
How to embed a Form with an m:n (many to many) relation into an other?

I have a genereated form which handles a m:n relation. The generated form overrides the doSave() method to handle the "list". If I embed this Form in an other the special doSave() mothod is never called. The result is that everything works fine except that the m:n relation isn't stored. Do I have to handle the m:n relation manuel? Th...

sharepoint list relationship question

I have two custom lists in sharepoint with a one to many relationship on a column in both lists. So list A has text column 1 and list B has a lookup column 1' on list A's column 1. I want to display the rows in list A, where column 1 has a match on column 1' and a 2nd column in list B with a specific text string. I have Sharepoint Des...

Grails efficient hasMany-Relationship in View

Hi folks, I'm saving contacts (email, mobile phone, ICQ, AIM etc.) for people like this: class Person { static hasMany = { contacts: Contact } } class Contact { String code ContactType type } class ContactType { String name } In my view, I've written some Templates for displaying each contact with a select-box for the c...

GAE modeling relationship options

Hi there, I need to model the following situation and I can't seem to find a consistent example on how to do it "correctly" for the google app engine. Suppose I've got a simple situation like the following: Company 1 -----> M Store A company has one to many stores. Each store has an address made up of a address line 1, city, state, ...

Database Instance

I read a statement from an exercise: construct a database instance which conforms to diagram 1 but not to diagram 2. The diagrams are different n-ary relationships that have different relationships. Diagram 1 has a many to one to many to one relationship. Diagram 2 has many to many to many to one relationship. So, to really understand th...

Is Doctrine able to detect n-m relations in a db using generateModelsFromDb?

When using generateModelsFromDb to generate the models Doctrine makes one to many relations between the relation table and the base tables instead of generating a nm-relation between the base tables themselves. Is there any way to let generateModelsFromDb detect the n-m relation? ...

How to define an n-m relation in doctrine?

If got a table "Article" and a table "Tags". Articles can have multiple tags and tags can hang to multiple articles. The class BaseArticle looks like this: abstract class BaseArticle extends Doctrine_Record { public function setTableDefinition() { $this->setTableName('article'); $this->hasColumn('article_id', 'integer', 8, arra...

Easy way to observe user activity - how improve my database structure.

Welcome, I need some advise to improve perfomence my web application. In the begin I had this structure of database: USER -id (Primary Key) -name -password -email .... PROFILE -user Primary Key, Foreign Key (USER) -birthday -region -photoFile ... PAGES -id (Primary Key) -u...

Rails has_and_belongs_to_many relationship question

Hello all, I'm sure that this question has been asked somewhere before, as the habtm relationship seems to be very confusing. I have two models, users and promotions. The idea is that a promotion can have many users, and a user can have many promotions. class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :promotions end class ...

How do I show all group headers in Access 2007 reports?

This is a question about Reports in Access 2007. I'm unsure whether the solution will involve any programming, but hopefully someone will be able to help me. I have a report which lists all records from a particular table (call it A), and groups them by their associated record in a related table (call it B). I use the 'group headers' to...

Accessing two sides of a user-user relationship in rails

Basically, I have a users model in my rails app, and a fanship model, to facilitate the ability for users to become 'fans' of each other. In my user model, I have: has_many :fanships has_many :fanofs, :through => :fanships In my fanship model, I have: belongs_to :user belongs_to :fanof, :class_name => "User", :foreign_key => "fanof_...

How to add a new entry to a multiple has_many association?

I am not sure am I doing these correct. I have 3 models, Account, User, and Event. Account contains a group of Users. Each User have its own username and password for login, but they can access the same Account data under the same Account. Events is create by a User, which other Users in the same Account can also read or edit it. I c...

how to add a entry to tables with relationships?

I have 2 models, Users & Accounts. They are in one-to-many relationship, i.e. each accounts have many users. Accounts company_id company_name company_website Users user_id user_name password company_id email How can I add these entries to database using ActiveRecord? Supposed I don't is the company existed i...

Still Confused About Identifying vs. Non-Identifying Relationships

So, I've been reading up on identifying vs. non-identifying relationships in my database design, and a number of the answers on SO seem contradicting to me. Here are the two questions I am looking at: What's the Difference Between Identifying and Non-Identifying Relationships Trouble Deciding on Identifying or Non-Identifying Relation...

Java sockets: multiple client threads on same port on same machine?

I am new to Socket programming in Java and was trying to understand if the below code is not a wrong thing to do. My question is: Can I have multiple clients on each thread trying to connect to a server instance in the same program and expect the server to read and write data with isolation between clients" public class Client extends ...

Core data relationship memory leak

I have a strange (to me) memory leak when accessing an entity in a relationship. Series and Tiles have an inverse relationship to each other. // set up the fetch request NSFetchRequest *fetchRequest = [[NSFetchRequest alloc] init]; NSEntityDescription *entity = [NSEntityDescription entityForName:@"Series" inManagedObjectContext:managed...

Doctrine how to setup Many to Many to Many relationship

Summary: Using the following YML I get a reference to a FOREIGN KEY (role_id) that is not in my YML. Problem: I'm trying to create a system where there is a user (CreditName) who can belong to many role's (all of which can have many users). There are also many projects, which can contain many User+Roles, so I'd like the Project to ...

Decoding relationship between two numbers?

Is there any way (or calculator) to determine the relationship between two numbers. ...

Symfony: embedRelation() controlling options for nesting multiple levels of relations

Hey all, I'm trying to set some conditional statements for nested embedRelation() instances, and can't find a way to get any kind of option through to the second embedRelation. I've got a "Measure->Page->Question" table relationship, and I'd like to be able to choose whether or not to display the Question table. For example, say I have...

I want define tables from ER Diagram.

I have a unary relationship. (Image Url : But I want define a table for person. The table has personID and personName column. What columns add it? ...