
Awk to grab colo(u)r codes from CSS files aka School me in Awk

Nice and (hopefully) easy. I am trying to work out how to grab the variable #XXX from a text file (css file) containing strings like hr { margin: 18px 0 17px; border-color: #ccc; } h1 a:hover, h2 a:hover, h3 a:hover { color: #001100; } Which I would like to return as ccc 001100 The plan then is to throw this throug...

How can I extract a substring from a string using regular expressions?

Let us say that I have a string "ABCDEF34GHIJKL". How would I extract the number (in this case 34) from the string using regular expressions? I know little about the regular expressions, and while I would love to learn all there is to know about it, time constraints have forced me to simply find out how this specific example would wo...

Java regular expression: how to include '-'

I am using this pattern and matching a string. String s = "//name:value /name:value"; if (s.matches("(//?\\s*\\w+:\\w+\\s*)+")) { // it fits } This works properly. But if I want to have a string like "/name-or-address:value/name-or-address:value" which has this '-' in second part, it doesn't work. I am using \w to match A-Za-z_, but...

How can I match a pattern in regex that can contain anything (letters,numbers,...) but match only if it contains an underscore?

How can I match a pattern in regex that can contain anything (letters,numbers,...) but matches only if it contains an underscore? Basically I want to match bob_hello but not bobhello. ...

Is it possible to use a back reference to specify the number of replications in a regular expression?

Is it possible to use a back reference to specify the number of replications in a regular expression? foo= 'ADCKAL+2AG.+2AG.+2AG.+2AGGG+.G+3AGGa.' The substrings that start with '+[0-9]' followed by '[A-z]{n}.' need to be replaced with simply '+' where the variable n is the digit from earlier in the substring. Can that n be back refer...

Regex - find and replace complete string occurrences only (not partial matches)

I'm not very good at regex but maybe there's a simple way to achieve this task. I'm given a string like "bla @a bla @a1 bla" I'm also given pairs like {"a", "a2"} , {"a1", "a13"}, and I need to replace @a with @a2 for the first pair, and @a1 with @a13 for the second one. The problem is when i use String.Replace and look for @a, it als...

I need a RegEx to validate not "NONE"

I have a text field and am looking to have if be valid for all values other than "NONE" without the quotes. I know a comparison would be easy but the system I am using only validates via RegEx expressions. What would the RegEx expression be for it? ...

[Regexp] Stop matching when meeting a sequence of chars: fixing a lookbehind

Hello everyone! I have the following regexp: (?P<question>.+(?<!\[\[)) It is designed to match hello world! in the string hello world! [[A string typically used in programming examples]] Yet I just matches the whole string, and I can't figure out why. I've tried all flavors of lookaround, but it just won't work... Anyone knows how ...

Problem with Replace in Eclipse

I'm using regex to match all non-quoted property names in my json files. Eclipse has no problem finding the desired matches, but when I want to replace the matched strings with "$2", I get this error: Match string has changed in file filename.json. Match skipped Here's the regex I'm using: ((\w+)\s*(?!['"])(?=:)) Any idea on how to w...

Matching unmatched strings based on a unknown pattern

Alright guys, I really hurt my brain over this one and I'm curious if you guys can give me any pointers towards the right direction I should be taking. The situation is this: Lets say, I have a collection of strings (let it be clear that the pattern of this strings is unknown. For a fact, I can say that the string contain only signs fr...

Extracting a string between specified characters in python

I'm a newbie to regular expressions and I have the following string: sequence = '["{\"First\":\"Belyuen,NT,0801\",\"Second\":\"Belyuen,NT,0801\"}","{\"First\":\"Larrakeyah,NT,0801\",\"Second\":\"Larrakeyah,NT,0801\"}"]' I am trying to extract the text Belyuen,NT,0801 and Larrakeyah,NT,0801 in python. I have the following code which is...

ruby regex, parsing html

Hello all, I'm trying to parse some returned html (from )to look for currently playing movies. The pattern I'm trying to match looks like: <span dir=ltr>Clash of the Titans</span> Of which there are several in the returned html. I'm trying get an array of the movie titles with the following c...

Using regex to strip out certain data from HTML code via PHP

I have the following HTML snippet <tr> <td class="1">...</td> <td class="2">...</td> <td class="3">...</td> <td class="4">...</td> </tr> etc... I basically have N rows, and each row contains 4 TD's each with a unique class. I would like a simple way to split out all the rows and TD's by class so I can choose what data I want to use. ...

Insertion with Regex to format a date (Perl)

Hello. Suppose I have a string 04032010. I want it to be 04/03/2010. How would I insert the slashes with a regex? ...

Regex expression working except in dotNet

I am trying to match an expression of type field:"value" but not field:value I have written ([a-z]+)\s*?:\s*?"(.+)"\s*? and this works excepts in dotNet Is there any reason why this might be? Something I am missing? Edit -- I typed the question wrong (figures) I'm trying to match field:value but not field:"value" ...

Ignoring Whitespace with Regex(perl)

Hello, I am using Perl Regular expressions. How would i go about ignoring white space and still perform a test to see if a string match. For example. $var = " hello "; #I want var to igonore whitespace and still match if($var =~ m/hello/) { } ...

Matching a date in perl

Hello, I want to match a date in the format day/month/year. where day is two digits month is two digits and year is four digits. Also, I want to check see if it is a valid date, for example knows when is leap year, and know which month has 30days, 31days and 28, or 29 days for Februrary. ...

Java Regex Matcher Question

How do I match an URL string like this: img src = "" where only the domain name and the file extension (jpg) is fixed while others are variables? The following code does not seem working: Pattern p = Pattern.compile("<img src=\"*jpg"); // Create a matcher wit...

how to construct a javascript regex to extract a number

Extract the number after #/ from my string: abcdefg#/123. ...

Does [_\s^"] mean underscore and whitespace but not " (quote) in Regex?

Does [_\s^"] mean underscore and whitespace but not " (quote) in Reg I understand that the brackets ([ ]) mean character range and that ^ means but not, but my question is can you say [this^notthat] or do I have to separate them into two sets of brackets? ...