
Finding tags in query string with regular expression

Hi everybody! I have to set some routing rules in my php application, and they should be in the form /%var/something/else/%another_var In other words i beed a regex that returns me every URI piece marked by the % character, String marked by % represent var names so they can be almost every string. another example: from /%lang/module/c...

How can I strip all html using a preg_replace ?

strip_tags only catches tags that have a beginning and end tag. With the strings I'm working with it's causing issues and I need to removed all HTML tags. ...

Ruby Regexp: + vs *. special behaviour?

Using ruby regexp I get the following results: >> 'foobar'[/o+/] => "oo" >> 'foobar'[/o*/] => "" But: >> 'foobar'[/fo+/] => "foo" >> 'foobar'[/fo*/] => "foo" The documentation says: *: zero or more repetitions of the preceding +: one or more repetitions of the preceding So i expect that 'foobar'[/o*/] returns the same result as 'f...

RegularExpressionValidator - Windows ID Validation

I'd like to setup a RegularExpressionValidator to ensure users are entering valid windows IDs in a textbox. Specifically, I'd like to ensure it's any three capital letters (for our range of domains), followed by a backslash, followed by any number of letters and numbers. Does anyone know where I can find some examples of this type of v...

Regexp that matches user-agents of end-user browsers but NOT crawlers with >90 % accuracy

I'm trying to construct a regexp that will evaluate to true for User-Agent:s of "browsers navigated by humans", but false for bots. Needless to say the matching will not be exact, but if it gets things right in say 90 % of cases that is more than good enough. My approach so far is to target the User-Agent string of the the five major de...

parse part of the text from regex pattern

I have a string: [\n['-','some text what\rcontains\nnewlines'],\n\n trying to parse: Regex.Split(@"[\n['-','some text what contains newlines'],\n\n", @"\[\n\['(.*)','(.*)'],.*"); but the split return array seems to be null i need to get part of text: "some text what contains newlines" ...

Regular Expression for Decimal or Blank

Sorry for the potentially dumb question but I am trying to pull together a regular expression that will allow: A number with 1 or 2 numbers before a decimal point, and 0-6 numbers after the decimal point. However I also need to allow the field to be blank if so required. Valid Examples 0.952321 1.20394 12.12 25 Blank Invalid Exampl...

Why does this data YYYY-MM-DD regex fail in Java?

Hello StackOverFlow, My first question and Im excited... I've lurked since go-live and love the site, however I apologize for any newbie errors, formatting, etc... I'm attempting to validate the format of a string field that contains a date in Java. We will receive the date in a string, I will validate its format before parsing it ...

Invert regexp in vim

There's a few "how do I invert a regexp" questions here on stackoverflow, but I can't find one for vim (if it does exist, by goggle-fu is lacking today). In essence I want to match all non-printable characters and delete them. I could write a short script, or drop to a shell and use tr or something similar to delete, but a vim solution...

Regular expressions .net

I have the following function that I am using to remove the characters \04 and nulls from my xmlString but I can't find what do I need to change to avoid removing the \ from my ending tags. This is what I get when I run this function <ARR>20080625<ARR><DEP>20110606<DEP><PCIID>626783<PCIID><NOPAX>1<NOPAX><TG><TG><HASPREV>FALSE<HASPREV><H...

Regex, encoding, and characters that look a like

First, a brief example, let's say I have this "/[0-9]{2}°/" regex and this text "24º". The text won't match, obviusly ... (?) really, it depends on the font. Here is my problem, I do not have control on which chars the user uses, so, I need to cover all possibilities in the regex /[0-9]{2}[°º]/, or even better, assure that the text has ...

Searching for simple variable names like 'c' or 'x' in Emacs.

I often wish to search for variables that are simply called 'c' or 'count'. For example int c, count; Unfortunately when I use an incremental search for 'c' or 'count' I get a lot of unnecessary hits like the 'c' in 'choice', or the 'count' in 'wordcount' which do not interest me. I know Emacs can do i-searches with regular expressi...

Help me out in writing REGEX

Hi I like to know how to write REGEX for the following code. <a href="/search?q=user:111111+[apple]" class="post-tag" title="show all posts by this user in 'apple'">Apple</a><span class="item-multiplier">&times;&nbsp;171</span><br> I just need to fetch Apple from the above source code. Can anybody help me out in writing REGEX. Thanks ...

HTML parsing - fetch and update data from the .html file

I have a form in a .html files where input/select box looks like this <input type="text" id="txtName" name="txtName" value="##myName##" /> <select id="cbGender" name="cbGender"> <option>Select</option> <option selected="selected">Male</option> <option>Female</option> </select> I would need to remove '##' value textbox and also up...

PostgreSQL String search for partial patterns removing exrtaneous characters

Looking for a simple SQL (PostgreSQL) regular expression or similar solution (maybe soundex) that will allow a flexible search. So that dashes, spaces and such are omitted during the search. As part of the search and only the raw characters are searched in the table.: Currently using: SELECT * FROM Productions WHERE part_no ~* '%sear...

VIM Search/Replace spaces between 2 brackets or columns

Given the following line: [aaaa bbbb cccc dddd] [decimal](18, 0) NULL, How would you replace the spaces only between the first set of brackets in Vim? What would the /s command look like? Update: This is the intend outcome [aaaa_bbbb_cccc_dddd] [decimal](18, 0) NULL, ...

deriving regular expressions from a regular language

Given the language below, how do i find a regular expression for the language L = {a ^n b ^m | n => 1, m =>1, nm =>3} ...

regular expression: extract last 2 characters

what is the best way to extract last 2 characters of a string using regular expression. For example, I want to extract state code from the following "A_IL" I want to extract IL as string.. please provide me C# code on how to get it.. string fullexpression = "A_IL"; string StateCode = some regular expression code.... thanks ...

How can I improve this regular expression?

I want a regular expression to match valid input into a Tags input field with the following properties: 1-5 tags Each tag is 1-30 characters long Valid tag characters are [a-zA-Z0-9-] input and tags can be separated by any amount of whitespace For example: Valid: tag1 tag2 tag3-with-dashes tag4-with-more-dashes tAaG5-with-MIXED-c...

Regex question: ignore extra characters

hi all, i'm trying to figure out how to detect extra characters within a spam word like: pha.rmacy or vi*agra any ideas? thanks in advance ...