
calling a function in repeater

Hi Everybody , i want to call a function to bind data to Repeater . Do I need to Set dataSource Property of this control or Repeater .DataBind() will work. <asp:Repeater ID="RepeaterDays" runat="server"> <ItemTemplate> <ul> <asp:Label ID="lblDays" runat="server" Text='<%#ChandanIdiot()%>'></asp:Label> ...

How to create a three column table in ASP.Net Repeater

I would like to be able to use the ASP.Net Repeater control to create an HTML Table that has three columns and as many rows as necc. For example if the Data were to look like this "Phil Hughes" "Andy Petite" "CC Sabathia" "AJ Burnett" "Javier Vazquez" I would like the resulting table to be like <table> <tr> <td>Phil Hughes</td...

Paging in ASP.NET without a database

Hi, I have a page on my ASP.NET site that has a Repeater control to show posts from members of the site. At the moment I am storing the data for the posts in an XML file and then caching it within the site inside custom objects. So I have: public class MemberPost { public string Title { get; set; } public string Text { get; s...

Button in Repeater not raising event

When I work with the tab Ajax control, and in one tab, I have a Repeater: <asp:Repeater runat="server" ID="rp1" onitemcommand="rp1_ItemCommand"> and in protected void rp1_ItemCommand(object source, RepeaterCommandEventArgs e) method, I add a button and it's event: Button btn = new Button(); btn.Text = "Update"; btn.Click += new EventHa...

JSF2 Paging / Pager for Repeater

Hey guys, Do you know this feeling when every code you write works immedietly and you underrun your schedule :-P It's like 'oh yeah now I have time to make it perfect'. That's where I am at the moment^^ So I implemented a repeater with JSF (ui:repeat) and I thought about a paging for all the entities. Is there maybe an easy way to do t...

Binding a Generic List of type struct to a Repeater

Hi All I've had a bit of a problem trying to bind a generic list to a repeater. The type used in the generic list is actually a struct. I've built a basic example below: struct Fruit { public string FruitName; public string Price; // string for simplicity. } protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { List...

Unable to find control in Repeater control

This has got me stumped. I am trying to find a checkbox in a dynamically loaded Repeater template. The template works fine and the databinding is fine and everything displays fine but I can't find the control! Any ideas? This is the repeater code (I have a similar one for the alternate template with a different style): <%@ Cont...

Checkbox OnClick/ItemCommand in Repeater or DataList

I need to do some server side logic on a row in my repeater when a CheckBox is clicked inside the repeater control. Anyone know how to go about this? The way I see it you cant fire item command and if you use the CheckBoxes OnClick you cant get the repeater row. ... value set in repeater pass into codebehind

Hi my brains hurting trying to think of how to do this. I have a list of asp:hyperlinks created by a repeater. When i click on one of these hyperlinks i want it to pass the value set in the hyperlink into the code behind so i know which hyperlink has been clicked. so... <asp:Repeater id="rpt1" runat="server"> ...some rows of hyperl...

Nested Repeaters in ASP.NET

I have a class that contains hierarchical data. I want to present this data in my webapp using nested repeaters. How do I do this? I've only ever done one level of nesting, how do I do say five levels? Each item can have zero or many sub items. I'm basically just indenting at each subleveling using some css stuff. I do not ... More than 2 Nested Repeaters

My data comes from a database. I have an item data table with some basic properties. Item { ID, Name, Description, ... } Then I have a many to many relationship table with: Parent { ParentID, ChildID } I'm iterating through each item and displaying its children; and its children's children, etc. I assu...

Displaying Hierarchical Data in Nested Repeaters

I have a entity in my database that looks like this; Item { ID, Text, Description, ... ParentID } Where ParentID references another Item.ID; I want to list these Items hierarchically using I assume I want to use a asp:repeater to do the nesting, but maybe not. If there's a better option I'm all for it....

UserControl In Repeater

I created a userControl "MyControl". I want that the Repeater consists it. Repeater code <asp:Repeater ID="Repeater1" runat="server" > <ItemTemplate> <mc:MyControl ID="myControl" runat="server" /> </ItemTemplate> </asp:Repeater> MyControl consists Button. Code: public partial class MyControl : System.Web.UI.UserControl { publ... Stopping a Repeater

I have a series of nested repeaters; for this example, assume 3. I'm binding the inner repeaters using the ItemDataBound event. I want the 2 outside repeaters to display their assigned repeater stuff. Then I want the 3rd and inner most repeater to simply output some message if there is data that COULD be repeated. So to reiterate: I ...

Dynamically Nesting Repeaters

I have a portion of code where I nest repeaters by hardcoding them in HTML: <asp:Repeater ID="rpt_1" runat="server"> <ItemTemplate> <div><%# Eval("ID") %></div> <asp:Repeater ID="rpt_2" runat="server"> <ItemTemplate> <div><%# Eval("ID") %></div> ...

Problem when extending asp:repeater with datapager

Hi all, I'm extending asp:Repeater to use DataPager, and now my code work with SqlDataSource. To get better performance, I want to use ObjectDataSource with it, but I have to use QueryStringField of DataPager, otherwise I have to click page number twice to make it work. Can any one help on this? this is my code: using System; using Syst...

Repeater using a user control

I have a repeater with which I want to use to show a user control multiple times, populated with data. Currently, I have this: <asp:Repeater runat="server" ID="MyRepeater" > <ItemTemplate> <uc1:MyItems ID="MyItems1" runat="server" /> </ItemTemplate> </asp:Repeater> My user control has three properties, which I want to...

Flex ViewStack With A Repeater - Repeater Gets Placed At The Bottom

I have a problem when creating a ViewStack, with a repeater along with other components (i.e. vBox) inside the ViewStack. The repeaters get placed at the bottom of the view. Despite the repeater is listed before other components, it is placed at the bottom. Is there a workaround where I can get the repeater drawn before the other compo...

ASP.NET amount of data transfered with a repeater really high

I was busy implementing a repeater in an ASP.NET 4.0 to display data that I got from the database, I didn't start with building in paging so at the start allot of data was transfered. I filled a datatable and bound it as the datasource of my repeater. I noticed the following, while the page was busy loading 4000 records(way to much ofc)...

Finding controls in repeater on commandargument

Hello I have a repeater: <asp:Repeater ID="rpt_Items" OnItemCommand="rpt_Items_ItemCommand" runat="server"> <ItemTemplate> <div class="item"> <div class="fr"> <asp:TextBox ID="tb_amount" runat="server">1</asp:TextBox> <p> ...