
RegEx Problem using .NET

I have a little problem on RegEx pattern in c#. Here's the rule below: input: 1234567 expected output: 123/1234567 Rules: Get the first three digit in the input. //123 Add / Append the the original input. //123/1234567 The expected output should looks like this: 123/1234567 here's my regex pattern: regex rx = new regex(@"((\w{1,...

Create a Reg Exp to search for __word__?

In a program I'm making in python and I want all words formatted like __word__ to stand out. How could I search for words like these using a regex? ...

c# Regex.Match problem

I am having some issues with matching text to extract data from an HTML page. Here is what I have so far, but plainText stays empty: private void Scrape() { // create variables string html; string plainText; // download page source // sample URL:

javascript regexp backreferences in character class possible?

Hi, Does javascript regular expressions support backreferences inside character class? I want to do something like this: htmlString.replace(/attribute_name=(['"])[^\1]*\1/,'') But that does not work. This does: htmlString.replace(/attribute_name=(['"])[^'"]*\1/,'') Unfortunatelly my attribute_name can contain apostrophes or quote...

Need help in Regular expressions

Hello All Request your valueable time in helping me to find substring values using Regular Expressions.. This is my input "ADMIN:YESEXT:NOBAT:NOBOM:NO" I should be able to extract the following things to output ADMIN:YES EXT:NO BAT:NO BOM:NO I used the following regex to get just the ADMIN: string ^\s?(?:ADMIN:) How should i mod...

How do I create a regex for ipaddress to be used with other patterns in PL SQL

I need to write a regular expression in order to be able to match the following patterns: IF:en0 IF:en0: IF:en11 IF:en11: The regular expression i wrote in PL SQL was IF REGEXP_LIKE(input_str, '^IF:en([0-9])([:]?)((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]{1,2})\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]{1,2})$') then DB...

Remove everything from a string expect content between span

Hi, is there any good way to remove everything from a string except the content inside a <span> tag? Example: $myString = "mso:dkdlfkdl */1134*/** <span>Hello</span>"; i want: $myNewString = '<span>Hello</span>'; ?? ...

Match last word after /

Hello people, so, i have some kind of intern urls: for example "/img/pic/Image1.jpg" or "/pic/Image1.jpg" or just "Image1.jpg", and i need to match this "Image1.jpg" in other words i want to match last character sequence after / or if there are no / than just character sequence. Thank you in advance! ...

Regex divide with upper-case

Hi, I would like to replace strings like 'HDMWhoSomeThing' to 'HDM Who Some Thing' with regex. So I would like to extract words which starts with an upper-case letter or consist of upper-case letters only. Notice that in the string 'HDMWho' the last upper-case letter is in the fact the first letter of the word Who - and should not be i...

Parse numbers from string using regex in VB.NET

I am trying to parse the digits to store in a variable from a string in VB.NET (would like to also include the decimal point). Here is an example string: Refund issued for $27.74 ...

Regular expression with an = and a ;

I'm trying to use a regular expression to find all substrings that start with an equals sign (=) and ends with a semicolon (;) with any number of characters in between. It should be something like this =*; For some reason, the equals is not registering. Is there some sort of escape character that will make the regex notice my equals sig...

Regex for html style attribute

Trying to get a regex that I can get a style attribute value from the example below should explain my issue. source: font-size:11pt;font-color:red;text-align:left; want to say give me .. font-size and returns 11pt font-colour and returns red text-align and returns left Can someone point me in the right direction Thanks Lee ...

Why are regular expressions greedy by default?

It seems that this is a huge source of confusion for beginners writing regular expressions, can cause hidden performance problems, and it would seem that a typical use case would be non-greedy. Is this just for legacy reasons (it was how it was first done, and every implementation copies that), or is there a reason for it? ...

Replace urls with the shortened version - Ruby

Replacing the urls in a block of plain text is done by looking for url regular expressions. I am using string.gsub(regex, "\1") to achieve the same. I would like to know how to proceed if the shortened url (using api's of any url shortening service) is to be used as the replacement and not the original url. I am using Ruby. ...

Problem with look behind assertion and optional substring

I'm trying to write some regex that will parse information from alerts generated by Hyperic HQ. The alerts come in as emails with a subject line like: "[HQ] !!! - Alert: My Demo Website Alert Resource: Apache Web Server State: fixed" To cut a very long story short, I need to be able to consistently grab the "Apache W...

Why both of my PHP regexp fail ?

$subject = "SPRINT-1.csv"; $pattern = '/^[a-zA-Z]\-[0-9]\.(csv)+$/'; if(preg_match($pattern, $subject)) { echo "Match"; } else { echo "NOPE"; } or $subject = "SPRINT-1.csv"; $pattern = '/^\w\-\.(csv)+$/'; if(preg_match($pattern, $subject)) { echo "Match"; } else { echo "NOPE"; } ...

RegEx For Multiline ASP.NET Textbox

I want to prevent the entry of two characters together but I want the user to be able to enter one or the other as well as use the enter key. I would like to use a white list instead of black listing characters. The regular expression also needs to support a min and max length. I'm doing client side validation using the asp:regularexpre...

python: Regex matching file extension

hi i am trying to get the extension of the file called in a url (eg"/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js?ver=1.3.2 HTTP/1.1") and get the query perimeters passed to the file too what would be the best way to the extension? ...

php regex: removing more than double space

$tags = preg_replace('/\s\s+/',' ', $tags); that will remove more than just one space ? i need to remove anything more than double space. ...

Regex to match all URLs except certain URLs

I need to match all valid URLs except: Generally, all URLs except certain domains. Here is what I have so far: https?://([-\w\.]+)+(:\d+)?(/([\w/_\.]*(\?\S+)?)?)? will match URLs that are close enough to my needs (but in no way all valid URLs!) (thanks, h...