
php recursion level

Hello! I have the recursion function. There are an hierarchy users structure. I send a user id to my function and it should find all user under this. Function returns an array of all associates users. My task is to find a levels of this users. For example: User1 / \ User2 User3 / \ \ User4 User5 User6...

Modifying script with Recursive queries

Good morning all, I need help to add the following additions to a script. 1) Recursive queries (e.g if a group is contained in a group it doesn’t go into that and retrieve all the members) 2) Instead of looking for the AllowLogon right look for memberOf the Terminal Services group The goal is to show all the active acco...

Building tree structure from flat list derived from zope catalog call without recursion

I have all objects which get looked up to provide interpreter with both parents objects and object subobjects. I hope to do this without recursion for zope not appreciating this conventional recursion. I set the view context as root object for recursion to start attaching object on then iterate across this filtered list of intid/objects...

is there ever a time you would not use recursion?

I have a problem for a university lab; Write a short program that outputs all possible strings formed by using characters ‘c’, ‘a’, ‘r’, ‘b’, ‘o’, and ‘n’ exactly once. It seems to be a common interview question and well documented. So I've coded it with Java using a recursive method which wasn't too hard, when or why would you choose...

php array recursion

Hello. I have an array like this: Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 1000 [enroller_id] => 1005) [1] => Array ( [id] => 1005 [enroller_id] =>) [2] => Array ( [id] => 1101 [enroller_id] => 1000 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1111 [enroller_id] => 1000 ) ) I want to create hierarchy array like this: Array( [1005] => Array( ...

Solve Fibonacci Sequence Recursively returning void in function.

My professor has asked us to write a program that uses recursion to solve a fibonacci sequence. This is all pretty normal, but he's asked us to make our function return void. I've been working at this for a few days now and can't find a way to do this. I have: void fibonacci(double *n,double *x,double *y,double *result) { if(*n ...

php get subarray from array by key.

I have the next hierarchy array: Array( [1005] => Array( [1000] => Array( [1101] => ... [1111] => ... ) ) ) In my function I send $Id. And my task to return a array by this Id. For example: getArray(1000) should retu...

In Delphi: How can I find the recursion depth without using a parameter?

When I create recursive methods, I often include a Depth-parameter, especially when I need some sort of bailout mechanism. The code will usually be something like this procedure Recurse(<Params>; aDepth : integer = 0); begin if aDepth > SomeLimit then begin //Tidy up, return best result found> exit; end; <stuff> if <...

php array recursive sum

Hello. I have an array like this: Array ( [1000] => Array ( [pv] => 36 ) [1101] => Array ( [1102] => Array ( [pv] => 92 ) [pv] => 38 ) [pv] => 64 ) How I can find the sum of all array elements with key...

Why does my Perl recursive function never end?

I'm trying to write the following recursive function. The problem is that it never ends and I can't understand why: sub do_smth(@first, @second){ my @tmp_first = @first; $tmp = shift(@tmp_first); if (@tmp_first > 0){ do_smth(@tmp_first, @second); } my @tmp_second = @second; $tmp = shift(@tmp_second)...

Recursively (?) compose LINQ predicates into a single predicate.

(EDIT: I have asked the wrong question. The real problem I'm having is over at - but this one got some good answers so I've left it up!) Given the following search text: "keyword1 keyword2 keyword3 ... keywordN" I want to end up with t...

php Get level array from Array Tree

Hello. I Have the next array: Array ( [1000] => Array ( [pv] => 81 ) [1101] => Array ( [1102] => Array ( [pv] => 33 ) [1103] => Array ( [pv] => 15 ) [pv] => 72 ) ) I want to make new array f...

How to make this function recursive

void print_combinations(const std::string &str) { int i, j, k; int len = str.length(); for (i = 0; i < len - 2; i++) { for (j = i + 1; j < len - 1; j++) { for (k = j + 1; k < len; k++) // show combination ...

Recursion in PHP Object $Price->setProduct($Product); $Product->setPrice($Price);

So.. I'm wondering what effect this has $Price->setProduct($Product); $Product->setPrice($Price); echo $Product->getPrice()->getTotal(); it shows RECURSION if i print_r($Product) ...

Iteration/Recursion problem?

I am working on a program where I have two 2d arrays. one is called males and one females. they're both 3x3 size. The array contains a score of how much a person likes the other. i.e. (male array) This means that male0 likes female0 8, male0 likes female1 5, male0 likes female2 8, male1 likes female0 9, male1 likes female1 5, and so on....

how to count odd and even number with using PROLOG

question is: when we key in mem([1,2,3,4,5]). we will get the output as bellow: odd=3 even=2 my coding is like that but cannot run. can help me check where is my mistake?? mem(X,[X|L]). mem(X,[element|L]):- mem([X,L]). count([],L,L). count([X|H],L1,L2):- write(even), X%2=0,nl, write(odd), X%2>=1,nl, count...

Iteration to Recursion

Possible Duplicate: Can all iterative algorithms be expressed recursively? Is it always possible to convert a iterative function in a recursive function? ...

SQL Server: How to execute UPDATE from within recursive function?

I have a recursive scalar function that needs to update a record in another table based on the value it is returning, however UPDATE statements are not allowed in the function. How can I update the table from within the function? ...

How to use a recursive function to update a table?

This is a follow-up from this question. Functions are not allowed to write to the database, but what if I wanted to update a record every time a function was called, specifically a recursive function? Currently, I have a function that takes an ID and returns a float. I'd like to update a table using the given ID and the returned float....

Recursive Function in Coldfusion

I'm trying to create a recursive function in coldfusion and am coming across some issues. Here is the logic I have: <cffunction name="getEvents" access="private"> <cfargument name="strtdate"> <cfargument name="parentID" default=0> <cfqeury name="qry" datasource="db"> select * from table where parentid = #parentid# a...