I am using a regular expression which gets the substring associated with a match
This regex will find the occurences of MAC:(Some characters) in a string.
This regex is working for characters less than 10 i.e
"(MAC:[A-Z0-9]{8})" - WORKS
Any help appre...
Hi folks,
pretty simple -> a regex query to find two dashes in a string. If a string has more than two dashes, then it returns the index of the first two dashes.
PASS: fdhfdjkgsdf--sdfdsfsdsf
PASS: sldfjkdsf------dsfdsf----fds
FAIL: asdasdsa
FAIL: asd-dsadsaads
I have the following replace function
The aim is to take single-letter words (e.g. prepositions) and add a non-breaking space after them, instead of standard space.
However the above $1 variable doesn't work for me. It inserts text "$1 " instead of a part of original matched string + nbsp.
ruby 1.8.6 (2007-09-24 patchlevel 111)
str = '\&123'
puts "abc".gsub("b", str) => ab123c
puts "abc".gsub("b", "#{str}") => ab123c
puts "abc".gsub("b", str.to_s) => ab123c
puts "abc".gsub("b", '\&123') => ab123c
puts "abc".gsub("b", "\&123") => a&123c <--- This I want to achieve using temporary variable
If I change str = '\&123' to str...
I need to extract the string
out of
The regular expression i use is
But still i do not get the intended result
Please help !!
Is there a way to retrieve the (starting) character positions inside a string of the results of a regex match() in Javascript?
Regex needed for a time of the format: 12-02-30T00:59:43.
Also, I've not managed to find any decent websites or books that contain good explanations or reference material for regular expressions. Can anyone recommend any?
I store the content of a website in a string $html.
I want to count all html links that link to a file in the .otf format, add a list of these links to the end of $html and remove the original links.
An example:
$html_input = '
Lorem <a href="font-1.otf">ipsum</a> dolor sit amet,
consectetur <a href="http://ww...
I'm trying to write a regular expression that finds C#-style unescaped strings, such as
string x = @"hello
The problem I'm having is how to write a rule that handles double quotes within the string correctly, like in this example
string x = @"before quote ""junk"" after quote";
This should be an easy one, right?
Given an XML fragment that I want to parse with XPath I first need to extract the namespaces to add to the namespace manager. I've been trying to figure out the Regex pattern needed to extract xml attributes that define a namepspace. For example I want to get all the namespaces which I can do some more basic string manipulation on to sep...
Having the same problem as the poster of this question:
The cookie looks like this..
PHPSESSID=8527b5532b6018aec4159d81f69765bd; path=/; expires=Fri, 19-Feb-2010 13:52:51 GMT, id=1578; expires=Mon, 22-Feb-2010 13:37:51 GMT, password=123456; expires=M...
I don't understand why the test in jQuery's parseJSON function:
/^[\],:{}\s]*$/.test(data.replace(/\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g, "@")
.replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g, "]")
.replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, ""))
returns false for the string:
In JavaScript this is how we can split a string at every 3-rd character
I am trying to figure out how to do this in Java. Any pointers?
I have some content with a list of URLs contained in it.
I am trying to grab all the URLs out and put them in an array.
I have this code
content = "Here is the list of URLs: http://www.google.com http://www.google.com/index.html"
urls = content.scan(/^(http|https):\/\/[a-z0-9]+([\-\.]{1}[a-z0-9]+)*\.[a-z]{2,5}(([0-9]{1,5})?\/.*...
Looking for a free Windows GUI text editor that supports solid1 regular expressions for its Find/Replace features, for programmers to use.
Familiar with Vim, Ed, Emcas, etc. Not looking for a command-based editor. Will give chosen editor to team members already familiar with Regular Expressions, but don't want learning curve incurred to...
I'm wondering why there have to be so many regular expression dialects. Why does it seem like so many languages, rather then reusing a tried and true dialect, seem bent on writing their own.
Like these.
I mean, I understand that some of these do have very different backends. But shouldn't that be abstracted from the programmer?
I'm ...
I want to replace the class with the div text like this :
This: <div class="grid-flags" >FOO</div>
Becomes: <div class="iconFoo" ></div>
So the class is changed to "icon". ucfirst(strtolower(FOO)) and the text is removed
<div class="grid-flags" >FOO</div>
'/class=\"grid-flags\" \>(FOO|BAR|BAZ)/e'
In my asp.net application i have url www.site.com/rugby to match it i have regex
"~/(.+)" which works perfectly fine. But if i navigate to www.site.com/login.aspx again regex matches with this expression "/(.+)".
In Simple words i want a regex which only match the extenionless url. IF extension is present in the url then do not match ...
I have a part of HTML source file that contains strings that I want to select and copy at once, using the regex functionality of Notepad++.
Here is a part of the text source:
<option value="Performance"
<option value="Maintenance"
<option value="System Stability"
>System Stability</option>
I was wondering if, with egrep ((GNU grep) 2.5.1), I can select a part of the matched text, something like:
grep '^([a-zA-Z.-]+)[0-9]+' ./file.txt
So I get only the part which matched, between the brackets, something like
Instead of the whole line like I usually get:
Assuming I have a line with h...