
Registry System.UnauthorizedAccessException

hello, when I'm trying to create a subkey in Registry.ClassesRoot I get an System.UnauthorizedAccessException! I'm using win7. Does anyone know why? ...

How to set Registry Access Rule on a remote machine using c#

Hi I'm trying to set an registry access rule on a remote machine: using (RegistryKey localMachineKey = RegistryKey.OpenRemoteBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, serverName)) { RegistrySecurity rs = new RegistrySecurity(); rs.AddAccessRule(new RegistryAccessRule(userName, RegistryRights.FullControl, AccessControlType.Allow)); usin...

Where is Win7's jump list system data stored?

As per Jumplist Extender, I'm trying to prevent other apps from refreshing their jump lists (it's assumed that the user WANTS to do this, seeing as this is a JL editor.) One idea is to look for file or registry changes, where the data may be stored, and prevent the data from being written to. The question is, where is the jump list data...

Python - checking if a user has administrator privileges

I'm writing a little program as a self-learning project in Python 3.x. My idea is for the program to allow two fields of text entry to the user, and then plug the user's input into the value of two specific registry keys. Is there a simple way to make it check if the current user can access the registry? I'd rather it cleanly tell the u...

Converting different registry value types to string?

Hi, im traversing through the registry, taking the values of the keys and storing them as strings. I have discovered there are many different types. Some of these types are causing my filestream writer to fail. Is it possible to convert all of the below into a string form. The actual data value is not important, just the ability to diffe...

Registry in .NET: DeleteSubKeyTree says the subkey does not exists, but hey, it does!

Hi, Trying to delete a subkey tree: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.hdr. .hdr subkey has one subkey, no values. So I use this code: RegistryKey FileExts = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\FileExts"); RegistryKey faulty = FileExts.Op...

Getting an unexpected "?" at the end of a Registry GetValue

I use the Registry class to manage values in the Registry on Windows Seven in C#. Registry.GetValue(...); But, I'm facing a curious behavior : Every time, the returned value is the correct one, but sometimes, it is followed by an unexpected "?" When I check the Registry, (regedit), the "?" doesn't exist. I really don't understand fro...

Expand Registry Environment Variable Strings on Remote Machine

After calling RegConnectRegistry(...) to open the registry on a remote machine, is it not possible to expand environment variables? I have looked at ExpandEnvironmentStrings and ExpandEnvironmentStringsForUser, but that only appears to be useful on the local machine. I think it must be possible considering that RegistryKey.GetValue() in ...

Deleting all values under a specific registry key

Is there an API that will delete all the values under a specific registry key? for example, I have the following key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MyCompany\Program\Myconfig under it I have (Default) SomeVal SomeOtherVal YetSomeOtherVat ... There might be 10, 20, 100 values there. It depends what you set on the application. Is there a ...

copying a file into photoshop directory using a batch file

Hi, I am trying to modify a batch script that installs a simple script file into the users photoshop directory. The basic process of the installer is to copy the bulk of the products files into the %APPDATA% folder, then this batch script runs post-install that copies a little hook script into photoshop\presets\scripts. However we'...

How to determine registry access of a user via RSOP

Hi all, I have some clients that use my software, however they are having some issues with registry access, they are running Windows Server 2008, I was wondering if it is possible to use the RSOP tool to determine the individuals registry privileges? or am I barking up the completely wrong tree? cheers ...

Registry access problem

I have a windows forms app that is modifying some registry keys under the software section. Vista non admins are complaining that they are getting a permission error. I did what it said in this post: Created an app.manifest file and pasted what was sai...

Windows Explorer Context Menu Integration, get file that was right clicked on

I've already figured out how to add a menu item to the right click context menu of the windows explorer using the registry. I currently have it set to launch my application when my menu item is clicked. However, I want to know if there is a way to know what file is was right clicked on. I thought it would have been sent as a command li...

How to obtain the default browser without registry lookup in .NET ?

Does anybody knows a way how to get the default browser without doing a lookup on the registry using the .NET framework? ...

How to determine Windows Java installation location

I'm trying to dynamically run a .jar from a C# assembly (using Process.Start(info)). Now, from a console application I am able to just run: ProcessStartInfo info = new ProcessStartInfo("java", "-jar somerandom.jar"); In an assembly, however, I keep getting a Win32Exception of "The system cannot find the file specified" and have to cha...

Open x64 'SOFTWARE' registry key in C#

I am trying to read the 64-bit HKLM\SOFTWARE registry key from a 32-bit (C#) application. This, of course, keeps redirecting my view to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node. According to what I've found this is doable, but I can't seem to find a .NET example anywhere. I just need to read; not write. Anyone ran across this before? ...

Change a registry value in VB.NET

I have searched a lot to find a solution for my problem, but I can't find any specific solution. I need to change a value which is stored under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\APP_NAME. It is not possible to use .NET's registry functions, since they have drastic restrictions. The following snippet should solve my problem: Dim regKey As Re...

Windows 7 sharing data between users via the registry

Where can I create/modify/delete registry keys to share data between users in the Windows 7 registry? Both of the users are non administrators and it shouldn't require admin privileges. The application I'm working on uses the registry to write a key from userA and then userB can read/modify/delete it. Neither user has admin privileges ...

How can I read values' names and data from the registry?

I have stored a list of items from gridView into the registry as below: frmPOSConfigSet.tblCatItems.First; while not frmPOSConfigSet.tblCatItems.Eof do begin RegItemSetting.WriteString('stk Group\Candy', frmPOSConfigSet.tblCatItemsCODE.Text, frmPOSConfigSet.tblCatItemsSPHOTO.Text); frmPOSConfigSet.tblCatItems.Next; end...

Python win32api registry key change

Hi, I am trying to trigger an event every time a registry value is being modified. import win32api import win32event import win32con import _winreg key = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER,'Control Panel\Desktop',0,_winreg.KEY_READ) sub_key = _winreg.CreateKey(key,'Wallpaper') evt = win32event.CreateEvent(None,0,0,None) win32api...