
.NET regex multiline help - regular expression

I've got a multiline string like this. Ity has line feeds. [Site Url="" Owner="DOMAIN\user1" SecondaryOwner="DOMAIN\user2" ContentDatabase="WSS_Content_$1" StorageUsedMB="0.8" StorageWarningMB="0" StorageMaxMB="0" /] [Site Url="" Owner="DOMAIN\user1" ContentDatabase="WSS...

Replacing whitespaces within list elements

I have a list of tags: >>> tags_list ['tag1', 'second tag', 'third longer tag'] How can I replace whitespaces within each element of the list with "+" ? I was trying to do this with regular expressions but each string remains unchanged: for tag in tags_list: re.sub("\s+" , " ", tag) What is wrong with my approach ? EDIT: Yes ...

Writing \r in Javascript string

Hello, I want to write a script which adds in a string a backslash () everytime it finds a quotation marks or \r. It works but for " and ', but I don't know how to write it for \r. Could anyone help me? THANKS <script type="text/javascript"> var test="Let\'s test if this \"works\" properly"; var escapedString = test.replace(/(['"])/g, ...

C# Replacing matching substrings in a string

Hi. How do I remove all matching substrings in a string? For example if I have 20 40 30 30 30 30, then I just 20 40 30 (and not the other 30s). Do I use a regex? If so, how? ...

Help with regular expressions (JS replace method)

Hello, We would like to do a replace in our string like this: - Every time a \n (new line) or \t (tab) or \r (carriage return) appears, it should be replaced by the string "\n" or "\t" or "\r". For example, this string: "Hello, how are you? Fine thanks." Should be replaced by: "Hello, how\n\tare you?\nFine thanks." Could you help ...

Replacing string in textfile with quotes and doublequotes with sed

Hello, Lets say I want to replace the following string within a textfile: document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + \ + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); I came up with this sed command, but surprisingly nothing happens at all. sed -i "s/document.write(unescape(\"%3Cscript src=\"\' + \\ + \"go...

Replace an element in a list in Scheme

Hi, I'm looking for a function in Scheme to replace a element in an equation by a value. Exemple : '(+ a b c a) with (1 2 3) should give me '(+ 1 2 3 1). (I don't want to resolve the equation, it was just an exemple) Basically, I want to say that a=1, b=2, c=3 To proceed, I extract the variables of my first list in another list. The...

Javascript hash replace error

What's the problem with this? the hash is : #/search=hello/somethingelse/ window.location.hash.replace(/search=([^\/]*)/gi, "search=" + value); EDIT: I want to change just a specific part of the hash not the whole hash. ...

Replace size parameter in css

I want to replace all font-size-parameters in a html document (css attributes). I'm using .net with c#. I guess it could be done with some regular expression. Am I forgetting some other ways to set the font size? Example: <html> <head> <style type="text/css"> .t { font-size: large; ...

how use replace in exec statement in sql server 2008

Hi, I have a stored proc, say, "call_Me" with few parameters: Declare @Greet varchar(100) = 'Hi ||User||' Exec Call_Me 1,'something', @Greet --parameters: bit, string, string during the call, I want to be able to replace the ||User|| bit with something else. normally, in a select statement, I would do this: select 1, 'somethin...

Exact string replacement in php

Hi, I'm looking for a way to replace a string in php that exactly matches with the subject. For example I got a file named 'hello-world.txt' having three lines: '' '' '' and I need to replace the '' with 'http://www.example2....

Replace all the dots in a number

Hi, I'm trying to replace all dots found in a value entered by the user in an HTML form. For instance I need the entry '8.30' to be converted to '8x30'. I have this simple code: var value = $(this).val().trim(); // get the value from the form value += ''; // force value to string value.replace('.', 'x'); But it doesn't work. Using t...

Replace all special characters from a string using PHP

Hi, I am using jQuery editor with PHP it works fine for plane text (text with out special characters) but if I try to post text which contain special characters then it does not store these special characters in to db table.. and when I tried to replace any special character with HTML codes it works fine. But it is too difficult to repla...

Simple way of converting slashes in a Makefile?

I need to convert all paths with '\' in them to '/'. The makefile is quite long and doing this manually is impossible. Is there some way to quickly convert them? Keep in mind that a global replace is not possible because '\' is also used to denote that a command is continued on the following line. ...