
Is there a redmine plugin to create multiple issues at once?

Redmine has a nice batch edit feature, but nothing equivalent for "batch create" (please correct me if I'm wrong!) FogBugz lets you quickly create multiple tickets with the same properties (type, status, assignment, etc.) via a ajax-ified text box at the bottom of any filtered view of tickets. Tickets created this way match the values o...

Enable Web services in Redmine

Hi, Can any one guide me how to enable web services in redmine, specially XML RPC. And a proper way to implement such web service in redmine. Thanks. Parthiv ...

NoMethodError when calling a helper method in a view

I'm working on a simple timesheet plugin for Redmine, all was going well until I tried to use helpers. The helper: module TimesheetHelper def first_day_in_week(datum) return unless datum.kind_of? Date datum - datum.wday end def last_day_in_week(datum) return unless datum.kind_of? Date datum + (6 - datum.wday) end end In the v...

How to monkeypatch Issue model in Redmine from a plugin, specifically redmine_task_board

I'm trying to add a custom sort method to the Issue.rb model in Redmine from the redmine_task_board plugin. My commit on github I don't know if this is a lack of knowledge about Rails plugins on my part or something specific I have to do with Redmine. Redmine 0.8.6.stable I want this method so that when I show the Task Board show met...

Create default links to server-side logs

Is there a way to pre-populate a user's documents list with server-generated log files? A way to offer any files at a given path? Is this a job for plugins or native to some settings config? thx ...

Redmine show last user to message in issue list

Is there a plugin to show or a way to display a column for last user who updated an issue in http://myredmine/issues? This is to immediately see who's recently replied on a particular issue without actually opening the issue page. ...

Redmine feature to configure multiple target versions for each ticket

In Redmine, I need an alternate to the Target Version field in a ticket. Basically, I would like to pre-define a large number of version numbers and then assign more than 1 version number to a ticket. For example a ticket can be assigned Software 1.2.0 and Hardware 1.1.0. The List Format for a Custom Field will not work because you can o...

Ankhsvn integration with Redmine

Just out of curiousity I'm deploying AnkhSVN with Visual Studio 2010 in our development office, and have had much success with Redmine in managing projects. However, one issue is integrating AnkhSVN with Redmine in regard to Issues. So I can submit a commit against for a particular bug fix. Is this possible? ...