
how can i make on delete cascade using sql developer in oracle 11g

i am trying to delete a record from one table in my db , but the table has forign keys to another table in mu db , so i want to make on delete cascade using sql developr in oracle 11g , how can i make it? ...

Syntax Error while accessing a field in a record

I'm having a problem that should be stupidly easy to fix. Following this, I'm trying to access a field in a record. Here's a simplified example that exhibits my problem: -module(test). -export([test/0]). -record(rec, {f1=[], f2=[], f3=[]}). test() -> Rec = #rec{f1=[1,2,3], f3=[4,5,6]}, Fields = record_info(fields, rec), lo...

[Ext-Gwt (Gxt) Grid] Setting Record Data resets ToggleButton

Hi All, I am facing a strange problem. I have created a normal ext-gwt grid with two columns. One column displays a number and the other renders a ToggleButton. As soon as the ToggleButton gets pressed a small window appears with: 1- a textfield (to enter a number), 2- an ok button. When the ok button is pressed the column containing th...

Is it possible to record sound from one window?

I've managed to write program to record sound from Input Devices, but I'm more interested in recording from one window that plays some sounds. Is it possible to catch those sounds and not all possible sounds played currently? Sorry for my english. ...