
Binlog MySQL Replication is a "Bag of Hurt". Are there any good alternatives?

I've honestly tried this left and right and still find that my mirror server, set up as a replication slave still lags behind. My app's user base keeps growing and now Ive reached the point where I can't keep "shutting down" to "resync" databases (not even on weekends). Anyways, my question: Are there any plausible, affordable, alternat...

Sql Server CE 3.5 Merge Replication Synchronise is Hanging

Hi I am using sql server 2005 ce framework 3.5 and attempting to use merge replication between my hand held and my sql server. When I run the code to synchronise it just seems to sit forever, and when I put a breakpoint in my code it never gets past the call to Synchronize(). If I look at the replication monitor in sql server, it get...

SQL CE Merge Replication: Error 28532: A read operation from the transport returned no data.

Hi, I am using sql server 2005 and ce framework 3.5 and attempting to use merge replication between my hand held and my sql server. I am getting the following error: Error 28532 : A read operation from the transport returned no data. The version of SQL Server Compact 3.5 Client Agent and SQL Server Compact 3.5 Server Agent should matc...

Can MOSS 32 bit and 64 bit exist in the same farm?

I am trying to setup a failover location for MOSS. The current farm is built on 32 bit Windows 2003. The servers ar the failover location are all 64 bit Windows 2008. Is there any way to make these two environments talk and stay in sync? I have considered a "stretched" farm configuration, but that won't work unles the bit width of both ...

Best way to replicate db into other systems

What is the best way to replicate the update stream to a large (6TB) oracle db into another non-DBMS system? I don't need to "bulk load" the oracle db, but merely want to flow all updates into another home-grown system in near realtime (10s latency or less). Updates happen at the rate of 150 rows/second representing 10s of megabytes pe...

SQL Server 2005 Replication and different indexes on the subscriber

Hi, We have SQL Server database setup. We are setting up a replication scenarios where we have one publisher and on subscriber. The subscriber will be used as a reporting platform so that we can run all the BI queries that we need and have to hit the server that is reciving all the data from our clients. The subscriber is set to pull ...

Transactional replication

What is the maximum number of publishers one can create on one Database on that same database server itself? Also, Vice - versa , What is the maximum number of subscribers one can create on one Database on that same database server itself? ...

Recommended framework for data aggregation

We have an application that will be collecting data and storing it in local WinXP PCs using Microsoft SQL Server Compact. We want to aggregate that data up to a single full-blown SQL Server for reporting and archival. The data transport needs to be fairly continuous (i.e. not batched) though some latency is acceptable (a minute or two ...

How to Configure SQL Server 2005 Replication through a firewall?

What ports or modes of communication do you need to open up for SQL Server 2005 Transactional Replication? Main and slave are geographically separated. ...

MSDE merge replication with Intel Atom processor

We have a product that by default installs MSDE SP3 for use with merge replication (as subscriber). We have never had a problem with this. Recently found that on the Eee PC everything installs without incident, which includes applying the latest snapshot; however, when we try to pull down data to the Eee PC from the Publisher it takes ...

How reliable is SQL server replication?

We have a database on SQL Server 2000 which should be truncated from time to time. It looks like the easiest solution would be to create a duplicate database and copy the primary database there. Then the primary database may be safely truncated by specially tailored stored procedures. One way replication would guarantee that the backup ...

SQL Server Transactional Replication, and different primary keys

With SQL Server 2005 and transactional replication, can I remove the primary key constraints on the subscriber, while leaving the primary key constraints on the publisher? Primary I want to do this because I want to cluster on different columns than the existing clustered constraints. I don't think I can convert a constraint from clust...

MS-SQL Server 2005: non convergent data after replication

We have a merge replication topology including one publisher, multiple publications and multiple subscriptions. It has been running for at least 8 months without problems. A few days ago I was informed that my PO codes were being "changed" without any reasons, from a standard "ZWWTP/PO-0092" style to a new "ZWWT" style: characters 5 to ...

SQL Server transactional replication for very large tables

I have set up transactional replication between two SQL Servers on different ends of a relatively slow VPN connection. The setup is your standard "load snapshot immediately" kind of thing where the first thing it does after initializing the subscription is to drop and recreate all tables on the subscriber side and then start doing a BCP...

Sharing data between remote locations

I'm currently estimating how to best share data between offices at different geographical locations. My current preference is for using SQL Server Merge Replication and have a main database and handful of subscribers. The system will also need to allow a few work sites to work disconnected (no or little connectivity on construction site...

How to replicate a shared MSSQL 2005 db for development purposes?

I would like to replicate a MSSQL 2005 db (hosting through a shared hosting provider) directly on an integration server for development purposes. MSSQL server provides quite a few ways of performing data replication, but I am not sure that any of them is compatible with a typical shared hosting environment. The idea would be to update t...

MySQL replication: temporarily prevent specific SQL statements replicating to the slaves?

I want to connect and execute one (or sometimes several) SQL statements, and NOT have those replicated to the slaves. I have no replicate-do or replicate-ignore configs, so I can't use some non-replicated database to send the commands from. And I know about: set global sql_slave_skip_counter = 1 But that's on the slave. I'd like to...

How does 'LOAD DATA INFILE' work in statement-based replication?

In MySQL, using statement based replication I assume that every SQL statement gets executed on the slave exactly the same way as on the master. However, when I run the statement: LOAD DATA INFILE 'filename' INTO SomeTable; I'm not sure if the file needs to exist on the slave the same way at it does on the master. Can someone point me ...

Is Guid the best identity datatype for Databases?

It is connected to BI and merging of data from different data sources and would make that process more smooth. And is there an optimal migration strategy from a database without Guids to a version with Guids without information losses? ...

Sometimes offline application architecture question

Hi Guys, I have a n-tier winform client server application running against sqlserver DB. I want it to be able sometimes to run "offline" (not connected to the DB) and on reconnect, reconsile the changes to the main DB. Now, this i have tough architecture decision to make: should i use database replication or manage it myself using queues...