
How can filter variations of the word 'the' using a regex in C#?

I am completely new to writing regular expressions. I am trying to write a Regex that will not allow the following terms in a text box. the The T h e ...

Regular Expression for formatting numbers in JavaScript

I need to display a formatted number on a web page using JavaScript. I want to format it so that there are commas in the right places. How would I do this with a regular expression? I've gotten as far as something like this: myString = myString.replace(/^(\d{3})*$/g, "${1},"); ...and then realized this would be more complex than I thi...

regex: match word that ends with "Id"

I need help putting together a regex that will match word that ends with "Id" with case sensitive match. ...

Java equivalent of Perl's s/// operator?

I have some code that I'm converting from Perl to Java. It makes pretty heavy use of regular expressions, including the s/// operator. I've been using Perl for a long time and am still getting used to the Java way of doing things. In particular, Strings seem more difficult to work with. Does anyone know of or have a Java function tha...

Parsing delimited text with escape characters

I'm trying to parse (in Ruby) what's effectively the UNIX passwd file-format: comma delimiters, with an escape character \ such that anything escaped should be considered literally. I'm trying to use a regular expression for this, but I'm coming up short — even when using Oniguruma for lookahead/lookbehind assertions. Essentially, all o...

PHP Grab Image from html code - simple

I have a text editor on my web page, on that text editor i put image and than i use that image in different parts of my website, but in different places the image size differs. The image in database is stored this way: <div><img width="210" height="150" alt="" src="/portali/userfiles/image/Kategorite/Teknologji/-1.jpg" /></div> Now in...

[C++/C] Return all non-overlapping matches of pattern in string

In Python I can use re.findall(pattern, string) to return all non-overlapping matches of pattern in a string. For example, in the following SVG path command: import re spam = "M317.0,169.7C311.1,170.5 285.7,146.8 300.7,178.57 L 321.4,175.01" eggs = re.findall("([A-Za-z]|-?[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*(?:e-?[0-9]*)?)", spam) print(eggs) ['M', '317.0'...

quick question for regex

Hi, I have a word list, but it has some words like East's I need to find the words, those only contain a-z and A-Z, from a word list. How to do that. I am using grep. What should I put after grep grep *** myfile.txt Thanks! ...

Why is recursive regex not regex?

I was reading through some of the responses in this question and saw that a few people said that recursive regular expressions were not strictly speaking regular expressions. Why is this? ...

Regular expression to put an alignment into a <td> tag

I have an html file that I need to take any tag and put an align='left' into it. So given the line : <td><img alt="" src="oooh.html_files/px" style="width: 20px; height: 1px;"/></td> I need it to do : <td align='left'><img alt="" src="oooh.html_files/px" style="width: 20px; height: 1px;"/></td> If it already specifies an alig...

Easiest way to convert "a/b/c" to ["a/b/c", "a/b", "a"]

In Ruby, I'd like to convert a slash-separate String such as "foo/bar/baz" into ["foo/bar/baz", "foo/bar", "foo"]. I already have solutions a few lines long; I'm looking for an elegant one-liner. It also needs to work for arbitrary numbers of segments (0 and up). ...

javascript regex multiple queries

I have a whole array of regexp queries to make recursively going through the string in order. Is there a way I can do it all with 1 call such as (doesn't work)? str.replace(/query1|query2|query3|query4|...|[0-9]+|[^]/, "reslt1|reslt2|reslt3|reslt4|...|procNumb|procChar"); It need only work in Firefox. Right now I'm stuck...

Bug in Mathematica: regular expression applied to very long string

In the following code, if the string s is appended to be something like 10 or 20 thousand characters, the Mathematica kernel seg faults. s = "This is the first line. MAGIC_STRING Everything after this line should get removed. 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901...

Matching patterns in URL with a language similar to regexp, but specific for URLs

I use matching URLs in a part of my code. Now I use regular expressions for this. This is fine, but does not always produces "nice", simply readable patterns. Is there any language defined for matching URLs? It should be like this: http://** so simply wild-cards and things useful for URL would be there. The best would if th...

ruby regex need to match only if a URL is found in a string once

I'm trying to add conditional logic to determine if there's one regex match for a URL in a string. Here's an example of the string: string_to_match = " ran to catch the bus, dodged a bullet at work." I only want to match if I determine there's one URL in the string, so the above...

replace with sed on Mac OS X Leopard doesn't do what expected

I'm trying to replace \" (backslash doouble quote) by ' (quote) using sed. sed "s/\\\"/\'/g" file.txt The command doesn't work as expected. It replaces all the " in the text file, not only the \". It does the same thing as sed "s/\"/\'/g" file.txt I'm working on Mac OS X Leopard. Does any one have a clue? ...

Trying to validate a name field to be sure it is all alpha characters or a hyphen or apostrophe

if(!preg_match("/[a-zA-Z'-]/",$First)) { die ("invalid first name");} the above only flags input as invalid when the field is all numeric. combinations of letters and numbers pass ok. Some help here for a newby please. thanks. ...

Regex try and match until hitting end tag in python

Hi all, I'm looking for a bit of help with a regex in python and google is failing me. Basically I'm searching some html and there is a certain type of table I'm searching for, specifically any table that includes a background tag in it (i.e. BGCOLOR). Some tables have this tag and some do not. Could someone help me out with how to wr...

Simple regex url-related matching help

Hi, Take the following URI: http:\/\/.*\.google\.com/search/results\.php* I am simply trying to match all single forward slashes ( / ) between two alphanumeric characters in a given URI. In the case above, the two just before search and results. Could you point me in the right direction? EDIT The intention is to do search and repla...

How can I store captures from a Perl regular expression into separate variables?

I have a regex: /abc(def)ghi(jkl)mno(pqr)/igs How would I capture the results of each parentheses into 3 different variables, one for each parentheses? Right now I using one array to capture all the results, they come out sequential but then I have to parse them and the list could be huge. @results = ($string =~ /abc(def)ghi(jkl)mno(...