
SSRS Email Subscription

Hi Team, I have an report to be sent in email using SSRS 2005. I have created subscription through C# code, some time back. It used to send emails successfully. Now, it does not send. There is a message as "The delivery extension for this subscription could not be loaded." [The report is rendering properly when I try with Report Man...

Reporting Server returns "Operation completed successfully" on preview then crashes

Title says it all. Funny that it says it was "successful" and then the application would proceed to crash. XD A little bit more detail: Using an RDL file, I query around 100,000+ records from a database. In addition, I've noticed that queries below that number do not cause the crash, and the full amount gets returned IF I don't have my...

SSRS 2008 + SSL displays 404 not found

Hi, I have SQL reporting services configured to use a secure certificate and when I visit both Reports and ReportManager I get a 404 not found error. The reporting services logs do not contain any error information. I am a bit at a loss to know where to start to diagnose this problem, especially as SSRS is not using IIS. I created th...

Reporting on data when data is missing (ie. how to report zero activities for a customer on a given week)

I want to create a report which aggregates the number of activities per customer per week. If there has been no activites on that customer for a given week, 0 should be displayed (i.e week 3 and 4 in the sample below) CUSTOMER | #ACTIVITIES | WEEKNUMBER A | 4 | 1 A | 2 | 2 A | 0 | 3 A | 0 | 4 A | 1 | 5 B ... C ... ...

how to get SSRS 2008 R2 to export/render in Excel 2007 format?

I have a report that has ~1k columns and ~17k rows and I'm trying to render it to Excel 2007 with SSRS 2008 R2 Nov CTP. SSRS team members have mentioned in multiple places that Excel 2007 format is included in 2008 R2, for instance:

How can I generate a flat excel file from a .rdl report?

I have a .rdl report that formats data as a report. I want to export that data to excel as a flat table with the raw data that was returned based on the params in the report. The default excel export looks just like the report which isn't what I want (I just want rows and columns). Is there an easy way to do this? ...

Pass data from ssrs subreport to parent

1 Is it possible to pass data from ssrs 2005 subreport to its parent report? 2 If yes, how? Thanks so much Philip ...

Reporting Services SQL Server 2005 File Share Error

Hi, I have a problem with Reporting Services, on an XP box, trying to save subscription reports onto a Windows 7 box over the network. No matter the permissions or accounts used by reporting services it always comes back with "A logon error occurred when attempting to access the file share. The user account or password is not valid." S...

SSRS 2008 - inclusion of subreport causes main report to return no data

I have a report which worked perfectly. I inserted a subreport at the top (basically a cover sheet) Now the rest of the report runs, but has "no data available" all over it What is going on?! ...

Need multiple series in a reporting services column chart and can't get more than one to show

I have a sql query based report that returns multiple rows - typically 5 - each one having different values in the main data columns (8 off) and a column called type. Effectively for each different type there will be a different set of values in the corresponding 8 values columns. The report works perfectly but I cannot get more than one... Report Viewer impersonation

Hi, I am using a report viewer control in an web application. The application runs in the app pool identity (impersonate="false") so it has the rights to read/write the database. But for the report viewer control I need to impersonate the currently logged on user. So far I've only found information about setting impersonation ...

Reporting Services URL parameter problems

I have an URL to a location on the server where it can find teh report. The report works just fine if i manually refresh it. I tried using rc:ClearSession=TRUE and i also tried sending a random parameter, but the report is still not being refreshed. Any ideas? The main scenario: User eneters the page(with a grid view) User clicks on E...

How do I have a subscription email format a hyperlink in the comment field?

email delivery in ssrs 2005 won't format a hyperlink I enter in unless it generates it. How do I get a hyperlink in the email text (the comment field in ssrs) instead of it being written out as plain text? ...

How can you centre an image within the image control in SQL Server Reporting Services 2008?

I have got an image in an image control on a report in SSRS 2008. The image is coming from an external source, and varies in width. I would like to centre the image within the control, but the image control does not have an equivalent of the text box's TextAlign property to allow right/left/center alignment to be done automatically. I h...

sql server 2005 reporting services-- how to use multiple datasets in report

Hi everyone, I'm new to SQL Server reporting services, and am trying to decipher an existing report. It's nothing too bad, but I notice it does have two report datasets defined. (They are generated via separate stored procedures) I'm trying to figure out where and how the report datasets are linked together so the Fields collection h...

Combining MDX and SQL datasets into one for a drill-through report??

Hello, Wondering if I could get some advice and direction on this following requirement: Need to Create a SSRS report with two datasets, one MDX and one SQL. I then need to join those two datasets to create a third dataset which is to be used by a drill though report. How can I combine those datasets into one and use that as a Dataset...

How do I group a SSRS report by month?

I have a set of data that includes a field with the datetime that events happen. i want to group the events by month. I haven't come across a simple and elegant expression to achieve this. So far all I can come up with is to convert the field to a date, then take the year and month as integers and then convert this back to a string wi...

Draw chart for every row of the dataset in SSRS. Loop through dataset rows

Hi, Could anyone help me with how can we create chart for every row of the dataset in SSRS (rdl) ! Suppose the dataset has the following data Name Age ------- ------- A 25 B 26 C 22 3 chart needs to be drawn for the x-axis/y-axis combination ...

How to find time spent per user per application in Google Apps?

Is it possible to obtain some kind of statistics on which user spent how much time on which application when they log into Google Apps? Applications example would be gmail/sites/talk etc., ...

Setting Parameters from another Parameter In SSRS

I was able to get this working is SSRS 2008, but do to the fact that my company only has 2005 servers I need to downgrade the report to 2005. The idea is for a given person name there are two key fields EntityType and EntityId So I have a parameter from a dataset where the Label is the Name and the value is EntityType_EntityId I use t...