
Password Regular Expression is not working with RadInputManager?

I am using Teleriks RadInputManager control to check that a password is between 7 and 16 characters and contains at least 1 numeric and 1 special character, but when I type something that I know fits the expression, validation fails, so I believe my regular expression is wrong. Here is the expression I am using: /^(?=.{7,16}$)\D+\d/ ...

Confused on why this regular expression does not work?

/^(?=.*\d)(?=.*[!@&.$#]).{7,16}$/ It should allow between 7 and 16 characters and contain at least 1 numeric character and 1 special character and can't start with a number. I tried testing it but it does not work? ...

Tools that turn regular phrases into regular expressions?

I know there are a lot of tools that allow you to create regular expressions and test regular phrases against them, but is there a tool that allows you to type just a regular phrase or word, etc and it will generate the regular expression for you. For example, typing: xyz555.. would generate the correct regular expression. It may not ...

Simple syntax question

Hey everyone, First off, sorry for my noob-ness. Believe me when i say ive been rtfm'ing. Im not lazy, im just dumb (apparently). On the bright side, this could earn someone some easy points here. I'm trying to do a match/replace with a pattern that contains special characters, and running into syntax errors in a Flex 3 app. I just wan...

Javascript regular expression

text = 'ticket number #1234 and #8976 '; r = /#(\d+)/g; var match = r.exec(text); log(match); // ["#1234", "1234"] In the above case I would like to capture both 1234 and 8976. How do I do that. Also the sentence can have any number of '#' followed by integers. So the solution should not hard not be hard coded assuming that there wil...

How can I capture the group of digits at the end of a string in Perl?

I'm trying to capture the last digits in this line in a regex group: The input: 9 Power_On_Hours 0x0032 099 099 000 Old_age Always - 54654 My pattern: /Power_On_Hours.+Always\s.+([0-9]{1,5})/ I just can't seem to get it to capture "54654", it's returning undef :( ...

How do I write a Perl regular expression that will match a string with only these characters?

I am pretty new to regular expressions. I want to write a regular expression which validates whether the given string has only certain characters. If the string has any other characters than these it should not be matched. The characters I want are: & ' : , / - ( ) . # " ; A-Z a-z 0-9 ...

How to match a comment unless it's in a quoted string?

So I have some string: //Blah blah blach // sdfkjlasdf "Another //thing" And I'm using java regex to replace all the lines that have double slashes like so: theString = Pattern.compile("//(.*?)\\n", Pattern.DOTALL).matcher(theString).replaceAll(""); And it works for the most part, but the problem is it removes all the occurrences a...

Regex for IPv4 Routable address only

What is a regex that can find a routable IPv4 addresses only? EG, does not match,, etc. Google seems to only find the all too common 'is an ip address' regex. ...

Shorter way to express regular expression matching a space or " "

I have a regular expression that is getting some information from a string. I need the values on both sides of either a space or a nbsp. Problem is that I believe the only way I can specify either or is with groups and bar. Is there a more concise or readable way to do this? There has to be! Using Regex in C# Regex: (\d)(?:(?:\s)|(?:&...

Perl Regular Expressions to match a MD5 Hash?

Recently programming in PHP, I thought I had a working Perl regular expression but when I checked it against what I wanted, it didn't work. What is the right expression to check if something is a MD5 has (32 digit hexadecimal of a-z and 0-9). Currently, I have /^[a-z0-9]{32}$/i ...

Java regex help

Can somebody please show me how to do a Java regex that takes in a string and returns a string with all characters removed BUT a-z and 0-9? I.e. given a string a%4aj231*9.+ it will return a4aj2319 thanks. ...

Capturing part of a url

Hi, I'm having some difficulty writing a regular expression. My input will be a url, looking like this: I wanted to capture (some-stuff-here), which is everything between the last forward slash, and the first # sign (or just the ending, if the # sign extra content does not ex...

Is it feasible to write a regex that can validate simple math?

I’m using a commercial application that has an option to use RegEx to validate field formatting. Normally this works quite well. However, today I’m faced with validating the following strings: quoted alphanumeric codes with simple arithmetic operators (+-/*). Apparently the issue is sometimes users add additional spaces (e.g. “ FLR0...

Boost regular expressions

Does anyone know of any good tutorials on regular expressions using boost? I have been searching for a decent one, but it seems most are for people who know a little about regular expressions ...

replace character (space with  ) across whole webpage using javascript/jQuery

Hi, So I figured out that the replace function, that finds all single-letter "words" (prepositions and conjunction, etc.) and replace the space after them with a   to prevent leaving these characters at the end of line, should be something like myString.replace(/\s\w(?=\s)/,"$1 ") Now how do I apply it to all text on a webp...

Java Regex, capturing groups with comma separated values.

InputString: A soldier may have bruises , wounds , marks , dislocations or other Injuries that hurt him . ExpectedOutput: bruises wounds marks dislocations Injuries Generalized Pattern Tried: ".[\s]?(\w+?)"+ // bruises. "(?:(\s)?,(\s)?(\w+?))*"+ // wounds marks dislocations "[\s]?(?:or|a...

Regex two given words in one sentence

Hello. I want to get a regex which can tell if two given words are in one sentence (word order matters). The problem is that I can have a contraction in a sentence, so the period doesn't indicate that there's the end of the sentence. The part of regex which indicates the end of the sentence is \.(\s+[A-Z]|\s*$) Could someone help me to ...

How-to strip email and phone numbers from html input ?

How-to strip email and phone numbers from html input ? Before: "please contact me at [email protected] or email[at] or by phone at 555 555 555" After: "please contact me at [Replacement] or [Replacement] or by phone at [Replacement]" ...

Using RegEx Replace function in C# ASP.NET

How do I solve the problem below? I'm creating a simple content management system, where there is a HTML template with specific markup that denotes where content should be: <html><head></head><body><!-- #Editable "Body1" --><p>etc etc</p><!-- #Editable "Extra" --></body></html> Separate from this, there is content in a database fiel...