
How can I send data with a TcpListener, and wait for the response ?

I have the following code: using (TcpClient client = new TcpClient()) { client.Connect(host, port); using (SslStream stream = new SslStream(client.GetStream(), true)) { stream.AuthenticateAsClient(host); stream.Write(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(dataToSend)); int byteRead = 0; byte[] buffer = n...

Allow users to upload files to server via email?

I am administrating a small, private website with 100% trusted users (about 60 people, i know them all personally). I am having many problems with the PHP based upload system i have in place currently, mainly with users encountering timeout errors and other varying issues due to the way the upload is handled (not to mention the complete...

Sending while receiving in C

I've made a piece of code in what's on my server as multiple threads The problem is that it doesn't send data while im receiving on the other socket. so if i send something from to client 1 to client 2, client2 only receives if he sends something himself(jumps out of the recv function) .. how can i solve this ? /* Thread*/ while (! ...