
flex 3 using nested repeaters

I'm trying to loop through a row of an arraycollection using nested repeater; <mx:Repeater id="rp1" dataProvider="{arrayCollection}"> <mx:Repeater id="rp2" dataProvider="{rp1.currentItem}"> <mx:Button height="49" width="50" label="{}" /> </mx:Repeater> </mx:Repeater> What im trying to do is make t...

Using ASP.NET Repeaters with Object Properties

I'm trying to use ASP.NET's Repeater objects to loop over properties of an object. For example... I have an ObjectDataSource to grab object "Program" by ID... Program has properties such as Program.Stakeholders and Program.Outcomes which are Lists of "Stakeholder" and "Outcome" objects. Now... what I'd really like to do is use the Rep...

How to get parent GridView's data-bound value

<asp:GridView DataSource="Reports"> <ItemTemplate> <asp:TextBox Text='<%# Bind("ReportId") %>' <asp:Repeater DataSource="Something that is different than the GridView's DS"> <a href='<%# Bind("ReportId", "reports.aspx?report={0}") %>'/> </asp:Repeater> </ItemTemplate> </asp:GridView> I know t...

Accessing parent data in nested repeater, in the HeaderTemplate

Simple question, not sure there's a simple answer! So here's the code: (I've simplified it a lot to make it easier to read) <asp:Repeater runat="server> <ItemTemplate> <asp:Repeater runat="server"> <HeaderTemplate> <h1>My header here for: <%# OuterContainer.DataItem.MyItemName %> </h1> ...

Nested Repeater using XMLNodeList

Hi all, I am stuck on a problem. I think I am probably close to the solution but can not seem to get there. I have an XMLDoc that is loaded from a stored Proc, into a dataset and the xml is pulled from it, (don't think I can change any of this part). The XML looks like this: <data> <datanode> <name>11</name> <group>G1</grou...

3 Nested Repeater Using LINQtoSQL To Implementing N-N Relation

I have 3 tables in my DB. I implemented a N-N relation using "AccountAccessRight" Table as a junction Table. So "Account" Table has 1-N relation with "AccountAccessRight" and "AccountAccessRight" has N-1 Relation to "NextOfKin" Table. Iwant to list every Account and List every NextOfKins of each account In "Repeater1". Here is DB Diagra...

nested repeater pass value in header template

Hello, I have a nested repeater and i want to pass value in its header. here is my code so far.. The main problem is the id of the control in header template is also coming from code behind. <asp:Repeater ID="RptrProgCategory" runat="server"> <ItemTemplate> <asp:Repeater ID="RptrPrograms" runat="server"> ...

Repeater in Repeater

I have a repeater inside a repeater. Where the parent repeater is bound to a Datable which has a column with a Datatable in it. I would like to bind the child repeater to the datatable column in the parent repeater's datarow Is this possible? i was thinking i could do this directly in the aspx file like: DataSource="<%# DataBinder.Eva...

How to keep a trace of a record inside a nested repeater?

Hi, I have the following implementation: As you can see I have a repeater (listing the Machines) and a nested repeater (listing the WindowsServices inside each Machine). For each Windows Service I can perform an action using a button. However, to perform this action I need to know which Machine and which WindowsService are concerned....

System.OutOfMemoryException being thrown

I am getting a system.outofmemory exception in my code: While r1.Read() menu1id = r1("id") db.AddInParameter(command2, "@menu1id", DbType.Int32, menu1id) r2 = db.ExecuteReader(command2) command2.Parameters.Clear() menu1heading = r1("Headi...

Repeater in Repeater Databinding (no postback)

For the solution, I cannot use any postback methods, because this is all working through ajax. The solution need to be implemented in the code. I have a List<WebPage> that contains a list of Links (List<Link>) and I need for all the links to bind repetitive information such as page title, id, url. Here is my current repeater. <...

Repeater within Repeater (ajax based wepapp)

For the solution, I cannot use any postback methods, because this is all working through ajax. The solution need to be implemented in the code. I have a List<WebPage> that contains a list of Links (List<Link>) and I need for all the links to bind repetitive information such as page title, id, url. Here is my current repeater. <...

How to Conditionally determine Number of Data Items of a Nested Repeater Control!

Hi friends, I can use nested repeater to show my grouped data on a page (according to this: In my case I have Category-Products structure and want to show each category and its products under it. But here are my problems: How can I limit number of products showing under each category. I want to determine for exampl...

Anonymous type for nested repeater (ASP .NET)

I have two nested repeaters in my *.aspx page. <asp:Repeater runat="server" id="rptMain"> <ItemTemplate> <h1><%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Name")%></h1> <asp:Repeater runat="server" DataSource='<%# getUser(Convert.ToInt32(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "FieldKey"))) %>'> <HeaderTemplate><ol>...

Nested Repeaters in ASP.NET

I have a class that contains hierarchical data. I want to present this data in my webapp using nested repeaters. How do I do this? I've only ever done one level of nesting, how do I do say five levels? Each item can have zero or many sub items. I'm basically just indenting at each subleveling using some css stuff. I do not ... More than 2 Nested Repeaters

My data comes from a database. I have an item data table with some basic properties. Item { ID, Name, Description, ... } Then I have a many to many relationship table with: Parent { ParentID, ChildID } I'm iterating through each item and displaying its children; and its children's children, etc. I assu... Stopping a Repeater

I have a series of nested repeaters; for this example, assume 3. I'm binding the inner repeaters using the ItemDataBound event. I want the 2 outside repeaters to display their assigned repeater stuff. Then I want the 3rd and inner most repeater to simply output some message if there is data that COULD be repeated. So to reiterate: I ...

Dynamically Nesting Repeaters

I have a portion of code where I nest repeaters by hardcoding them in HTML: <asp:Repeater ID="rpt_1" runat="server"> <ItemTemplate> <div><%# Eval("ID") %></div> <asp:Repeater ID="rpt_2" runat="server"> <ItemTemplate> <div><%# Eval("ID") %></div> ...

Displaying partially hierarchical data with nested repeaters

I'm SO close, but so far. I've got two tables, one for publication details, the other for the categories adjacency list. I'm trying to display the full dataset with nested repeaters (unless there's a better way) and I'm building my DataSet as shown: string strSql = "SELECT category_id, parent_id, cat_name_en " + "FROM c...