
What's the best way to manage a dependency tree in .NET?

In my last project we used MSBuild as a scripting language. (yeah, really!) We also wrote hundreds of custom MSBuild tasks, for the parts that made more sense in C#. (I even wrote an MSBuild task to generate the boilerplate code for an MSBuild task. Yes, it consumed itself.) While I don't recommend anyone else take this same approach, ...

How do you package external libraries in your .Net projects?

A lot of my projects contain the Castle/NHibernate/Rhino-Tools stack. What's confusing about this is that Castle depends on some NHibernate libraries, NHibernate depends on some Castle libraries, and Rhino-Tools depends on both. I've built all three projects on my machine, but I feel that copying the NHibernate/Castle libraries is a bit...

Is there an .NET alternative for Java artifact repositories like Nexus or Artifactory? Where do you store versioned DLL's?

Where to store binaries needed for automatic builds on Team System? Are you storing them along with the code in the SCM or someplace else? Is having a big amount of binaries in SCM causing any performance issues with source controol? There is a need to be able to revert to earlier version of some external library in order to fix bugs in...

Checking that all libs and dlls are from the same build?

I am developing a program in VS C++ 2008. Right now, I have a huge list of dll and lib dependencies and I am adding some more. I worry that when I need to update a dependency by building from source (where I have to manually replace built dlls and libs in the correct place), if I accidently forgot to replace something or vice versa, I m...

.NET Assembly Referencing 101

I have the following class located in Assembly A. The assembly has a reference to StructureMap 2.6.1. public static class Bootstrapper { public static void Bootstrap(string databaseName) { StructureMapBootstrapper.Bootstrap(databaseName); } } I'm referencing Assembly A in a completely different Assembly (B) and I"m...

Declarative dependency handling for multi-module source projects in version-control.

We have a number of products that consist of a large number of modules, some of which are shared between some of the products. They are spread out over a few version control repositories. Products are built by master Ant scripts that are responsible for checking out all modules and building them in the correct order. The modules don't h...

Could not load type '<typename>' from assembly '<assemblyname>'.

I decided to modify some code today, and encountered an error that doesn't make any sense to me. I have an interface called IDatabase and a class that inherits from it, called Database. I originally just put IDatabase in the same assembly as Database, but I didn't like this because it would prevent another person from creating a new ty...