I'm using django and realized that when the filename that the user wants to access (let's say a photo) has the pound sign, the entry in the url.py does not match.
Any ideas?
url(r'^static/(?P<path>.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve', {'document_root':
it just says:
"/home/user/project/static/upload/images/hello" ...
This is the part of a string "21xy5". I want to insert " * " surrounded with whitespace between: digit and letter, letter and digit, letter and letter. I use this regex pattern "\d[a-z]|[a-z]\d|[a-z][a-z]" to find indexs where I gona insert string " * ". Problem is that when regex OR(|) in string 21xy5 trays to match 21-x|x-y|y-5, when ...
I have the following code:
preg_match_all('/(.*) \((\d+)\) - ([\d\.\d]+)[,?]/U',
"E-Book What I Didn't Learn At School... (2) - 3525.01, FREE Intro DVD/Vid (1) - 0.15",
var_dump($string, $match);
and get the following ouput:
array(4) {
array(1) {
string(54) "E-Book What I Didn't Learn At Schoo...
I get the following text as a string from an XML-based REST API
'd':4 'ca':5 'sen':1 'diann':2,6,8 'feinstein':3,7,9
that I'm looking to deserialize into a pretty little Python dictionary:
'd': [4],
'ca': [5],
'sen': [1],
'diann': [2, 6, 8],
'feinstein': [3, 7, 9]
I'm hoping to avoid using regular expression...
I have the following code which I use to match fancybox possible elements:
var elem = $(this);
// Convert everything to lower case to match smart
if(elem.attr('href').toLowerCase().match('/gif|jpg|jpeg|png/') != null) {
It works great with JPGs but...
"foo\r\nbar".replace(/(foo).+/m, "bar")
Hello. I can not understand why this code does not replace foo on bar
Hi there,
I am trying to count characters in comments included in C code using Python and Regex, but no success. I can erase strings first to get rid of comments in strings, but this will erase string in comments too and result will be bad ofc. Is there any chance to ask by using regex to not match strings in comments or vice versa?
I need to get a list of tags in a text, make their contents bold, and remove them. Can't figure out how to make it.
E.g. with the following input:
foo [b]bar[/b]
The result should be:
foo bar
I use the following code to extract the tags:
Dim matches = Regex.Matches(OriginalRich.Text, String.Format("(\[{0}\])(.*?)(\[/{0}\])", tag),...
The location text from Twitter could be just about anything. Sometimes Twitter clients set the location with the user's latitude and longitude in the following format.
"\U00dcT: 43.05948,-87.908409"
Since there is no built-in support for Regular Expressions in Objective-C I am considering using the NSString functions like rangeOfStrin...
I have a Project model and it has some text attributes, one is summary. I have some projects that have html tags in the summary and I want to convert that to plain text. I have this method that has a regex that will remove all html tags.
def strip_html_comments_on_data
self.attributes.each{|key,value| value.to_s.gsub!(/(<[^>]+>| ...
Hello everyone,
I am trying to assign a regular expression result to an array inside of a bash script but I am unsure whether that's possible, or if I'm doing it entirely wrong. The below is what I want to happen, however I know my syntax is incorrect:
indexes[4]=$(echo b5f1e7bfc2439c621353d1ce0629fb8b | grep -o '[a-f0-9]\{8\}')
I'm trying to extract a string from another using regex.
I'm using the POSIX regex functions (regcomp, regexec ...), and I fail at capturing a group ...
For instance, let the pattern be something as simple as "MAIL FROM:<(.*)>"
(with REG_EXTENDED cflags)
I want to capture everything between '<' and '>'
My problem is that regmatch...
I need Regex which can satisfy all my three condtions for zip-code. E.g-
12345 1234
Any pointers and suggestion would be much appreciated. Thanks !
I am stuck in between of a problem where only one pass of regular expression is allowed( some old hard code). I need the regex for roman numerals. I have tried the standard one i.e. ^(?i)M*(D?C{0,3}|C[DM])(L?X{0,3}|X[LC])(V?I{0,3}|I[VX])$, but the problem is it allows null( '') values also. Is there any way around to check is problem?
i would like to replace the lines
function *{
function *{echo "The function starts here."
where * is what ever.
Any idea how to do that in Python?
I need to tokenize some strings which will be splitted of according to operators like = and !=. I was successful using regex until the string has != operator. In my case, string was seperated into two parts, which is expected but ! mark is in the left side even it is part of given operator. Therefore, I believe that regex is not sui...
I'm trying to find rows where the first character is not a digit. I have this:
SELECT DISTINCT(action) FROM actions
WHERE qkey = 140 AND action NOT REGEXP '^[:digit:]$';
But, I'm not sure how to make sure it checks just the first character...
sed 's/^\(\h*\)\(.*\)$/\1<!-- \2 -->/' web.xml
I think that this should take this xml:
And turn it into:
<!-- <a> -->
<!-- <d> -->
<!-- bla -->
<!-- </d> -->
<!-- </a> -->
But what is doing is this:
<!-- <a> -->
<!-- <d> -->
<!-- bla -->
<!-- </d> -->
<!-- </a> -->
I'm using GNU Make 3.81, and I have the following rule in my Makefile:
jslint :
java org.mozilla.javascript.tools.shell.Main jslint.js mango.js \
| sed 's/Lint at line \([0-9]\+\) character \([0-9]\+\)/mango.js:\1:\2/'
This works fine if I enter it directly on the command line, but the regular expression does not match if I ru...
I have a sed command to comment out xml commands
sed 's/^\([ \t]*\)\(.*[0-9a-zA-Z<].*\)$/\1<!-- Security: \2 -->/' web.xml
<!-- Comment -->
<!-- Security: <a> -->
<!-- Security: <!-- Comment --> --> // NOTE: there are two end comments.
<!-- Security: <b> -->
<!-- ...