
Regular expression to match any empty line or any line starting with a specified character

Given the following input... ; ; comment ; another comment ; data data I am looking for a regular expression that can be used to strip the blank lines and return only the two lines containing the "data" (but leaving the line breaks intact). Thanks. ...

How can I check if a binary string is UTF-8 in mysql?

I've found a Perl regexp that can check if a string is UTF-8 (the regexp is from w3c site). $field =~ m/\A( [\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\x7E] # ASCII | [\xC2-\xDF][\x80-\xBF] # non-overlong 2-byte | \xE0[\xA0-\xBF][\x80-\xBF] # excluding overlongs | [\xE1-\xEC\xEE\xEF][\x80-\xBF]{2} # straight 3-byt...

Anyone knows which group in a regular expression actually does the matching job

Say I have a regular expression like the fowllowing: {"(group 1) | (group 2) (group 3) |....( group n)"} to match an input String object, if it matches successfully, how can I know which group among above n groups is acturally matches this String object? What I am using is regex lib in java.util. Thank you guys. ...

PHP - reduce multiple slashes to single slash

Hi, I have a regular expression that I use to reduce multiple slashes to single slashes. The purpose is to read a url that is previously converted to a human readable link using mod_rewrite in apache, like this : This works : $uri = 'about//me'; $uri = preg_replace('#//+#', '/', $uri); echo $uri; // e...

edit delimited string with regular expression

hello everyone, i have a string which i want to edit a part of it. the string is like "1:5,7:9,13:20,130:510,134:2," now all i want to do is remove the first part of those numbers like "5,9,20,540,2," i tried a bunch of combinations but didn't get what i expected. Regex rx = new Regex("[:]\\d+[,]"); foreach (Match mx in rx.Matc...

JavaScript multistep regular expression find and replace

What I am trying to do is swap out any object references to YouTube videos, and replace them with their thumbnail reference along with a call to an internal method which passes the YouTube ID. A sample body text may look like this: This is a my test This is a my test This is a my test This is a my test This is a my test This is a my te...

Regex for string using GNU C regex library

Hello, I am writing a regex to use with the GNU C regex library: The string is of the form: (text in italics is a description of content) (NOT a #) start (maybe whitespace) : data I have written the following code, but it won't match. regcomp(&start_state, "^[^#][ \\t]*\\(start\\)[ \\t]*[:].*$", REG_EXTENDED); What do I need t...

Implementing preg_match_all in Python

I basically want the same functionality of preg_match_all()from PHP in a Python way. If I have a regex pattern and a string, is there a way to search the string and get back a dictionary of each occurrence of a vowel, along with its position in the string? Example: s = "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" Would return: { 'u' : 1,...

[PHP] regex "/^something/" behavior

In some obscure situations a regular expression like "/^match/" works in the exact oposite way matching a line that is "something else", and the only way to fix it is to put the whole regex inside braces ... "/^(match)/", why is that happening? ...

Converting Straight Quotes to Curly Quotes

I have an application which uses a javascript based rules engine. I need a way to convert regular straight quotes into curl (or smart) quotes. It'd be easy to just do a string.replace for ["], only this will only insert one case of the curly quote. The best way I could think of was replace the first occurrence of a quote with a left...

.NET Regex for "not this string"

I'm a regex newbie and need a single expression that: matches the "an" and the "AN" but not the "and" or "AND" and matches the "o" and the "O" but not the "or" or "OR" in this predicate: 1and(2or3)AND(4OR5)an(6o7)AN(8O9) Basically I can't figure out how to convert the expression: var myRegEx = Regex("[0-9 ()]|AND|OR") into a "ever...

regex to detect leading zeros and check the lenght from 0 to 12 digits.

Hi I have a javascript function that checks for signed integer with 0 to 12 length, i also want to see if there are any leading 0's like 0012 should return false. function sInteger0to12(str) { str = str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); return /^[-+]?\d{0,12}$/.test(str); } any help will be appreciated. ...

grep replacement with extensive regular expression implementation

I have been using grepWin for general searching of files, and wingrep when I want to do replacements or what-have-you. GrepWin has an extensive implementation of regular expressions, however doesn't do replacements (as mentioned above). Wingrep does replacements, however has a severely limited range of regular expression implementation...

RegEx help - converting from JavaScript to C#

I have a string that I need to do multiple search and replaces to remove leading and trailing spaces inside an attribute. The before and after effect is shown here (visually and with a JS example of it working): Now, I need to do the equivalent in C# - replace all references in a string. But I am really stuck. I...

PHP Regular Expression - Repeating Match of a Group

I have a string that may look something like this: $r = 'Filed under: <a>Group1</a>, <a>Group2</a>'; Here is the regular expression I am using so far: preg_match_all("/Filed under: (?:<a.*?>([\w|\d|\s]+?)<\/a>)+?/", $r, $matches); I want the regular expression to inside the () to continue to make matches as designated with the +? a...

Regular Expression

I have a grammar defined as follows: A -> aA*b | empty_string Is A a regular expression? I'm confused as to how to interpret a BNF grammar. ...

Correct syntax for replacing multiple occurrences with PHP's preg_replace

I've gone over other questions from stack overflow with similar ideas but none seem to resemble closely enough what I'm trying to do. Seems simple, but I'm in a pickle. I'm trying to replace multiple occurrences of a line break (\n) with only one line break, so people won't be able to submit more than one line break at a time. Here's wh...

Remove substrings in ruby

Given an array of strings, array1 = ["abcdwillbegoneabcccc","cdefwilbegokkkabcdc"] and another array of strings which consist of patterns e.g. ["abcd","beg[o|p]n","bcc","cdef","h*gxwy"] the task is to remove substrings that match any of the pattern strings. for example a sample output for this case should be: ["willbegonea","wilbeg...

Python regex problem

What I am trying to do: Parse a query for a leading or trailing ? which will result in a search on the rest of the string. "foobar?" or "?foobar" results in a search. "foobar" results in some other behavior. This code works as expected in the interpreter: >>> import re >>> print re.match(".+\?\s*$","foobar?") <_sre.SRE_Match obj...

Validation for phone and mobile numbers.

Hi , I tried it on Google but not get proper RE.will someone help me to achieve this : Phone Number: (Country Code)-(City Code)-(Number) Mobile Number: (Country Code)-(Number) obviously that should not take char. Please help me ...