
How can one prevent page breaks between Tables in SQL Reporting Services 2005?

I've been developing an SSRS 2005 report (a form letter) that contains two tables. The first "table" uses DataSet "A" to populate address fields on letterhead. The second table uses DataSet "B" to display a basic list of records that pertain to the addressed party. Even though the two tables are within the same page and all PageBreak...

Spanning a Tablix column

I am using Microsoft Reporting Services (rdlc, that comes with Visual Studio 2010) Suppose I want to create a report that has a Group Header, detail rows, and a group footer. (I'm using Tablix, but if there is a different way, I'm open to it). Now, there are several columns, but I want for the group header to span the columns. Is that...

Multivalue parametres in SSRS- display in the report

I just started working with SSRS, so this question might seem silly. Anyway, for now I'm trying to avoid multi-valued parameters, because I want my parameters to be able to be NULL. So I'm just passing a comma-separated string of ID values to my stored procedure, and everything works. The problem I encountered is that I want to displa...

Can I use @table variable in SQL Server Report Builder?

Using SQL Server 2008 Reporting services: I'm trying to write a report that displays some correlated data so I thought to use a @table variable like so DECLARE @Results TABLE (Number int ,Name nvarchar(250) ,Total1 money ,Total2 money ) insert ...

Use Visual Studio 2003 to post reports to Reporting Services 2008

Is there a way I can use Visual Studio 2003 to post reports to Reporting Services 2008 Report Server? It doesn't seem to work, but it works in VS 2008. I really don't want to upgrade the reports to a new version of studio (and rdl) just to move them to a new server (2008). It's a lot of additional work. ...

How can I remove the "!NEW" marker that appears next to items in SQL Server Reporting Services 2005's Report Manager Web interface?

Like many others, I have had to resort to writing a custom report deployer for SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services elements. Currently, its method is to completely destroy the entire contents of the entire report server, then to re-upload all RDLs, images, etc. from scratch. (This may need to change one day if we start using SSRS more d...

Controlling usb devices from a droid?

Anyone know where I can find information on how I can control the USB port on a Droid running Android 2.0? I want to know how to either initialize the USB port or send data across it vi a program. I want to be able to atatch a device to the USB port to act as a switch to control a microservo. So when I said "send data" across the port, I...

Reporting tools for postresql

Could you recommend a reporting solution for postgresql/django which is: fairly flexible and easy-to use can be deployed online is free/opensource [optional] output format is HTML/CSV(optional) users can create new reports (via SQL) if it can utilise underlying django's models that'd be great ...

How to convert SSRS 2008 Server reports to SSRS 2008 Client Reports

I have a large SSRS 2008 Server Report Project (more than 200 reports). Currently my companystrategy has been changed and we want to convert these server reports to client reports. All of the Server reports uses Storeprocedures (or in some cases from the SQl Functions) All of them work properly andthere is no problem Beause of project...

How to export into word format using Reporting Services (SSRS)

Using Reporting services in SQL Server 2005 in with c#, how can we export reports in word document? Thanks In Advance.!! ...

Getting "#Error" in SSRS reports - how to diagnose?

Hey everyone, I have some custom code that gets called to format certain fields for an SSRS report. Instead of getting the formatted value back as expected, I get the unhelpful message of "#Error". Is there a log or anything that can give me some useful information? I have verified that the assembly is in the "C:\Program Files\Microso...

Printing Reporting Services in a page throught Javascript

I Have a PerformancePoint Server 2007 Dashboard in a Sharepoint 2007 page. In my Sharepoint page, there's 2 Filters who get passed to the Report, and I need to print this report in the page (in another button, not the SSRS one). So what I need is a javascript method that calls the SSRS print button, which is on a named DIV, insid...

SSRS: Report label position dynamic

I have a report which displays customer address in multiple labels. My customers use windowed envelopes for mailing. I need the address labels position to be configurable. Something like, I'll have a database table which stores the Top/Left position of each label per customer. Based on this table, I need to position the address labels ...

Adding Names to columns in a matrix

I have my matrix I have created, a pic found here. The first three column what whats being grouped by but I can had the names of those columns, how can I do that in Reporting Services? ...

SSRS - DataSource Instace has not been supplied for dataset 'dataset1'

Hie Everyone I have 1st time developed SSRS in my WPF application.. but there is problem in report viewing.. it gives error DataSource Instace has not been supplied for dataset 'dataset1' I have done following steps 1. develope ssrs 2. create windowsFormHostControl in XAML 3. get new reportviewer in code 4. reportviewer.processin...

ssrs: one static row matrix, multiple columns will not filter out nulls

Using a ssrs 2005 matrix client side. I want to list the multiple addresses of one person, hence one row, multiple columns. The Column field is =Fields!StreetName.Value. The data details field is =First(Fields!StreetPrefix.Value) & " " & First(Fields!StreetName.Value). The datasource has a row for each address; however, some rows will ha...

How to deploy a report on a report server installed on a Windows7 machine?

I need to deploy a report using Reporting services but i'm getting this error, using visual studio to deploy the report The permissions granted to user 'Domain\user' are insufficient for performing this operation Right now i'm the administrator of the machine, so why i'm getting i don't hace enough permissions? Note: The scenario is ...

RDLC: How to print multiple tables in one report

I'm generating the RDLC XML schema and showing the report in the ReportViewer control. No problems there. Now, I want a report with 2 tables, with 2 differents dataset. Something like this gets generated: <Body> <ReportItems> <Table Name="Table1"> .... </Table> <Table Name="Table2"> ...

Auto-Deploy SSRS reports with TFS

Hi, Can anyone explain how to create a custom build to deploy reporting services reports with TFS? Is it possible? If so then how... Samples or articles will be greatly appreciated. Thanks ...

Visual Studio 2010 Reporting Services Projects?

So, it seems that VS 2010 does not support SRSS projects. At least not old ones....Does anyone know what the status on this situation is and whether one can author new SRSS reports using VS2010 or if one should just use VS2008 BIDS? ...