
Change a relative URL to absolute URL in Objective C

Hi. How would I take a file in the application's directory (the same folder the .app is in), and get it's absolute path. Say the relative path is "Data/file.txt," how would I use Objective C to get that as an absolute path? I have the user enter their home folder name, if that is any help. Please help, HiGuy ...

Why is Magento 1.4 including javascript files by filesystem path?

I am in the process of testing a Magento 1.3 site using Magento 1.4. I am seeing very weird and inconsistent behavior. Instead of including the URL of my javascript files, Magento is creating tags with the full filesystem path of the js files, as so: <script type="text/javascript" src="/home/my_username/public_html/js/prototype/prototyp...

ASP.NET Setting Flash file path for Object tag inside a usercontrol

I have a an ASP.NET user control where i wanto run a flash movie using flashplayer.How can i set the path of flash movie file properly so that this would work in all pages irrespective of the folders. ie; it should work inside a page in FolderA and a page in FolderASub1 which is in FolderA and a page in the Root folder too.My Flash file ...

Is the HTML <base> tag also honored by scripting and CSS?

The base HTML element provides a base for relative URIs in the HTML. Must JavaScript and CSS also honor it for relative URIs issued in them e.g. JavaScript location.href = "mypage.htm" or CSS h4{ background-image: url(myimage.gif) }? Any browser. ...

How do I convert a relative path to a fully qualified path in C# / .NET?

Let's say I have a file name defined as "..............\bin\prices.xls", is there a simple way to convert that to a fully qualified path (one that includes the Drive letter, colon and all folders to the file)? ...

ASP.Net C# ResolveClientUrl inside Class

Hi, I have the following code: public class NavigationPath { private string menuItems = "<li>" + "<a href=\"#\">home</a>" + "</li>"; But I would like to have: public class NavigationPath { private string menuItems = "<li>" + ...

Apache root-relative links

Using apache 2, I have a simple virtual host container: <VirtualHost> ServerName developmentServer DocumentRoot /var/www </VirtualHost> The site is accessible, but I'm having trouble using root relative links within the site. I have an 'images' folder that is located at the root level. When I am within a folder or subfol...

Getting a Spring resource

Hello, I'm trying to read a css file with the Resources provided by Spring. My application looks like this: src src/com herer my classes inside packages WebContent WebContent/resources/style/myCSS.css --> the css I want to read WebContent/WEB-INF --> here is my application-context.xml I can get the css and read it by doing some...

How to set relative paths in app.config file?

Hi, I am working on a project in which I have many text and xml files. I read those from my program at runtime. I have kept paths to those files in app.config file, but all the paths are absolute paths like "C:\my_project\help_files\rejectList.txt" . If I keep only "\help_files\rejectList.txt" path, program throws filenotfound excep...

Registering and using out-of-proc COM server in an isolated way (SxS)

Hi, We have the following configuration: IE->Creates new process->Process uses out-of-proc COM server We would like to enjoy side-by-side for our new process and out-of-proc COM server which are deployed in an isolated folder. We thought using COM registration with relative path but it looks that when trying to load the COM server, svc...

How to get the absolute path for a given relative path programmatically in Linux?

How to get the absolute path for a given relative path programmatically in Linux? Incase of Windows we have the _fullpath() API. In other words, I mean what is analogous API to _fullpath of Windows in Linux? ...

xaml resource discoverability & ms build

I have a window Icon property set as : Icon="..\..\Images\Project_32.png" The build action is Resource, the png is included in my VS Studio project, and it works fine since that is the png's relative location from this window. In Adam Nathan's WPF Unleashed (what a great book!), he states that "if you put [the image] in an images fo...

Absolute to Relative File Path in Java

Given I have two File objects I can think of the following implementation: public File convertToRelative(File home, File file) { final String homePath = home.getAbsolutePath(); final String filePath = file.getAbsolutePath(); // Only interested in converting file path that is a // direct descendants of home path if ...

ASP.Net MVC2: Where can I store a file to be able to access it on both my dev box and in production?

I need to store a file, such that my ASP.Net MVC app can access the file, both when I run the website in visual studio, and when the production server is actually running. I don't think that I can do relative pathing on my dev box, because the execution path is something in the System32 folder. I don't know if the same is true on the ser...

ASP routing vs relative links

I'm trying to implement routing on a simple site using web forms 3.5 SP1. The problem is that the site is using a simple form of CMS, so the user can create html content and add images. Since all the 'articles' in the database are stored with the image urls relative to the Default.aspx and my route is idCat/*categoryPath, all the images...

Should I use Url.Content() or ResolveUrl() in my MVC views?

When building code like this: <script type="text/javascript" src="<%=ResolveUrl("~/js/js.js")%>"></script> or <input type="image" src="<%=ResolveUrl("~/img/submit.png")%>" /> Should I use Url.Content or ResolveUrl()? What's the difference? ...

htaccess mod_rewrite check file/directory existence, else rewrite?

I have a very heavy htaccess mod_rewrite file that runs my application. As we sometimes take over legacy websites, I sometimes need to support old urls to old files, where my application processes everything post htaccess. My ultimate goal is to have a 'Demilitarized Zone' for old file structures, and use mod rewrite to check for existe...

Which directories does PHP check when including a relative path with include() ?

It's very odd,has anyone ever sum up with a conclusion yet? Sometimes it checks the directory of the included file,too. But sometimes not. D:\test\1.php <?php include('sub\2.php'); D:\test\2.php <?php include('3.php'); Where 3.php is in the same dir as 2.php. The above works,but why?The current directory should be D:\test,but...

wordpress permalinks

I set my wordpress permalink structure to /%postname%/ but now when I go to a page other than the home page (for example if I went to I lose all javascript references. I think this happens because the links to the js files are no longer right as it is in the imaginary folder "about". This is how the js files are refe...

VS 2008 -- Using Relative paths in Build Properties

Hey all, Long story short, I have a test project file (C# project) that contains the NUnit assemblies. When I hit F5, the build properties tell the project to launch NUnit and run the appropriate tests. However, I work with a team and this project (including the NUnit binaries) are in subversion. Which means that when my partner pulls ...