
Where can I find a good NHibernate and ASP.NET MVC Reference Application

Where can I find a good NHibernate and ASP.NET MVC Reference Application? I downloaded S#arp and this seemed to be a lot more than I needed (IOC and CodeGen via T4). I might work my way up to this later, but I need something smaller at first. Any simple examples? I just want to pick up how NHibernate Session handling works in ASP.NET MV...

Good Java application to learn OOD

Hi, I'm looking for an open source java application (C# application is also ok), to learn & understand good Object Oriented design. Specifically, I'm looking for interactions with relational database, so that I can understand the finer details between converting an OO design to non-OO structure. I had a look at some ORM samples. While...