
DrawingVisual selection working - deselecting, not so much

ok, I got the several shapes in my custom FrameworkElement to allow for hit testing selection. Next comes the task of deselecting all shapes if the user clicks on a blank area. This doesn't work by default because the FrameworkElement doesn't fire a mousedown event if you click on a "blank" area. Do people solve this by putting a back...

How Can I return a rendered asp.NET panel control content from server-side as a result of jQuery.ajax()?

Hi, At first, I should confess that I am not sure if it is a good practice or not. I have came out with the idea due to my practice of jQuery.ajax(). What I want to achieve is depended on this design: //Server Side; an .asmx file contains a method like this: [WebMethod] public string NewContent(string parameter) { string renderedHTML...

Box2D: How to manually render a body

Hi, I'm getting crazy... I succeed installing box2d into my project. But how can I draw a body? Of course I need an engine to draw with, but that doesn't matter now (SDL). I just want to reach that I can get all the coordinates of the points that represent the body-polygon, to draw it with the engine. (Not relevant for circles) If you ...

CakePhp - render a view + afterFilter

The problem is i want to call the index function, i need it to render the view and then the afterFilter to redirect again to the index function and do the same.. Like a loop, the problem is it doesnt render it, ive tried using $this->render('index') but it doesnt work and also other things.. PS: I didnt include all the code that i have ...

library for text rendering that supports text-on-path

I need a good, reliable library or toolchain for programatically rendering text to png, with different sizes, fonts, weights, etc. It also needs to be able to render text in an arc or to a path. I would like it to be fast, because I'd be running it as on a server. I've tried using SVG and librsvg, but that doesn't render <textPath> elem...

How to render Mandelbulb-style 3D fractals

I'm interested in experimenting with equations for 3D fractals (a la Mandelbulb). Does anyone know of a framework that will allow me to supply a 3-coordinate, Mandelbrot-style function, identifying a point as being contained or not contained within a set, and render the surface form of the resulting set in 3D? Obviously, a solution tha...

Font rendering issue between different macs : safari

Hey All, Our site seems to render smooth fonts correctly on some computers ( looking at on mac's ), but doesnt render the fonts smoothly on other's. Only seems to happen on Safari (v 5.0), and is being tested on mac, macbook pro and desktop. Anybody seen anything like this before? Thanks for any suggestions, seems to be an odd bug ...

Are there rendering performance differences between using ScaleTransform and setting the size directly?

As far as rendering performance is concerned, has a Rectangle with a size of 5000x5000 different performance characteristics than a Rectangle with a size of 5x5 and a ScaleTransform (LayoutTransform) of 1000? ...

Read ASPX files from filesystem and render to HTML

Hello everybody, after long time of searching for the solution I give up and ask this question to you. Is it possible to read an .aspx-file from the filesystem, probably translate it into the Page-object and then render it into HTML? And then writing it back to the filesystem as a .html file. The .aspx file on the filesystem is withou...

Problem with the rendered width of a List Report that contains a tablix subreport.

I have my report page size setting to 8.5” x 11” with .5” left and right margins. In the design mode, my tablix is wider than the 7.5” allowed page width due to the presence of some conditionally displayed columns. This is okay though as the total width of the displayed columns will never be greater than 7.5” when the report is run. I ha...

RenderingS​ession returns null while useing browserfield.

i want to develope appli which has browserfield to browse any url. i m using bowserfield class method from in built JDE example. in this method i m using _renderingSession = RenderingSession.getNewInstance(); but this line returns null while using on real device (curve 8520). but it is working fine on simulator. can anyone help me ...

QGraphicsView/QGraphicsScene rendering question

I am using QGraphicsScene/QGraphicsView pair in my application. I had subclassed them for my purpose. The code snippet that generate the pair is below: itsScene = new QGraphicsScene; itsView = new QGraphicsView; itsView->setParent(itsCanvas); itsView->setGeometry(20,20,1700,720); itsView->setBackgroundBrush(Qt::black); itsView->setAlig...

How to convert block of html to an image (e.g. jpg) in

Hi I like to convert html for example a table to and image and save as jpg. (what I mean is that a table displayed on web page, I only want to get that specific table and save as image) Is it possible using thanks ...

Render objects as if they are drawn with a pencil?

I'm wondering what would be the best approach to render vector objects (e.g. box, rocket) as if they are drawn with a pencil/crayon? Looking for a dynamic rendering approach like RIA/JS here, not Photoshop etc. EDIT: perfect would be sth. close to Cheers, stephanos ...

How can I display ink (that is already captured) as an image in an ASP.NET page?

Hi folks, I have a .NET windows application that collects ink using Microsoft.Ink from Microsoft Tablet PC SDK and stores it in a database. That's working fine. Now I need to display this ink as an image in an ASP.NET application. Note that I don't need to capture any strokes in the web application. Just display the already captured s...

How can I set a minimum width (in characters) for a TextView?

Hi, I've had a good search for this on here and can't find a solution. I have a TextView in a RelativeLayout which contains an integer number. The number will range between 1 and 99 - can anyone tell me how to size the TextView so that its width is always the width of the string "99" even if it only contains "1"? I need this because...

Depth buffer only show blue color

I'm trying to implement Light Prepass rendering in RenderMonkey. So far, in Normal+Depth pass, it seems like Normal buffer is getting correct result, but Depth buffer only show one color. How can I check if my Depth buffer is correct or not? Workspace download link: ...

bezier path widening

Hello. I have a bezier curve B with points S, C1, C2, E, and a positive number w representing width. Is there a way of quickly computing the control points of two bezier curves B1, B2 such that the stuff between B1 and B2 is the widened path represented by B? More formally: compute the control points of good Bezier approximations to B1...

Python library for rich html text rendering

I am looking for a library which can create rich html (appropriately colored text etc.) in python idea would be invoke the library with inputs like renderRich(code_snippet) and the output will be a colored output in html like we get in rich text editors like vim ...

Best resources to learn shaders for real-time rending

I am looking for a good introduction and reference for learning shaders for Maya and other 3D applications. I've search around the internet, but seem to have run into problems finding good communities or good resources. Thanks! ...