
Total of unknown categories in SSRS 2005

Hi, I am working with SSRS2005. I have requirement to display total in the footer. We have to display the total of each category. What I used to do is, write expression for all category names and hide those totals that are not having any value in the current selection. Mango Count = sum(iif(fields!Category.Value = “Mango”,0,1)) Apple C...

SSRS and hiding other selections once a parameter is selected

I am learning SSRS so this is probably an extremely easy solution. I have a bunch of reports that were rebuilt to match some old Access reports. For each report, we have to be able to run Current, Last, Next or Adhoc dates. Is there an easy way if a user selects Adhoc to then show the parameters selections for Start and End Date for t...

Populate an SSRS Report parameter(hidden) by a sproc or user defined function

My SSRS report fetches data from my DATAWAREHOUSE. The ASP.NET application I have is connected to an OLTP database. I invoke the SSRS Report from my ASP.NET application and provide a parameter as CustomerID(this is an application key in datawarehouse) to my report. Since my report is connected to my datawarehouse, I do not query my re...

SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services Charting - adding a data table to bottom of a chart

I would like to add a data table to bottom of a (line) chart in a report. I know I can create a matrix report with the same data source. I would like to have everything lineup automatically like it does when you add a data table to a chart in Excel (as shown at Example from E...

SQL Reporting services 05 - custom code sum display on table header

I have a view retrieving data like Course Attendee if-student shadow-tutor course-max CS1 steve no mark 5 CS1 anna yes dan 5 and after retrieving, I select the course, count(attendee), shadow-tutor, course-max where if-student = Parameters!if_student. The result would be like: C...

Filler dots for Table of Contents in Reporting Services

Does anyone have a slick way of adding filler dots to a table of contents page in RS? This would not be a problem were it using proportional fonts. e.g. Monkey.........5 House..........1 Tree...........11 Underpants.....2 Obviously the example above sucks as the font is proportional ...

determine which page an object is on in Reporting Services

I need to do this for a 'Table of Contents' (sub)report. Methinks it is not possible. Any ideas? e.g. Table 1 starts on page 2 Table 2 starts on page 7 Is there, perhaps, a way of tapping into the Document Map? ...

ReportBuilder.application fails on my PC - but works on localhost

We're running SQL 2005 on Win2K3 server and are using SSRS. Here's the situation: I can run Report Builder from localhost My coworker can run Report Builder on his Vista computer Another coworker can run Report Builder on his XP SP3 computer (IE7) I can NOT run Report Builder on my XP SP3 computer (IE7) I'm told that it could be any...

Help on a specific SSRS hack - a customized design for the parameter bar

I have exhausted many options to implement the below design (link to page) in the ssrs parameter bar. Have learned painfully that it is not easy to customize design... Would someone perhaps have an ingenious hack? I really appreciate if someone can me implement the below design (image on another site) into ssrs. http://www.freeimageh...

Reporting Services add empty newlines when converting to word

Hello, I am facing a problem where "Reporting Service" show me the report perfectly in reporting manager but once I export to word document I get unwanted new lines in table cells when the cell contains a plain text and a place holder. ...

Get table row count outside scope of table in SSRS 2008

I can count the rows in the dataset that the table consumes, but this doesn't return the right value as the data in the table is grouped. I need to know the table size in order to dynamically size a chart that appears along side the table. CountRows is obviously no good as you have to be in the scope of the table, which I'm not. Any i...

"Report item not linked to a dataset"...but it is

I am getting this error in the expression editor for a chart control. Category - Fields Item - 'Fields selection frame' is where I see the error The chart IS linked to a dataset though and it works too; how else would the chart be populated with meangingful data when I run it? :) Does anyone know why this occurs? [pic not supplied...

Force chart labels to remain inside frame

RS2008 - pie chart I have 'outside' labels with lines pointing to the segment (although strangely this only appears to work in pdf output) However (see pic below) the label is appearing outside the scope of the chart area How can I force it to remain inside? (MinimumRelativePieSize is set to 70) (pic below missing due to not being ab...

In Reporting Services how to filter second drop down list based on selection in first drop down list?

Question In a Reporting Services Report, How do I filter a second drop down list of cars to only show cars whose ManufacturerId is equal the selected Manufacturer (from the first drop down list)? Report Datasets I have 2 datasets. Dataset 1. A list of Manufacturers. From a stored procedure Report_Manufacturers_P Dataset 2. A list of...

pie chart DynamicHeight property causing huge white space issue in SSRS 2008

I can successfully get the dynamicheight property of a pie chart to match the size of a table it appears adjacent to in the report. The problem is that by using this property, RS is now inserting huge amounts of white space beneath the pie chart. Why is this occuring and how can I make it stop? ...

DynamicHeight pie chart underlapping other objects in the same rectangle in reporting services 2008

I have a pie chart in SSRS 2008 which when it reaches a certain size is underlapping objects which appear below, but still inside the same rectangle; the height of the pie chart is calculated using the DynamicHeight property of the chart Apparantly: Using Rectangles to Control Item Growth and Displacement Items within a rectang...

DateTime formatting in SSRS ReportViewer always uses en-US?

I'm having a show-stopping issue with the ReportViewer component that's part of SSRS. I'm working on a WinForms application and have a couple of local reports that show DateTime values from the database in various locations. Regardless of how the formatting is done (no formatting at all, using "d" in the Format property, or using FormatD...

How to add moving average to Report Builder 2.0 chart

This is driving me nuts. I've looked at all the relevant MSDN tutorials but they talk about 'data field drop zones' and how a 'Add Calculated Series' menu option should be there but it's not, and no screenshot is provided to show what a 'data field drop zone' is. This is the menu I get when I "right-click on a field in the data field d...

Repoer Designer for using Visual Studio 2008 and a SQL 2005 back end database other than Crystal Reports

We are developing in using Visual Studio 2008 and a SQL 2005 back end database and are looking for a Report Designer that can be used to build reports and give the User the ability to modify and create reports once the software is sold and in use. ...

Report Designer for using Visual Studio 2008 and a SQL 2005 back end database other than Crystal Reports

We are developing in using Visual Studio 2008 and a SQL 2005 back end database and are looking for a Report Designer that can be used to build reports and give the User the ability to modify and create reports once the software is sold and in use. ...