
String pattern matching problem in Java

In my program when I'm using line.replaceAll("(", "_"); I got a RuntimeException: at java.util.regex.Pattern.error(Unknown Source) at java.util.regex.Pattern.accept(Unknown Source) at java.util.regex.Pattern.group0(Unknown Source) at java.util.regex.Pattern.sequence(Unknown Source) at java.util.regex.Pattern.expr(Unknown Source)...

How to use this with JQuery

hi, how do i use this code with jquery, i know it's easy but it doesn't work for me. document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].innerHTML.replace(/<!--|-->/g,'') ...

Regex, get string value between two characters

Howdy, I'd like to return string between two characters, @ and dot (.). I tried to use regex but cannot find it working. (@(.*?).) Anybody? ...

Regex string for IRC

I am trying to write a regex string to match a string revived from an IRC channel. The message will be in the format "!COMMAND parameters"; the only command that is built by the system so far is repeat. The regex I am using looks like this: /![repeat] (.*?)/ When other commands are added it will look like: /![cmd1|cmd2|cmd3] (.*?)/...

Email Validation: converting a regular expression written in PHP (preg) to .NET (Regex)

Based on this answer... Which led me to this site... I'd like to use this regex for email validation for my ASP.NET MVC app: /^[-_a-z0-9\'+*$^&%=~...

JS+Regexp: Match anything except if it's between [[ ]]

I've got a <textarea> that will be basically a list of names, so I set a function to replace the spaces between the names for a new line. Now I need to specify that two or more spaces between names are in fact part of the same element. IE: John Lucas [[Laurie Vega]] [[Daniel Deer]] Robert Should turn to John Lucas [[Laurie Vega]] [[...

How to check if a Regex expression matches an entire string in c#?

Hi, I am new to regex expressions so sorry if this is a really noob question. I have a regex expression... What I want to do is check if a string matches the regex expression in its entirety without the regex expression matching any subsets of the string. For example... If my regex expression is looking for a match of \s*A*\s*, it sho...

with and without trailing slash

What would I make this rule so that you can access it with and without trailing slash? RewriteRule ^members/([^/]+)$ members.php?id=$1 [L] ...

could you explain to me this regular expression?

Sure it's a regular expression's newbie question, I saw it in a program but I can't understand the part of the two backslashes, Does "\\" have a special meaning like \r or \t? [a-zA-Z]+\\.? Thank you ...

how to replace all Uppercase letters with spacing ?

$string = "MaryGoesToSchool"; $expectedoutput = "Mary Goes To School"; ...

PHP RegEx extension - How to strip only url=* ?

Hi! I've written a regular expression to strip out BBCode tags - it just strips the allowed tags out (for later counting the string length without the tags). I'm not an expert when it comes to regular expressions - so after an hour I found this pretty much working: $pattern = "/\[\/?(i|b|u|url(.*?)|list|li)[\]\[]*\]/i"; $stripped = pre...

replacing linebreaks in javascript doesn't work :(

Hey there, I'm trying to replace a <blockquote>...</blockquote> with >> ... This is my Code: var testhtml = 'sdkjhfbs <blockquote>skldfjsfkjghbs\n sdjkfhb ksdbhv isl\n kdjbhdfgkj bs</blockquote>kdjfgnkdfj'; alert(blockquoteConvert(testhtml)); function blockquoteConvert(html) { return '>>' + html. replace(/<blockquot...

regex match www or nothing

Hi I have the following urls: How would I match match www or nothing in a regex? Thanks, Andy ...

How do I make these Perl regexs Python compatible?

I have these two lines in an old Perl script. When I write the Python equivalent I get all sorts of errors like valueerror: invalid \x escape, and stuff about encoding. $line =~ s/[^\x{8}-\x{7B}]/ /ig; $line =~ s/(Û|²|°|±|É|¹|Í)/ /g; What do I need to do to get them working in Python? ...

python-re: How do I match an alpha character.

How can I match an alpha character with a regular expression. I want a character that is in \w but is not in \d. I want it unicode compatible that's why I cannot use [a-zA-Z]. ...

Remove repeated chars completely (regex/C#)

Looking for a one line C# code that would remove repeated chars from a string. Have done it with a simple loop with look-ahead but like to see a regex soln. Ex. input = "6200032111623451123345666" output = "623262345245" Thanks. Lyle ...

Java Regular Expressions

Hallo, I have the following syntax: @AAAA{tralala10aa, author = {Some Author}, title = {Some Title}, booktitle = {Some Booktitle}, year = {2010}, month = {March}, booktitle_short = {CC 2010}, conference_url = {}, projects = {projects} } .... I've made the following regular expression: @[A-Z]*[{][...

how do i regex search for weird non-ascii characters in python?

I'm using the following regex basically to search for and delete these characters. invalid_unicode = re.compile(ur'(Û|²|°|±|É|¹|Í)') My source code in ascii encoded, and whenever I try to run the script it spits out: SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xdb' in file ./ on line 273, but no encoding declared; see http://www.pyt...

Regular expression for a string literal in flex/lex

I'm experimenting to learn flex and would like to match string literals. My code currently looks like: "\""([^\n\"\\]*(\\[.\n])*)*"\"" {/*matches string-literal*/;} I've been struggling with variations for an hour or so and can't get it working the way it should. I'm essentially hoping to match a string literal that can't conta...

Need help writing a regex

Hi folks! I'm trying to find the latter half of patterns of the following template: foo/BAR 'BAR' is the one I'm trying to retrieve. I tried with something like: \b(foo)/([a-zA-Z]+) This works fine, but this also matches http://foo/BAR - which I don't want. I also tried \\s(foo)/([a-zA-Z]+) but this doesnt match when the lin...