regex find characters between " "
Hi, how can I match all characters between 2 characters, say " " -> from sdfsf " 12asdf " sdf I get only 12asdf. Thanks ...
Hi, how can I match all characters between 2 characters, say " " -> from sdfsf " 12asdf " sdf I get only 12asdf. Thanks ...
I am struggling with a very basic regex problem in my .htaccess file that I hope someone may be able to shed some light on. The basic premise is that I would like to teach Apache to switch any .html extension into a .var extension. I had thought that the rule would be positively trivial: RewriteRule ^([^.]+)\.html$ $1.var But the [^...
Simple regex question. I have a string on the following format: this is a [sample] string with [some] special words. [another one] What is the regular expression to extract the words within the square brackets, ie. sample some another one Note: In my use case, brackets cannot be nested. ...
I have the following text, I need to extract the exception name and the continuing sentence from the file, but the file has continuous sentences without a space. ??????>????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????...
Hey, I need a regular expression to solve the following problem (links to similar problems is also appreciated, related tutorials etc.): "__some_words_a_b___" => "__some words a b___" "____" => "____" "some___words" => "some words" So I want underscores between words to be replaced with space and keep leading and trailing underscor...
Hi, I have the following text: started: Project: ProjectA, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------ I would like to get just the actual project name which in this example is "ProjectA". I do have a regular expression "started:(\s)Project:(\s).*," which will give me "started: Project: ProjectA," and then I can use further basic string s...
I'm working with twitter's api, trying to get the json data from which looks like: {"as_of":1268069036,"trends":{"2010-03-08 17:23:56":[{"name":"Happy Women's Day","query":"\"Happy Women's Day\" OR \"Women's Day\""},{"name":"#MusicMonday","query":"#MusicMonday"},{"name":"#MM","query":"#MM...
I want to split text by the letter-followed-by-period rule. So I do this: $text = 'One two. Three test. And yet another one'; $splitted_text = preg_split("/\w\./", $text); print_r($splitted_text); Then I get this: Array ( [0] => One tw [1] => Three tes [2] => And yet another one ) But I do need it to be like this: Array ( [0] => O...
How do replace Every UpperCase Letter with Underscore and the Letter in C#? note: unless the character is already proceeded by a underscore. UPDATE: For example, MikeJones would be turned into Mike_Jones But Mike_Jones would not be turned into Mike__Jones Is Regex the best approach? Where do I start with this one? ...
Related to my previous question, I have a string on the following format: this {is} a [sample] string with [some] {special} words. [another one] What is the regular expression to extract the words within either square or curly brackets, ie. {is} [sample] [some] {special} [another one] Note: In my use case, brackets cannot be nested...
I know that the following regex will match "red", "green", or "blue". red|green|blue Is there a straightforward way of making it match everything except several specified strings? ...
Hi all, Am a newbie to iphone programming. i have a input box and the user can write his DOB(mm/dd/yyyy) into the box. Before i save the data i like to test for valid input. I am using Regexlite.h and Regexlite.m.i have the regular expression too. i want to compare the regex to the user entered value in text box.But am not knowing how ...
I'm developing a script using the ruby Treetop library and having issues working with its syntax for regex's. First off, many regular expressions that work in other settings dont work the same in treetop. This is my grammar: (myline.treetop) grammar MyLine rule line string whitespace condition end rule string ...
Hello, is there a good regex expression that would be able to compare two dates like 3/27/2010 to 3/8/2010 to tell if the first date is greater then the second date? I'd like to compare using javascript ...
Hello, I have some Regex, it looks like this: string regexForDrop = @"^((%27)|'|(\-\-))\s*(d|%64|%44)(r|%72|%52)(o|%6F|%4F)(p|%70|%50)$"; It works fine, when i write to the input "--drop", but it does not works, when i write "drop table users" or something like that. I need that it would be working, no matter what comes after "--drop"...
How do I use regular expressions and search and replace to turn this [UserID] = <UserID, int,> [UserID] = 123123 [UserID] = asd123123 into [UserID] = [UserID] [UserID] = [UserID] [UserID] = [UserID] In other words I want to take everything from left side of the line up to the '=' character and replace everything on the right side o...
I have a bunch of product sku's that look like: abc234 asdf234324 adc234-b result: abc 234 asdf 234324 adc 234-b I want to split the text at the first instance of a letter. When I say split, basically I want to have access to both parts of the text, maybe in an array? What's the best way to do this? ...
if (preg_match('(\p{Nd}{4}/\p{Nd}{2}/\p{Nd}{2}/\p{L}+)', '2010/02/14/this-is-something')) { // do stuff } The above code works. However this one doesn't. if (preg_match('/\p{Nd}{4}/\p{Nd}{2}/\p{Nd}{2}/\p{L}+/u', '2010/02/14/this-is-something')) { // do stuff } Maybe someone could shed some light as to why the one below doesn't...
System.out.println( Arrays.deepToString( "abc<def>ghi".split("(?:<)|(?:>)") ) ); This prints [abc, def, ghi], as if I had split on "<|>". I want it to print [abc, <def>, ghi]. Is there a way to work some regex magic to accomplish what I want here? Perhaps a simpler example: System.out.println( Arrays.deepToStrin...
I am writing a small windows script in javascript/jscript for finding a match for a regexp with a string that i got by manipulating a file. The file path can be provided relative or absolute. How to find whether a given path is absolute/relative and convert it to absolute for file manipulation? ...