fairly new Voice Actions from Google, in Android? I'm thinking about the possibility to listen to the Listen to action as used by some music application. Is there a specific broadcast my app must register as a receiver to? ...

winsock: recvfrom does not receive in release build(VS 2010)

Hey... I wanted to build my client program in release mode and everything seemed to work fine. The client was able to send data, which have been received by the server. But the client never receives the answer sent by the server. The server is working correctly The data size is only up to 200 bytes sending works... I am using Visual S...

Android: How to send and receive data SMS messages

I've found a few tutorials on how to send/receive text SMS messages, but none on how to send/receive data SMS messages. I have a very small amount of data I would like the users of my app to be able to share. I am able to send, but my BroadcastReceiver doesn't ever get called. It seems this is a known issue (

android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED not available!

I'm trying to create a new SMS receive listner. I have googled the problem and all I found was it requires android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED but it doesnt exist in android 2.2 how to listen to new incoming messages is my question.! ...

Winsock: How to stop sending/receiving without closing the connection

Hi there, I am not very familiar with winsock or network programming, so I hope you forgive me if I am asking stupid stuff :) I develop a client/server application which share some camera images. The general cycle is: The client captures a camera image and compress it to an binary image. After that it sends it to the server The serve...

How do you clear the receive buffer in WinSock

I went searching for this and found at least one person who asked but got no answer. I think there is a need to start a send and receive segment (part of a larger process on same socket connection) and expect that there is nothing already in the receive buffer. I saw no answer but did think of this kludge before I myself realized anothe...