
Value Type Vs Reference Type - Object Class C#

if Value Types and Reference Type are from Object Type which is a reference type, then how value type is value type and reference type is reference when they all come from refernce type. ...

Use of Specific Version Reference in VS 2008

I have an assembly Foo, which has reference to assembly Bar(Version X.X.X.2000). In the properties, specific version is set to False. I have both Bar(x.x.x.2000) and Bar(x.x.x.1000) in my local GAC. Everything is fine. On another machine, where no version of Bar is in the GAC, but Bar(x.x.x.1000) is located in the same directory as Foo,...

Passing a Function Object and Calling it

How do I pass a function, a, to function, b, and have b call a in Perl? ...

What is/are the (dis)advantage(s) of using weak references in EventListeners in AS3?

I've been teaching myself actionscript 3 over the past month or so and recently ran into an issue where an object kept doing things after I thought it had been removed. I figured out that the problem was caused by an event listener using the default of useWeakReference = false and I'm wondering why that's the default. what is the advant...

What's a simple reference or cheat sheet for nested data structures in Perl?

What's a simple reference or cheat sheet for nested data structures in Perl? ...

How can I perform 'find and replace' on references?

Our solution has several (10+) C# projects. Each has a reference to the CAB extension library, with the reference pointing to the DLLs in the library's release folders. Each project has between four and seven such references. We'd like to make some changes to the library; but to debug the changes, we'll need to build a debug version o...

CLSCompliant(true) drags in unused references

Can anyone explain the following behavior? In summary, if you create multiple CLS compliant libraries in Visual Studio 2008 and have them share a common namespace root, a library referencing another library will require references to that library's references even though it doesn't consume them. It's pretty difficult to explain in a si...

Using C# preprocessor to add reference

I have a large application that i can build through the command line. I want to specify a flag that enables me to compile it into either one of two modes, Actual or Simulated. So the main issue is, how can i use the preprocessor to programmatically add a reference? For example: #if SIMULATED include SimulatedFiles; myFact...

Why would setting an element in an array and unsetting then setting an element in an array be different? PHP

Under what circumstances would $array[$index] = $element; and unset($array[$index]); $array[$index] = $element; be different? Assuming I am not using any references in my array, are these logically equivalent? ...

References failing to import to a VS 2005 (VB) ASP.NET Web Service Application Project

I have this VB ASP.NET Web Service Application project running VS 2005. I'm trying to add references. To do so I click on the "Properties" icon in the Solution Explorer window which presents me with a window to add/update/remove references. I click "Add", I select the reference I want and then "OK". Lo en behold, NOTHING! It simply won't...

Reference initialization in C++

Greetings, everyone! Examining my own code, I came up to this interesting line: const CString &refStr = ( CheckCondition() ) ? _T("foo") : _T("bar"); Now I am completely at a loss, and cannot understand why it is legal. As far as I understand, const reference must be initialized, either with r-value or l-value. Uninitialized referenc...

Will my open source project be illegal in certain countries if I include openssl?

I have a small open source project and I am about to add some encryption to it. I am wondering if this will restrict where developers can contribute from. If so where are these laws so stringent? Is there a reliable up to date standard available on the web in regards to this matter? Should I care about recruiting programmers from all...

Passing a modifiable parameter to c++ function

Hi, everyone! Provided, I want to pass a modifiable parameter to a function, what should I choose: to pass it by pointer or to pass it by reference? bool GetFoo ( Foo& whereToPlaceResult ); bool GetFoo ( Foo* whereToPlaceResult ); I am asking this because I always considered it the best practice to pass parameter by reference (1), b...

warning: returning reference to temporary

I have a function like this const string &SomeClass::Foo(int Value) { if (Value < 0 or Value > 10) return ""; else return SomeClass::StaticMember[i]; } I get warning: returning reference to temporary. Why is that? I thought the both values the function returns (reference to const char* "" and reference to a sta...

Using The value of an NSString variable to manipulate the object the the name refers to.

I have a bunch of images on the screen.... UIImageView *s1, s2 ,s3 etc up to *s10 Now suppose I want to update the image each displays to the same image. Rather than doing s1.image = sampleimage; s2.image = sampleimage; : s10.image = sampleimage; How could i write a for loop to go from 1 to 10 and then use the loop var as part of the l...

referencing class methods in class lists in Python

I am writing a class in Python 2.6.2 that contains a lookup table. Most cases are simple enough that the table contains data. Some of the cases are more complex and I want to be able call a function. However, I'm running into some trouble referencing the function. Here's some sample code: class a: lut = [1, 3, ...

HTML/CSS - Check for Missing File References

Are there any plugins or tools that can examine HTML and related CSS files for missing references such as images? I have a very complex page that something is displaying incorrectly on, but I'm having trouble tracking down what exactly is missing or where it is referenced. ...

Error calling function and passing a reference-to-pointer with a derived type

Can somebody explain why the following code is not valid? Is it because the offset for the variable named d is different than the variable named b? class Base { public: int foo; }; class Derived : public Base { public: int bar; }; int DoSomething( Base*& b ) { return b->foo; } Base* b = new Derived; Derived* d = new Derived; int mai...

Compiling and deploying assemblies that are used as references for other projects.

Okay so here is my situation: Project A is in solution A, lets call it's output a.dll. Project B is in solution B, lets call it's output b.exe. Project B references a.dll Both solutions are under source code control in different repositories. My question is: how can i assure that Project A's output gets redirected to project B's "Ex...

How to make MSBuild to automatically copy all indirect references to output (bin) folder

Subj. "Automatically" is essential here. References from GAC must not be copied. I've seen e.g. VS2008.NET: Getting a referenced project’s dependencies to copy to main project’s bin folder, and this isn't interesting for me. I'd like all the dependencies get copied automatically. ...