
Communicate between 2 WCF services

How to communicate between 2 WCF services hosted on 2 different machines. ...

How do I get a Remote Desktop for Linux (XDMCP, VNC)

I do this all the time using VNC and it is very easy, but I am curious about a few things like XDMCP. As I understand it, this is a way of creating the entire desktop on a remote X-Server which seems fairly elegant. Several years ago, I worked on a Solaris server and multiple developers had X-Servers running in Windows and we were able ...

Leading Remote Development Teams

I'm now in the position that I am leading 2 remote development teams, some in India, some in the USA (I'm based in Scotland) and was looking for some advice and wisdom what will help make me more successful in this pursuit. Already I've found the following: Regular one to one sessions with each developer helps build trust immensely Co...

SACL on Services using C# || get a handle to a service that has the ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY rights using C#

Anyone have any idea how to get the SACL's on a remote service using C#? I've tried numerous different methods, and basically nothing works. I can get the DACL's and SACL's on the local machine, but getting either on a remote machine doesn't appear to be possible. What I've done is create a class called ServiceSecurity that inherits fro...

FasterCSV: Read Remote CSV Files

I can't seem to get this to work. I want to pull a CSV file from a different webserver to read in my application. This is how I'd like to call it: url = '' records =, :headers => true, :header_converters => :symbol) But that doesn't work. I tried Googling, and all I came up with was...

Icons from remote files

I have started coding an FTP client application (for fun). I’m trying to represent remotely hosted files with icons. For example, let’s say I’m browsing the root folder of an FTP server (/) and want to display the file with the icon association from that client operating system. On some systems, this may be the windows comp...

Can someone explain the difference between @Remote / @Local or only @Stateless in ejb?

I guess the topic says it. I have tried googling this, but havent gotten the answer I am looking for. I have many EJB's with only @Stateless. And sometimes I put @Local on them withouth really knowing why, and the benefits/cons. I also know I can put @Remote, but really dont know the difference. Hope someone can give a clear descriptio...

Set iframe to height of content for remote content

The question of how to make your iframe fit 100% of your content (using JavaScript) has been answered on the forum already... for iframes displaying content from the same domain only. My questions: Is it possible to resize an iframe to fit the content when the iframe src attribute is for a page outside of the domain of the page containi...

How can I programmatically stop/start a windows service on a remote box?

I want to write a console or Click Once WinForms app that will programmatically stop and/or start a windows service on a remote box. Both boxes are running .NET 3.5 - what .NET API's are available to accomplish this? ...

Paging from a remote share

Let's say that I have an application running on Windows XP that is "launched" from a mapped network drive. When a page fault is triggered by the execution of this application and a code page needs to be read from disk, assuming it's not in the pagefile, will Windows go out to the mapped network share to read the necessary code page in f...

Prefered method to map a remote filesystem in windows ?

For a current project, I need to allow users to access their files remotely from Windows. I'm looking for a solution with an explorer integration (using Shell Namespace Extensions). I first try using WebDAV and the built-in client in Windows but the client is not of equal quality in all Windows version and adding SSL and/or authenticati...

Downloading files from remote server

Hello, I am using C# and a console app and I am using this script to download files from a remote server. There area a couple of things I want to add. First, when it writes to a file, it doesn't take into consideration a newline. This seems to run a certain amount of bytes and then goes to a newline. I would like it to keep the same for...

run a batch file that is present in remote machine

Hi, import*; class Visuals{ public static void main(String arg[]){ try{ String command = "cmd /C start C:/Visuals/VisualTimeSeries081308Ratnesh/VisualTimeSeries081308Ratnesh/bat/demo/StartVisTsDataCenterMySql-log.bat"; Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); Process pr = rt.exec(command); //pr.destroy();...

Best Remote Desktop Software for Mac

I need something fast to connect to my Mac from my Vista machine. Built in Screen Sharing does not work with any VNC client, and Vine Server is very slow. Is there anything for the Mac that reaches the performance of Windows Terminal Services? ...

Agent-less method to enumerate certificates on a remote machine

So, I'm trying to develop an agent-less environment management tool. The tool would essentially checklist a group of servers for specific settings that you could specify and it will either simply just report back the results, or make modifications (if allowed to). I've been able to figure out how to do much of this remotely, but have ye...

How do I change the "[remote detached]" message in GNU Screen

When I remote detach a screen session and connect to it myself (screen -r -d), I see the following on the detached session. [remote detached] Is it possible to change this message? ...

PHP error reading remote file

When I try to do a file('') i get an error "URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration" I tried using ini_set('allow_url_fopen', 'On'); but that didn't work. I'm using shared hosting. Any suggestions? All I want to do is read the html source code of a website. ...

C# to SQL Server on client's network

I have a client with an established accounting database for which I want to write a report. I am planning to use VS 2008. I have no difficulty doing this for SQL Server running on my own machine but want to know how best to publish a c# program to run on the client's network SQL Server. So there are two main issues: 1.) How to adapt t...

NetBeans PHP and XDebug - jumping to methods on call stack?

Hi everyone, I'm having trouble with debugging a PHP project through NetBeans using XDebug, and was hoping someone out there might have had this problem before. Debugging works fine for the requested php file - so if I go to index.php on the remote server, I can put a breakpoint anywhere in index.php in NetBeans and the code stops there...

How to deploy with Ant an portlet to remote WebSphere Portal ?

How to deploy with Ant an portlet to remote WebSphere Portal 6.0 (Linux)? ...