
Is there a way to dynamically reload and then reuse dll and all its classes when app is running?

My target is below scenario: I started application (Win32) The application uses a set of classes from some .NET Class library. I change some code in this .NET Class library, compile new dll In my running application i destruct all the objects from this library and reload it. My app is still running and all code changes are done! I su...

C# Type.GetMethods() doesn't return Main() method

Hi, I'm writing a reflection tool that I'll use for invoking methods from various types, and I'm testing it on simple programs. I'm curious as why it doesn't return my Main() method on standard Visual Studio generated Program class class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { return ; } When I load type Pro...

Passed an instantiated System.Type as a Type Parameter for a Generic method

I have this code snippet that I want to simplify: switch (typeString) { case "boolean": CreateSimpleRows<bool>(ref group, value); break; case "datetime": CreateSimpleRows<DateTime>(ref group, value); break; case "double": ...

C# reflection getting nullable type

i have class, with fields of double? type. with reflection i get fields Parameters cl = new Parameters(); FieldInfo[] fi = cl.GetType().GetFields((BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)); now, i want get fields, only with double? type, gow can i get this type, to compare with fields from fi? smth like: if(fi[0].FieldType ==...

Can I load type from Silverlight 4 class lib assembly into my .NET 3.5 based process?

By now when I attempt to var a = Assembly.LoadFrom("SL4ClassLib.dll"); var typeInstance = a.CreateInstance("ClassName"); I get FileNotFoundException, because no System.Runtime.Serialization Version= found. This assembly goes with SL 4 runtime. I can't add reference to it from my 3.5 app, cause it already has reference to Syste...

Using reflection to get a properties property

I am trying to get the value of local path by doing the following: Dim bar As WebProxy = WebProxy.GetDefaultProxy Dim scriptEngine = bar.GetType().GetProperty("ScriptEngine", Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic Or Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance) Dim acs As PropertyInfo = scriptEngine.PropertyType().GetProperty("AutomaticConfigurat...

How to reload default AppDomain in which Silverlight app is running inside browser?

Inside my Silverlight app, i use reflection to load an assembly. While the app is running, the version and content of that assembly can change. I know the moment, when it changes, now I want to trigger the complete reload of the app, so that assembly is reloaded too with the new version. How to do that? ...

C# reflection base class trouble

I want to get value of field of base class, in child class, by name of field: class A { protected static double? x; } class B : A { B() : base() { x = 13F; } void test() { double? s = this.GetType(). GetField("x", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static).GetVa...

PHP static::DerivedClassName

Is there any way to get the Derived Class Name from static Keyword ? What I actually want to do is. Make a Reflection of the Derived Class Check Wheather it implements the Specified Class or not I've a static method the Base Class say its named Base::check() I want Base::check() will check for the existence of the Interface Implementat...

Retrieving parameter values through reflection.

I am trying to come up with a design for a method that takes another method as a parameter and retrieves the parameter values of the method passed. How can this be done? I've tried using java.lang.reflect.* but can't seem to find an API that supports this. ...

Java - Dynamic Class Casting from Interface to Implementation

I have read other related posts, but am still not quite sure how, or if it is possible to Dynamically cast (Interface to Implementation) in Java. I am under the impression that I must use Reflection to do so. The particular project I am working on requires a usage of many instanceof checks, and it is, in my opinion getting a bit out o...

Java Reflection API - Getting the value of a String[] field.

I was wondering if it is possible to grab a String[] of an unknown size from a class using the java reflection API and store it elsewhere? Thanks. ...

Windows Form launched from WPF window showing no current system theme. Why?

Hi all. I have a WPF application that has a variable "x" which is an instance of a class from a custom C# assembly called "MyClasses.dll". This variable "x" has a method "LaunchForm" that launches a Windows Form "Form1" from another assembly "MyForms.dll". The form is launched as a dialog and shown in the screen but the current Windows X...

Type comparison not returning expected result.

I am using the following code to compare types so that a DataContractSerializer will re-initialize with the correct type if necessary. private void InitializeSerializer(Type type) { if (this.serializer == null) { this.serializer = new DataContractSerializer(type); this.typeToSerialize = ty...

MethodInfo and Delegates

I am using dotnet 2.0 I know that with an EventInfo value, you can loop through an Assembly's Types and find all the methods that match the EventInfo delegate definition ( EventInfo.EventHandlerType ) Is there a way to find out what available delegates a given MethodInfo can be assigned in the Delegate.CreateDelegate() function without...

Implementation of Interface Invalid

I've been trying to make a module, command-line-like application. Each module can hold multiple commands. For example, "Module A" can have commands like "exit" and "echo". I'm using the following code to load and initialize my modules... foreach (string Filename in Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, @...

GetFields of derived type

I am trying to reflect the fields in a derived type but it's returning the fields of the base type. public class basetype { string basevar; } public class derivedtype : basetype { string derivedvar; } In some function: derivedtype derived = new derivedtype(); FieldInfo[] fields = derived.GetType().GetFields(); This will ...

Get FieldInfo of inherited class

In C# I have classes which are derived in the following way: MyClass1 <- MyClass2 <- MyClass3 <- MyClass4 (The root class is MyClass1) Now I have an instance of MyClass4 myClass4. How to get a private field info declared in MyClass2? I can do the following: FieldInfo[] fields = model.GetType().BaseType.BaseType. ...

How can I use Scala's Manifest class to instantiate the erased class at runtime?

I'm doing some WebDriver+PageObject stuff. (If your not familiar with PageObjects, this is a pattern where you have a class representing each page on your site which exposes all the functions of the page using the domain language, hiding the HTML stuff from the test.) I want to be lazy and have one 'submit' method in my abstract Page c...

Android EmailProvider

Hi, Is there a way to access the EmailProvider class via reflection? thanks! ...