
What's a Regex pattern for 3 consecutive digits increasing or decreasing.

I need a regex pattern to match a sequence of 3 consecutive digits in a string that are consecutively increasing or decreasing. For example: These strings should match (xxx123xxx, 789xxxxxx, xxxxxx987, xxxxxx432) These strings should not match (xxxxxx454, 333xxxxxx, xxx429xxx) ...

Python / Regex: exclude everything except one thing

Suppose I have these strings: a = "hello" b = "-hello" c = "-" d = "hell-o" e = " - " How do I match only the -(String C)? I've tried a if "-" in something but obviously that isn't correct. Could someone please advise? Let's say we put these strings into a list, looped through and all I wanted to extract was C. How would I do th...

How do you get the group name of a regex?

I had a regex, like so: (?<one-1>cat)|(?<two-2>dog)|(?<three-3>mouse)|(?<four-4>fish) When I tried to use this pattern in a .Net app, it failed, because the group name contained a '-' in it. So, as a workaround, I tried to use two regexes, the first: (?<A>cat)|(?<Be>dog)|(?<C>mouse)|(?<D>fish) would match the original cases I was...

Searching for a regular expression in Eclipse (finding all links without an onclick attribute)

Hi! I am trying to create a proper regular expression to find all anchors in my project with Eclipse File Search. What I'm looking for: <a href="some.url" onclick="some onclickHandler"> What I want to accomplish is finding all anchors without an onclick and add it when needed. Thanks for your help! ...

how to match function code block with regex

What I like to do is remove all functions which has specific word for example, if the word is 'apple': void eatapple() { // blah // blah } I'd like to delete all code from 'void' to '}'. What I tried is: ^void.*apple(.|\n)*} But it took very long time I think something is wrong here. I'm using Visual Studio. Thank you. ...

Regex search and replace in VI

I have a document with lots of <swf...>.....</swf> in it. I would like to remove all these. Using vi when i type :%s/\<swf[^\/swf>]+\/swf\>//g I was hoping this would work, but it doesn't match anything. ...

Implement Date Time Picker functionality with MaskedTextBox. Validation done with RegEx

I am trying to create a Custom control specifically for my application which would be using maskedTextBox to restrict input data entered. Now i want to implement this in C#. class CustomDateMask:System.Windows.Forms.MaskedTextBox this.Mask = "00/00/2\000"; // For year 2000 and above, date format is "dd/mm/yyyy" this.ValidatingType = ...

Help with a regular expression to validate a series of n email addresses seperated by semicolons

I'm using an Web Forms RegularExpressionValidator Control to validate a text field to ensure it contains a series of email addresses separated by semicolons. What is the proper regex for this task? ...

UTF-8 characters in preg_match_all (PHP)

I have preg_match_all('/[aäeëioöuáéíóú]/u', $in, $out, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); If $in = 'hëllo' $out is: array(1) { [0]=> array(2) { [0]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(2) "ë" [1]=> int(1) } [1]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(1) "o" [1]=> int(5) } } } The position of o should be 4. I've read about this problem on...

regex to find instance of a word or phrase -- except if that word or phrase is in braces

First, a disclaimer. I know a little about regex's but I'm no expert. They seem to be something that I really need twice a year so they just don't stay "on top" of my brain. The situation: I'd like to write a regex to match a certain word, let's call it "Ostrich". Easy. Except Ostrich can sometimes appear inside of a curly brace. If it...

Possible to retrieve an arbitrary unordered set of named groups in one swoop with Python's re module?

This is super handy for some problems: >>>'(?P<b>.b.).*(?P<i>.i.)', 'abcdefghijk').groupdict() {'i': 'hij', 'b': 'abc'} But what if I don't know what order to expect ahead of time? [update] Eg, say I have an input variable containing some unknown order of characters and it just so happens that 'b' comes after 'i'. I wa...

Java regex to retain specific closing tags

I'm trying to write a regex to remove all but a handful of closing xml tags. The code seems simple enough: String stringToParse = "<body><xml>some stuff</xml></body>"; Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("</[^(a|em|li)]*?>"); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(stringToParse); stringToParse = matcher.replaceAll(""); However, when this ru...

Regular Expression

I'm trying to get a regular expression that allows between 6 - 15 characters and can be a-zA-Z0-9 and the symbols above the numbers 1-8 on a keyboard. Here's what I have but it doesn't work. '/^[a-zA-Z0-9-_][\!\@\#\$\%\^&\*]{5,16}+$/' ...

Strip words beginning with a specific letter from a sentence using regex

I'm not sure how to use regular expressions in a function so that I could grab all the words in a sentence starting with a particular letter. I know that I can do: word =~ /^#{letter}/ to check if the word starts with the letter, but how do I go from word to word. Do I need to convert the string to an array and then iterate through...

C#: What should the regular expression be for this?

I know that there are many ASN.1 parser out there but they cost quite a lot and as such, I am trying to write my own. I am kind of new to Regular Expression so in order to extract the text for the placeholders A, B, C and D, what should the Regular Expression be in C#? A ::= B { C1 D1, C2 D2, C3 D3 } where A, C and D can ...

Regular expression for accepting alphnumeric characters (6-10 chars) .NET, C#

I am building a user registration form using C# with .NET. I have a requirement to validate user entered password fields. Validation requirement is as below. It should be alphanumeric (a-z , A-Z , 0-9) It should accept 6-10 characters (minimum 6 characters, maximum 10 characters) With at least 1 alphabet and number (example: stack1ove...

efficient method to replace multiple words in text

Using JavaScript I need to efficiently remove ~10000 keywords from a ~100000 word document, of which ~1000 will be keywords. What approach would you suggest? Would a massive regular expression be practical? Or should I just iterate through the document characters looking for keywords (boring)? Edit: Good point - only whole words, not ...

java regex to exclude specific strings from a larger one

I have been banging my head against this for some time now: I want to capture all [a-z]+[0-9]? character sequences excluding strings such as sin|cos|tan etc. So having done my regex homework the following regex should work: (?:(?!(sin|cos|tan)))\b[a-z]+[0-9]? As you see I am using negative lookahead along with alternation - the \b aft...

Verify if provided string corresponds to pattern on python

Guys, could you please advice how to verify in python if provided string correspond to provided pattern and return result. For example the provided pattern is following: < [prefix]-[id]> separated by ','>|< log >" where prefix is any number of alphabetic characters, id is only numbers but not exceeding 5 digits, log is any number of ...

Parsing values from a formatted string in C#

How can I parse multiple values from a formatted string in C#? The string is in this format: "blah blah blah (foo:this, bar:that)" I need to parse out the foo and the bar value. The parentheses are always at the end of the line. Edit: Sorry... that wasn't very clear. What I meant was I need to know the "foo" value and the "bar" v...