
Disappearing Repeater

I have a Repeater generating ImageButtons. When I click an ImageButton or interact with the GridView elswhere on the page, everything generated in my Repeater disappears. All of my controls are in an UpdatePanel so I dont beleive this is a PostBack issue. ...

Get the current index in an ASP.Net 2.0 Repeater control

Hello, Maybe this is something very easy to do it but so far it's taking me all day to have something working. I have a repeater filled with a table. Each row in the repeater has a set of controls. The most important of them is a drop down list with AutoPostback = true. This ddl has to postback when the user changes the selected inde...

Checking for null database value in ASP Repeater control

I have never written a lick of ASP.NET in my life before this week so go easy on me, please. I have an ASP.NET page that displays pictures from a database. I create a SqlDataReader and bind the repeater to this reader. The page displays a table with three columns: a thumbnail of the pic (path from the database), the name of the camera t...

Referencing DataItem of parent Repeater control inside a User Control

I need to place a user control into the template of a repeater control and reference data items from the repeater's datasource. I tried (ignore the second cast which is specific to the CMS platform I'm using): <%# ((EPiServer.Core.PageData)((RepeaterItem)Container.Parent.NamingContainer).DataItem)["PageName"]%> But that throws back t...

RadioButton Repeater

Hello, I've added a radiobutton to a repeater in I've made the group names work with some Javascript. The problem I am having is when I click save button, the radionbutton.Checked is always false. I can't get the radio button to hold it's checked value. ...

LINQ connecting Many - Many relationships

Hello all, I am using and LINQ Within my LINQ model I have three database tables: The code below is how I access the data: public IQueryable<tblAvailability> GetAvailabilitiesBySet(int id) { return (from a in dc.tblAvailabilities where a.asID == id select a).DefaultIfEmpty(); ...

Gridview inside Repeater not firing Delete Event

I have a Repeater that has a gridview in it, which uses an SqlDataSource with a delete command. When I click delete on a given row, it posts back but doesn't fire the delete. Am I forgetting something? ...

how to add an empty row in a IQueryable?

If you had a filled IQueryable variable. How would you add a new empty entry in the end of that list? Here is what I have to do: if there is 2 entry, add 3 empty entry if there is 0 entry, add 5 empty entry if there is 5 entry, add 5 empty entry You can now see the pattern and it's for a repeater in Should I simply create...

access label inside a repeater ItemTemplate that is inside a usercontrol from page

I have a repeater inside a user control.User control in on page shoppingcart.aspx.I want to access all lblPrice from javascript from a function inside shoppingcart.aspx.How to access all of these labels. <asp:Repeater ID="rptShoppingCart" runat="server"> <HeaderTemplate> <tr class="big_header_sty...

Populating DropDownList inside Repeater not working

I'm trying to populate a dropdown list inside a repeater, but I'm not being very successful. I'm probably using the wrong EventArgs e. Here's my aspx code: <asp:Repeater runat="server" id="criteriaScore"> <HeaderTemplate> <ul> <li class="header"><span class="item">Kriterie</spa...

Listing users in a repeater, how to get UserId when the row's button is clicked

I have a repeater that lists Users. Each row has the userId, username, etc, and a button in the last column. When the button is clicked, how can I get the current row's user ID? ... repeaters. To use or not to use

We are currently using a repeater to display input fields, drop downs, check boxes, and calendar items on each row. The desired functionality is to allow the user to add up to 10(this could potentially change by web config) items (each row). Is it appropriate to list these out in a repeater or am I going about this the wrong way? What ...

.net repeater - store current element

I have a repeater. I can access individual properties of the element being repeated on - e.g. if my repeater is bound to a list of people, I can access 'FirstName' with #Eval("FirstName"). However, I would like to actually store the current element in a variable Person person = ... GetCurrentElement ... Is there any way to do thi...

How to save items loaded in a repeater?

Hello, I am loading a set of records that load in a Repeater control. I have a CheckBox control for each record that determines whether the item is Active/Inactive. How do I loop through all the records in the Repeater on a button click event and save the state of the CheckBox? I will need to get the ID of the record and the Checked s...

Send string with QueryString in Repeater Control in

I use a Repeater Control for showing the data in my WebSite. I use a HyperLink in the Repeater Control for showing one field of my table in the database. When you click, I want that link go to another page and send a string to that [page] with a QueryString. I don't know how I do that - can you explain how to do it? I am using Linq in...

ASP.NET : What does the '#' starting a <% %> mean ?

I've been using the repeater control in for awhile now..and every now and then i keep forgetting to add the '#' inside the < %# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "NAME") % > so i was wondering what does it mean ? ...

What is ItemCommand and ItemDatabound of a Data Representation Control?

Hi, Please Explain with example ItemCommand and ItemDatabound of a Data Representation Control. ...

retrieve user control child elements programatically in .net, how to?

ive been searching throughout msdn, but i dont know what I should be searching for do I access the child elements of a user control, I do not wish to create a new custom control that renders its own html, the html output is a simple repeater in an ascx file, it looks like this: <asp:repeater id="rpContent" runat="server" o...

How might I control a checkbox in a repeater?

In my project, there is a Repeater. And in the repeater is a CheckBox. When I bind data to the Repeater, how can I control (set checked / unchecked) the CheckBoxs that are produced by the Repeater? This is what I've tried: <asp:Repeater ID="Security1" runat="server"> <ItemTemplate> <tr> <td> <asp:CheckBox ID="CheckBox1" ...

asp repeater inside dynamic control losing items

i have a repeater inside a dynamic control, i am trying to get the items of the repeater in a postback prior to databinding. this seems to work when i have a static repeater where the items are still intact, but when my repeater is inside a dynamic control and i try to get "repeater.Items", the count is always 0. is this normal behav...