
Why is this pattern not matching the data my program reads from STDIN?

Suppose there is a list that is input from the console using <STDIN> @string = <STDIN>; Now, I check for a pattern, say /manu/, in my program foreach (@string) { if(/manu/) { print $_."\n"; } } The code is unable to look for the pattern /manu/. However when I do the following, the code works perfectly fine: ...

Problem with Actionscript Regular Expressions

I have to parse out color information from HTML data. The colors can either be RGB colors or file names to a swatch image. I used to develop and test the patterns. I copied the AS regular expression code verbatim from the tool into Flex Builder. But, when I exec the pattern against the string I get a n...

Find lines that don't begin with a "<", perform action

Am using vim and have a large text file that contains some html thrown in throoghout. Am trying to prepare it for the web and need to add <p></p> tags to the lines that are not yet formatted. Here is an example of what I have: Paragraph text one one line [... more ... ] Other paragraph text on the next line [... more ... ] <h1>html ...

Vim regex of correct json string

Does this vim regex match only correct JSON strings? Does it match every correct JSON string? Quotes are part of regex. "\([^\\"]\|\\\(u\x\{4}\|["trf\\bn/]\)\)*" UPD: I need JSON string objects ("..."). ...

Need a reg-ex to match a length in mm

Im using PHP preg_match() method. I am having trouble with a regular expression to match a mm length. The numeerical length can be a are some exmaples of the data I am working on; 1.0mm 25.5mm 3mm 3 mm 3.3 mm So bacially any integer or float proceeded by "mm" with or without whitespace between. Thanks! ...

Get text between complex tags in PHP

Hi, I'm trying to get text from in between 2 html tags, only the difficulty is that the tag can differ from name. I'll explain into detail: <icon displayid="62115">inv_helmet_130</icon> I have to get the inv_helmet_130 But the displayid of the tag can differ, any ideas on how to solve this? Perhaps with a regular explression b...

PHP what is the best approach to split these values up?

Hi all, Having a hard time with this one as I don't think I know all of my options. I have to parse a free form text field that I need to map the values to a database. Here is some example text, NOTE: not all fields have to be there, not all delimiters are the same and not all descriptors are available. I do need to check if the value ...

Very odd issue with Ruby and regex

I am getting completely different reults from string.scan and several regex testers... I am just trying to grab the domain from the string, it is the last word. The regex in question: /([a-zA-Z0-9\-]*\.)*\w{1,4}$/ The string (1 single line, verified in Ruby's runtime btw) str = 'Show more results from' Work ...

Regular expressions for parsing "real" words in JavaScript

Hello. I've got some text where some words are "real" words, and others are masks that will be replaced with some text and that are surrounded with, say, "%". Here's the example: Hello dear %Name%! You're %Age% y.o. What regular expression should I use to get "real" words, without using lookbehind, because they don't exist in JavaScrip...

Why does this regexp work as var pattern = / ... / but not as a var pattern = RegExp("...")?

<script type="text/javascript"> var str="Jestem bardzo, bardzo zadowolony. Można powiedzieć, że jestem również uszczęśliwiony i uspokojony."; patt1=new RegExp( "\bi\b", "g"); //<--- (to find the single word: "i") document.write(str.match(patt1)); </script> It works well as var pattern = /\bi\b/g; but not when using RegExp("\bi\b","g...

Fastest way to check if a string exists in a large number of files

Hi there, I am currently iterating over somewhere between 7000 and 10000 text definitions varying in size between 0 and 5000 characters and I want to check whether a particular string exists in any of them. I want to do this for somewhere in the region of 5000 different string definitions. In most cases I just want to to know an exact ...

Catching multiple levels of 'virtual' directories with htaccess

Currently I have the following rules... RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/([^/]*)(.htm)?$ index.php?filter=$1&page=$2 [L,QSA] RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/$ index.php?filter=$1 [L,QSA] Which basically catch anything in /dirname/page.htm Now there exists the chance that the script will have to intercept a variable level of paths, such as /dirname/twodirna...

Ruby regular expression using variable name

Is is possible to create/use a regular expression pattern in ruby that is based on the value of a variable name? For instance, we all know we can do the following with Ruby strings: str = "my string" str2 = "This is #{str}" # => "This is my string" I'd like to do the same thing with regular expressions: var = "Value" str = "a test V...

XQuery regexp error

Why next code returns true (Saxon-EE 9.2 for .NET)? matches('some text>', '^[\w ]{3,200}$') There is no > symbol in the pattern. Thanks. XQuery: <regexp-test> <!-- why true? --> <test1>{matches('some text>', '^[\w ]{3,200}$')}</test1> <test2>{matches('some text>', '^[\w ]+$')}</test2> <test3>{matches('&lt; < >', '^[\...

grep with regex

I have two quick question with regex with grep. what does \? mean? I didn't find the explanation for question mark (?) How can I achieve or? for example, the phone number xxx-xxx-xxxx but the first part could be (xxx) For example, there might be a digit or not between two letters, such as a1b and ab, how to do that? Thanks! ...

Regex extract number for RewriteRule

For http://macintosh.local/clientname/102 I can get the numeric reference (3 digits) like this: RewriteRule ^[^/]+/([0-9]{3}+)/?$ album.php?ref=$1 [L] Now I want to get my reference in my SEO URL: http://macintosh.local/clientname/102-some-keywords ...

Very simple regular expression help

I am learning regex. I have a very simple question: I have a long string of content in php.I would like to convert all places where it says: to Could somebody help me with this? I think I use preg_replace for this? Bonus: If you have a link to a good site whi...

regex.replace Querystring parameters

I don't know if this is even possible, I have the following regular expression (?<=[\?|\&])(?[^\?=\&#]+)=?(?[^\?=\&#]*)& which splits a URL into key/value pairs. I would like to use this in a replace function to build some markup: string sTest = "test.aspx?width=100&height=200&"; ltTest.Text = Regex.Replace(sTest, @"(?<=[\?...

grep with regex for phone number

Hi, I would like to get the phone numbers from a file. I know the numbers have different forms, I can handle for a single one, but don't know how to get a uniform regex. For example xxx-xxx-xxxx (xxx)xxx-xxxx xxx xxx xxxx xxxxxxxxxx I can only handle 1, 2, and 4 together grep '[0-9]\{3\}[ -]\?[0-9]\{3\}[ -]\?[0-9]\{4\}' file Is t...

Regex mid-string pattern exclustion

I need help with a regular expression for use with UrlRewriting.Net. I have two URLs - http://domain/SomeFolder/tracks/SomeFileName/ and http://domain/SomeFolder/&lt;could be anything>/SomeFileName/ For URL rewriting purposes I need to come up with one expression that will let me target specifically the URL with "tracks" in the mid...