
F# Higher-order property accessors

I just upgraded my prototyping tuple to a record. Someday it may become a real class. In the meantime, I want to translate code like this: type Example = int * int let examples = [(1,2); (3,4); (5,6)] let descs = (fst >> sprintf "%d") examples to this: type Example = { Field1 : int Field2 : int Description : string } le...

SessionScope in BL or DL ?

Imagine that I have 3 projects: DL, BL and WS. DL contains Active Record implementation with all the mappings, BL has some logic (calling various DL methods) and finally WebService project exposes some BL methods (using some DTO mappings). The questions are: Should I put all data related methods in DL or is it allowed to use Session...

[CakePHP] How to get ID of current record?

Hi all, another CakePHP framework question... how can I get ID of current record? Tnx in advance!!! ...

accessing OCaml records

How can I use some OCaml record that I've defined in some other file? Say for example that I have the file in which I define the r record: type r = { i: int; j: int; }; and a file in which I want to use the r record. Something like this: let s = {i = 12; j = 15;} clearly doesn't work - I know it has something to do with acce...

Record sound as part of a C# program on windows

How do I go about writing a C# program for Windows, that records sounds as .mp3 files from my microphone input? Are there libraries that deal with recording sound? Many thanks, Patrick ...

Erlang - list comprehensions - populating records

I have a simple record structure consisting of a header (H) and a list of the data lines (D) 1:N. All header lines must start with a digit. All data lines have a leading whitespace. There also might be some empty lines (E) in between that must be ignored. L = [H, D, D, E, H, D, E, H, D, D, D]. I would like to create a list of record...

Update MSI table using MSI programming API

Hello *, I need to update an Attributes column in an MSI file. Unfortunately, I am unable to find any documentation (esp. for C++). Here is a code snippet of what I am trying to do: DatabasePtr db = /* opening db succeeds*/ ViewPtr view = db->OpenView(_bstr_t("SELECT Attributes FROM Component")); view->Execute(NULL); RecordPtr record...

ExtJS's XmlReader field mapping.

Hi , I can't manage to get this's CDATA field mapping to work. <script> var store = new{ url: '../data/data.xml', // specify a XmlReader reader: new{ record: 'entry', fields:[ { name: 'field1', type: 'date', mapping:'field1'}, ...

delete records in axapta damn slow

hi there, i've got a form in ax 2009, showing filtered records of a table ( about 5.000.000 records total, about 1000 shown filtered ). selecting a couple of those records in the form and deleting them via form-control ( alt+f9 ) is damn slow. one record is deleted immediately, selecting about 20 takes several minutes! there is only on...

Recording and saving .wav Files with TMediaPlayer (Delphi 2010)

Hello people, well im really new to the delphi world. Right now im using the TMediaPlayer to record some sound and save those. I made a click event for the record button in the TMediaPlayer which executes a SaveFileDialog. The user should type in some filename he would like to save and then after recording the .wav file he can click on...

Play and record sound simultaneously with iPhone SDK?

I'm trying to detect input from the mic and also play sounds, which can be toggled on or off, but are always playing when the mic listener is active. I've initialized my AVAudioSession in the viewDidLoad method like so: AVAudioSession *session = [AVAudioSession sharedInstance]; NSError *err = nil; [session setCategory:AVAudioSessionCat...

Delphi: Assigning to global record - global record doesn't change

In a delphi unit, I have a global record called 'Context': interface type TContext = record ... end; var context: TContext; I also have a initialization procedure in this unit, taking a context: interface procedure Init(AContext: TContext); Inside the Init procedure, I try to assign the given context to ...

Delphi 7 compared to 2009 (& 2010) Record sizes

Hi There... I have a weird issue when converting code from Delphi 7 to 2010. It has to do with records. The record defined below, when sized in D7, is 432 bytes, and in D2009 (and 2010) it's 496. I know, that an easy solution is to make it a packed record, then all versions come out to 426 bytes... However, we have data stored where ...

Doctrine adding a many-to-many relation for transient records

two models Site and Language share a many-to-many relationship (they are bi-directional) How do I add a relationship between them? Ideally I want to do this : (add an existing language to a new Site) $site = new Site(); $site->name = "Google" $site->url = ""; ---- code to add language---- $site->save(); Or should I onl... Recording video from media player component

Hi, I'd like to ask if it's possible to record videos from media player component in or not .. If it's possible could you explain how do I make it. Thanks in advance.. ...

Doctrine Record Listener

I have a listener which contains a preSave() method. Is there a way for me to halt doctrine from calling the save method if a condition fails. Unfortunately I am not allowed to throw an exception. Is there any other way? ...

can sql functions such as min() or max() destroy record integrity

Can functions such as Min() or Max() possibly destroy the integrity of a record? Take the case of the query I recently crafted: SELECT account, MIN(phone), MIN(chargeid), MIN(locationid) FROM import1 GROUP BY account, phone is there any chance I am mixing my field data into a new record unintentionally? What if I changed one Min to a M...

ok button in record Form plugin in extjs

how to get the updated records,i am overriding the on Ok function to save changes in form. 1.i just override the on ok function,but not able to get modified record.Ext.override(Ext.ux.grid.RecordForm , { onOK:function() { updateRecord1(); } }); function updateRecord1() {//alert('record'); var records =store.getModified...

How to retrieve a Doctrine record with all relational records?

Hi, I was wondering if there is a way to get a record with all relational data, something like a 'Deep-Fetch' So if a model Child were related to another model Parent, can we fetch Child & then access Child->Parent->name thru a single query? Doctrine today fires a query whenever a relationship is accessed. Is this too costly? does it n...

iphone 4 - How do I record the video overlay on top of the video also?

Does anyone know how to do this? Is anyone able to provide an example? I believe this is out of NDA now as was available in version 4.0 ? ...