
VB6 Regex Replace

Dim strPattern As String: strPattern = "[^a-zA-Z0-9]" Dim regex As New RegExp regex.Pattern = strPattern result = regex.Replace(pFileNameWithoutExtension, "_") It does work but it replace only 1 char. How can I replace more than one char. Example : "ÉPÉ" should be "P" but currently the result is : "_PÉ"? ...

Regex for Alphanumeric and ' ', '-', '_', and '.'?

Hey can anyone whip up a regex that i could use to validate strings containing only alphanumeric characters along with ' ', '-', '_', and '.' ? Thanks ...

Inserting a string after a certain character in Ruby

Hi, I have to insert a string after a certain character using Ruby. For example, if I have a line like the following: (N D CGYRWIFGD2S7 0 1 N)(N D CGYCGYOVFBK0 0 N N)(ISA N N N CGYCG3FEXOIS N PUB NONE N N 0)(ISA N N N CGYCGYFGAOIS N PUB NONE N N 0)(ISA N N N CGYCG2FGAOIS N PUB NONE N N 0)(N D CGYCGYOVFBK1 0 N N)(N D CGYLOCFGA2S7 0 N N...

How can I assign the match of my regular expression to a variable?

I have a text file with various entries in it. Each entry is ended with line containing all asterisks. I'd like to use shell commands to parse this file and assign each entry to a variable. How can I do this? Here's an example input file: *********** Field1 *********** Lorem ipsum Data to match *********** More data Still more data *...

PHP - folksonomy tag checking regex

I'm trying to create a regex for checking values of submitted tags for a free form folksonomy system. Here is what I have now. if (!preg_match('/([^-\\a-zA-Z0-9._@\'])+/',$proposedtag)) { //true, good return true; } else { //false, bad characters return false; } I want to allow: hyphen, backslash, forward slash, a-z, ...

Regex to determine if a string starts with more than one capital letter

I am trying to determine if a string has more than 1 capital letter in a row at the start of a string. I have the following regex but it doesn't work: `^[A-Z]{2,1000}` I want it to return true for: ABC ABc ABC ABC ABc Abc But false for: Abc AbC Abc Abc Abc ABc I have the 1000 just because I know the value won't be more than 10...

Need Help with a regular expression not replacing all instances of an expression

Been banging my head against the wall on this one all day and am getting close to my wits end on this. Looking for some fresh perspective. Sample Input Text: (line breaks added for clarity, not in actual data ) </div>#My Novel<br /> ##Chapter1<br /> It was a dark and stormy night<br /> ##Chapter 2<br /> The End Desired Output <...

Is there a Perl equivalent for String.scan found in Ruby?

I want to do this in Perl: >> "foo bar baz".scan /(\w+)/ => [["foo"], ["bar"], ["baz"]] Any suggestions? ...

Javascript Regex: Bolding needles in a haystack

Related (but not the same): Javascript Regex: How to bold specific words with regex? Given a needle and a haystack... I want to put bold tags around the needle. So what regex expression would I use with replace()? I want SPACE to be the delimeter and I want the search to be case insensitive and I want special characters (such as @!...

C#/regex, simple question

How comes this writes False? Console.Write(Regex.IsMatch("[abcde]{1,16}", "babe")); What's wrong with my regex? Doesn't that regex roughly translate to: contains between 1 and 16 characters, a through e? ...

Regex for all PRINTABLE characters

Is there a special regex statement like \w that denotes all printable characters? I'd like to validate that a string only contains a character that can be printed--i.e. does not contain ASCII control characters like \b (bell), or null, etc. Anything on the keyboard is fine, and so are UTF chars. If there isn't a special statement, how c...

I’m stuck in trying to grep anything just after `name=`

I’m stuck in trying to grep anything just after name=, include only spaces and alphanumeric. e.g.: name=some value here I get some value here I’m totally newb in this, the following grep match everything including the name=. grep 'name=.*' filename Any help is much appreciated. ...

Javascript Regex: Bolding needles in a haystack (edited question)

This is a slightly modified version of the question here. The difference is I don't the special characters to be included in the bold tags if they are on front or back. Given a needle and a haystack... I want to put bold tags around the needle. So what regex expression would I use with replace()? I want SPACE to be the delimeter and I ...

How can I expand a finite pattern into all its possible matches?

For example, given the pattern [a-zA-Z]_[0-9]{2} a function would take the pattern and return an array or list containing a_00, a_01, a_02, ... , a_98, a_99, ... , z_98, z_99 Only numbers and letters (and finite groupings thereof) need be expanded. How would I go about doing this? An example in Python or Perl would be preferred. Th...

What does the "s!" operator in Perl do?

I have this Perl snippet from a script that I am translating into Python. I have no idea what the "s!" operator is doing; some sort of regex substitution. Unfortunately searching Google or Stackoverflow for operators like that doesn't yield many helpful results. $var =~ s!<foo>.+?</foo>!!; $var =~ s!;!/!g; What is each line doing? I...

Is the default configuration of re incorrect on macbooks? Or have I simply misunderstood something?

Python came pre-installed on my macbook and I have been slowly getting acquainted with the langauge. However, it seems that my configuration of the re library is incorrect, or I simply misunderstand something and things are amiss. Whenever I run a python script with "import re", I recieve the following error: Traceback (most recent ca...

Replace Part of String in MySQL

If i have data in my MySQL like this table: data(TEXT) foo (hal) foo (dave) bar (dave) bar(dave) And i want to do This Query SELECT DISTINCT(data) FROM table; Now this will return the table as listed above. But i want to do is some sort of replace so that my return query should look like this SELECT D...

Simple python/Regex problem: Removing all new lines from a file

I'm becoming acquainted with python and am creating problems in order to help myself learn the ins and outs of the language. My next problem comes as follows: I have copied and pasted a huge slew of text from the internet, but the copy and paste added several new lines to break up the huge string. I wish to programatically remove all ...

Ruby url to html link conversion

I'm building a simple chat app with Rails. when a user types in a url, I want it to be output as an html link (ie, "url"). I was wondering if there is any library or well known way to do this in Ruby. If not, I've got some decent regex sample code to work with... ...

How to search with a regular expression in Eclipse?

How can I use Eclipse to search all files which have this on their first line: <? instead of this: <?php The following isn't working: ...