
C# String Array Replace Last Element

Hi, i have a String Array which comes from a splitted String string[] newName= oldName.Split('\\'); newName.Last().Replace(newName.Last(), handover); Why doesnt this replaces my last element in the Array? last() comes from using linq regards ...

JavaScript regex: Not starting with

I want to replace all the occurrences of a string that doesn't start with "<pre>" and doesn't end in "</pre>". So let's say I wanted to find new-line characters and replace them with "<p/>". I can get the "not followed by" part: var revisedHtml = html.replace(/[\n](?![<][/]pre[>])/g, "<p/>"); But I don't know the "not starting with" ...

Is there a utility in the Android SDK or in Java to replace parts of a string using placeholders?

It would work something like this someUtility.replace ("Hello, my name is {1}. What is your {2}?", "Mark", "name"); Thanks in advance! ...

Batch string replace

I have a variable like this "Folder With Spaces/filename.ext" When I pass it to my program via PHP's system command, arguments are separated by spaces system("batch.bat Folder With Spaces/filename.ext"); So I have it like this system("batch.bat Folder_With_Spaces/filename.ext"); Is there a way now that it is back in the batch pr...

Replace with JQuery

Hi Im trying to replace some html with Jquery, this is what I got so far. $(".old").html($(".new").html()); This almost work. Only that the .new is being copied, instead of replacing. I wan't to Cut/Paste instead of Copy/Paste ...

replace an item in a html tag spanning multiple lines

I have a text file with html: Blah, blah, blah some text is here. <div> something here something else </body></html> so far, if the tags are on one line this works: textfile = open("htmlfile.txt", "r+") text = a ='<div.+?<\/html>', text) repstr = text = text.replace(repstr, '', 1) works ...

Using Standard REGEX to add a character at the end of a string

I need to add a backward slash to a string before storing it; e.g. source "user1@domain1" - i need to store this string into two variables, userid and domain. However for the domain variable, before storing it I want to add a backward slash to the end of the domain name e.g. "domain1\" how can this be done in regex, thanks. ...

How do I restrict a string to a specific set of characters in JavaScript?

To put this in context, consider these 2 functions: ml_RestrictToChars = function(input,regex) { var result = '';var c = ''; var rx = new RegExp(regex); for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { c = input.charAt(i); if (rx.test(c)) { result += c; } } return result; }; ml_OmitChars =...

How to replace the some characters from the end of a string?

My question is very simple, but I didn't get the answer from google. There is a python string: s = "123123" I want to replace the last 2 with x. Suppose there is a method called replace_last: r = replace_last(s, '2', 'x') print r 1231x3 Is there any built-in or easy method to do this? UPDATE Sorry, guys, since someone said...

How to convert unicode string like u'\\u4f60\\u4f60' to u'\u4f60\u4f60' in Python?

I capture the string from a html source file using regex: f = open(rrfile, 'r') p = re.compile(r'"name":"([^"]+)","head":"([^"]+)"') match = re.findall(p, And I've tried: >>> u'\\u4f60\\u4f60'.replace('\\u', '\u') u'\\u4f60\\u4f60' >>> u'\\u4f60\\u4f60'.replace(u'\\u', '\u') u'\\u4f60\\u4f60' >>> u'\\u4f60\\u4f60'...

NavigationController: Replacing a pushed UIViewController with another one

Hello, for a better understanding of the following question, here's a little drawing that illustrates the structure of my App: So, basically I have a navigation-based App that uses NavigationController's "pushViewController" method to show Views A and B. What I'd like to accomplish is to make a transition from view...

Apostrophe replaced by ’ in mySQL table

I'm a complete mySQL & PHP noob, and in my table, whenever there is an apostrophe, it gets replaced by ’. I've searched and found that it could be because my table is not UTF-8, but I changed all the collation settings in phpMyAdmin to utf8_unicode_ci, and I still get the ’. To be clear, I am sending the data to a PHP script from a...

String replace in many the tables for some fields ?

I have a drupal based site (CCK+Views+Taxonomy) with a huge amount of text content. Now consider I would like to convert all the "W" in the content with "w", I have no idea what tables to touch or what fields in those tables, I just know that I want all the "W"s in the site (it's content I mean, database) to be replaced with "w"s, any in...

Stripping strings from a MySQL field?

Is it possible to run some SQL to change the contents of a field? My field looks like this ..//uploaded_images/1284058574.jpg and I want it to simply be 1284058574.jpg all the records that I wish to change will start with ..//uploaded_images/ ...

Help with searching for files in C#

I am working on a search and replace console app to help out some people in my department. I am trying to have them input a file path and also the type of file they would like to search for. if they want to find txt files then it will find all txt files in a directory...stick these into an array and then process the files as needed. I...

Custom formatting including dates

VB2005 In my app I present to the user an option to customize the name of the file that gets produced. The format string the program reads is something like "yyyyMMdd-%1-%2-%3-%4" which the user can customize to his liking. in this case the format of the date is yyyyMMdd and the %1 is the trip number like 1000P, %2 is the origin code l...

Replace last word in string

$variable = 'put returns between paragraphs'; Value of this variable everytime changes. How to add some text before the last word? Like, if we want to add 'and', the result should be (for this example): $variable = 'put returns between and paragraphs'; ...

Replace char in a string

how to change [email protected] into XXX_YYY_ZZZ One way i know is to use the string.replace(char, char) method, but i want to replace "@" & "." The above method replaces just one char. one more case is what if i have [email protected]... i still want the output to look like XX.X_YYY_ZZZ Is this possible?? any suggestions thanks ...

Limited string replacement using regex?

Is it possible to use regex to only replace X number of occurrences of a particular string? For example, if I have the word 'lion' in a string 10 times, could I use regex to only replace the first 6 occurences instead of all of them? ...

Add before and after the string

$variable = 'for linebreak add 2 spaces at end'; Value of this variable everytime changes. How to add some text or html before and after this string? E.g. if we want to add '<div>' before and '</div>' after, string should look like: $variable = '<div>for linebreak add 2 spaces at end</div>'; ...