
Split a string by spaces -- preserving quoted substrings -- in Python

I have a string which is like this: this is "a test" I'm trying to write something in Python to split it up by space while ignoring spaces within quotes. The result I'm looking for is: ['this','is','a test'] PS. I know you are going to ask "what happens if there are quotes within the quotes, well, in my application, that will never...

Ruby - Match All Occurrences Of a Regex

Is there a quick way to find every match of a regular expression in Ruby? I've looked through the Regex object in the Ruby STL and searched on Google to no avail. Thanks! ...

Perl Regex Match and Removal

I have a string which starts with //#... goes upto the newline characater. I have figured out the regex for the which is this ..#([^\n]*). My question is how do you remove this line from a file if the following condition matches ...

Processing Javascript RegEx submatches

I am trying to write some JavaScript RegEx to replace user inputed tags with real html tags, so [b] will become <b> and so forth. the RegEx i am using looks like so var exptags = /\[(b|u|i|s|center|code){1}]((.){1,}?)\[\/(\1){1}]/ig; with the following JavaScript s.replace(exptags,"<$1>$2</$1>"); this works fine for single nested t...

A regex for version number parsing

Hi, I have a version number of the following form: version.release.modification where version, release and modification are either a set of digits or the '*' wildcard character. Additionally, any of these numbers (and any preceding .) may be missing. So the following are valid and parse as: 1.23.456 = version 1, release 23, modifica...

Numbering Regex Submatches

Is there a canonical ordering of submatch expressions in a regular expression? For example: What is the order of the submatches in "(([0-9]{3}).([0-9]{3}).([0-9]{3}).([0-9]{3}))\s+([A-Z]+)" ? a. (([0-9]{3})\.([0-9]{3})\.([0-9]{3})\.([0-9]{3}))\s+([A-Z]+) (([0-9]{3})\.([0-9]{3})\.([0-9]{3})\.([0-9]{3})) ([A-Z]+) ([0-9]{3...

How can I find the location of a regex match in Perl?

I need to write a function that receives a string and a regex. I need to check if there is a match and return the start and end location of a match. (the regex was already compiled by qr//) The function might also receive a "global" flag and then I need to return the (start,end) pairs of all the matches. ps. I cannot change the regex ...

Desperately Need a Regex

I am trying to validate user id's matching the example: smith.jack or smith.jack.s In other words, any number of non-whitespace characters (except dot), followed by exactly one dot, followed by any number of non-whitespace characters (except dot), optionally followed by exactly one dot followed by any number of non-whitespace characte...

Can regex capture and substitution be used with an Apache DirectoryMatch directive?

Does anyone know if it's possible to use regex capture within Apache's DirectoryMatch directive? I'd like to do something like the following: <DirectoryMatch ^/home/www/(.*)> AuthType Basic AuthName $1 AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/svn.passwd Require group $1 admin </DirectoryMatch> but so far I've had no success. Specifi...

Is there anything like RegexBuddy in the open source world?

I've used RegexBuddy several times and found it to be a really useful tool. Is there anything like it in the open source world, preferably something that is platform agnostic? (the fact that regexbuddy is windows only is a real downer) The only thing I've been able to find is Kodos, which I've also used quite a lot, but it doesn't quit...

In python how to I verify that a string only contains letters, numbers, underscores and dashes?

I know how to do this if I iterate through all of the characters in the string but I am looking for a more elegant method. Thanks ...

Python Reg Ex. problem

Ok, so i'm working on a regular expression to search out all the header information in a site. I've compiled the regular expression: regex = re.compile(r''' <h[0-9]>\s? (<a[ ]href="[A-Za-z0-9.]*">)?\s? [A-Za-z0-9.,:'"=/?;\s]*\s? [A-Za-z0-9.,:'"=/?;\s]? ''', re.X) when i run this in python reg ex. tester, it works out...

JavaScript RegEx Help

I'm trying to match elements with a name that is 'container1$container2$chkChecked', using a regex of '.+\$chkChecked', but I'm not getting the matches I expect when the element name is as described. What am I doing wrong? ...

How can I split a string using regex to return a list of values?

How can I take the string “foo[]=1&foo[]=5&foo[]=2” and return a collection with the values 1,5,2 in that order. I am looking for an answer using regex in C#. Thanks ...

C# string manipulation search and replace

I have a string which contain tags in the form < tag >. Is there an easy way for me to programmatically replace instances of these tags with special ascii characters? e.g. replace a tag like "< tab >" with the ascii equivelent of '/t'? ...

Is ">" (U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN) allowed inside an html-element attribute value?

In other words may one use /<tag[^>]*>.*?<\/tag>/ regex to match the tag html element which does not contain nested tag elements? For example (lt.html): <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""&gt; <html> <head> <title>greater than sign in attribute value</title> </head> <body>...

Looking for regex to extract email addresses from /etc/passwd

Most of my users have email addresses associated with their profile in /etc/passwd. They are always in the 5th field, which I can grab, but they appear at different places within a comma-separated list in the 5th field. Can somebody give me a regex to grab just the email address (delimeted by commas) from a line in this file? (I will b...

Vim: How do I exclude an entire word from my search?

Pretty basic question, I'm trying to write a regex in Vim to match any phrase starting with "abc " directly followed by anything other than "defg". I've used "[^defg]" to match any single character other than d, e, f or g. My first instinct was to try /abc [^\(defg\)] or /abc [^\<defg\>] but neither one of those works. ...

Help Writing a Regular Expression

I have the following string: cn=abcd,cn=groups,dc=domain,dc=com Can a regular expression be used here to extract the string after the first "cn=" and before the first ","? In the example above the answer would be "abcd". Thanks. ...

Regexes and multiple multi-character delimeters

Suppose you have the following string: white sand, tall waves, warm sun It's easy to write a regular expression that will match the delimiters, which the Java String.split() method can use to give you an array containing the tokens "white sand", "tall waves" and "warm sun": \s*,\s* Now say you have this string: white sand and tall...