
regex to check string is certain length

Hi, I am trying to write a regex to match pairs of cards (AA, KK, QQ ... 22) and I have the regex ([AKQJT2-9])\1. The problem I have is that this regex will match AA as well as AAbc etc. Is there a way to write the regex such that I can specify I want to match ([AKQJT2-9])\1 and only that (i.e. no more characters after). Thanks ...

Problem with Regex Validator - VAB

Hi, I do the validation through configuration files. But, RegexValidator does not work properly. This Validator not disciplined even to unknown regular expression!! For example, if I add a RegexValidator to field with regular expression '\d', It allow also Letters. it validate only first Character. Also, if I set more than 15 Characte...

Regex for capturing numbered text list

I have a test list that I am trying to capture data from using a regex. Here is a sample of the text format: (1) this is a sample string /(2) something strange /(3) another bit of text /(4) the last one/ something!/ I have a Regex that currently captures this correctly, but I am having some difficulty with making it work under outlie...

Regex to check that a character in range doesn't repeat

Hi, I want to match against Strings such as AhKs & AdKs (i.e. two cards Ah = Ace of Hearts). I want to match two off-suit cards with a regex, what I currently have is "^[AKQJT2-9][hscd]{2}$", but this could match hands such as AhKh (suited) and AhAh. Is there a way to possibly use backreferences to say the second [hscd] cannot be the sa...

Complex regex question, data may or may not be in brackets

I need to extract data from a source that presents it in one of two ways. The data could be formatted like this: Francis (Lab) 18,077 (60.05%); Waller (LD) 4,140 (13.75%); Evans (PC) 3,545 (11.78%); Rees-Mogg (C) 3,064 (10.18%); Wright (Veritas) 768 (2.55%); La Vey (Green) 510 (1.69%) Or like this: Lab 8,994 (33.00%); C 7,924 (29.07%...

standardize international phone no. code using only regex

Sipdroid on Android has a search & replace method, that uses regex. I'm trying to use it to make sure all outgoing calls has a country code in the format 00XX I also want it to put 0045 in front of the number, if no country code is present. The first one, I have solved, but I can't figure out how to do the second thing. Search: \A(((...

A PHP regex to extract php functions from code files

I'm trying to make a PHP regex to extract functions from php source code. Until now i used a recursive regex to extract everything between {} but then it also matches stuff like if statements. When i use something like: preg_match_all("/(function .(.))({([^{}]+|(?R))*})/",$this->data,$matches2); It doesn't work when there is more than 1...

java regular expression

I have to create a regular expression for some path conversion. Example for path are //name:value /name:value // name:value /name:value /name:value /name:value//name:value thing is how to check for // or / at the start or middle of the string and how can i specify that name can contain any of this a-zA-Z and _ Path also contains whit...

PHP Form Validation Regular Expression, no symbols or numbers

Ok I am trying to get the users First Name the form gets their name perfectly fine and posts it into a variable. Now I am trying to do error checking else if(!preg_match("/^[\w-]+$/", $firstNameSignup)) { $firstNameSignupError = "Your first name cannot contain numbers or symbols, you entered " . $firstNameSignup; $firstN...

What's the easiest way to get an equivalent to GNU grep that supports negative lookbehinds?

I'm trying to grep through a bunch of files in nested subdirectories to look for regular expression matches; my regex requires negative lookbehind. Perl has negative lookbehind, but as far as I can tell GNU grep doesn't support negative lookbehinds. What's the easiest way to get an equivalent to GNU grep that supports negative lookbehi...

Reconstructing Position in the Original Array from the Position in a Stripped Down Array

I have a text file that contains a number of the following: <ID> <Time 1> --> <Time 2> <Quote (potentially multiple line> <New Line Separator> <ID> <Time 1> --> <Time 2> <Quote (potentially multiple line> <New Line Separator> <ID> <Time 1> --> <Time 2> <Quote (potentially multiple line> <New Line Separator> I have a very simple rege...

Regular expression for checking website url

I need to check the web address, using regular expression. if user type url as i have a regular expression like /^(http\:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+(?:.[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)*.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}(?:\/[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)*(?:\/[a-zA-Z0-9_]+.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}(?:\?[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\=[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)?)?(?:\&[a-zA-Z0-9_...

How do I process the largest match first in PHP?

Ok, so I tried searching around first but I didn't exactly know how to word this question or a search phrase. Let me explain. I have data that looks like this: <!-- data:start --> <!-- 0:start --> <!-- 0:start -->0,9<!-- 0:stop --> <!-- 1:start -->0,0<!-- 1:stop --> <!-- 2:start -->9,0<!-- 2:stop --> ...

Regex to Match White Space or End of String

I'm trying to find every instance of @username in comment text and replace it with a link. Here's my PHP so far: $comment = preg_replace('/@(.+?)\s/', '<a href="/users/${1}/">@${1}</a> ', $comment); The only problem is the regex is dependent upon there being whitespace after the @username reference. Can anyone help me tweak this so it...

Use string as input to re.compile

I want to use a variable in a regex, like this: variables = ['variableA','variableB'] for i in range(len(variables)): regex = r"'('+variables[i]+')[:|=|\(](-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)(?:\))?'" pattern_variable = re.compile(regex) match =, line) The problem is that python adds an extra backslash character f...

preg_replace Pattern

Hey Guys, i'm not very firm with preg_replace - in other Words i do not really understand - so i hope you can help me. I have a string in a Text like this one: [demo category=1] and want to replace with the Content of Category (id=1) e.g. "This is the Content of my first Category" This is my startpoint Pattern - that's all i have: '/...

Find multiple regex in each line and skip result if one of the regex doesn't match

I have a list of variables: variables = ['VariableA', 'VariableB','VariableC'] which I'm going to search for, line by line ifile = open("temp.txt",'r') d = {} match = zeros(len(variables)) for line in ifile: emptyCells=0 for i in range(len(variables)): regex = r'('+variables[i]+r')[:|=|\(](-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)(?:\))?' ...

Is there an online RegexBuddy-like regular expression analyzer?

I'm looking for an online utility that will prettify and add explanatory comments to a regular expression. Does one exist? ...

string directly before with regular expressions?

Lets try again. I need to get VALUE directly behind BLAH_X. BLAH_X is EVERYWHERE however i have known KEYS. So i would like to use regex to find the VALUE directly behind BLAH_X. The way i am doing this now matches DUMMY which is directly before blahx instead of the value which is directly behind the blahx behind the known KEY. I hav...

Use regex in awk command in bash script

I'm trying to read a file of regexes, looping over them and filtering them out of another file. I'm so close, but I'm having issues with my $regex var substitution I believe. while read regex do awk -vRS= '!/$regex/' ORS="\n\n" $tempOne > $tempTwo mv $tempTwo $tempOne done < $filterFile $tempOne and $tempTwo are temporary files. ...