
OLAP Web Visualization and Reporting Recommendations

I am preparing an offer for a customer. They proide weekly data to different organizations. There is huge amount data suits OLAP that needed to be visualized with charts and pivot tables on web and custom reports will be built by non-it persons (an easy gui). They will enter a date range, location which data columns to be included and ge...

SSRS CSV Rendering Export Issue....

I am having my table like this (2 tables) UserId Name 2 Welcome 3 Rename Password Data 2dfdf dfd 3 dfdf I need the data while exported to csv like this... UserId, Name 2,Welcome 3, Rename, password, Data 2dfdf ,dfd 3 ,dfdf But it is displaying like this UserId, name, Password, Data 1, Welcome, 2dfdf ,dfd 3, Rename,3,dfdf How can ...

SSRS 2008 - Textbox RTF

Hello, We have rtf text stored in our database that looks like the following: {\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil MS Sans Serif;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\lang1033\f0\fs22 Some Text Here \f1 \par } It is my understanding that SSRS 2008 should be able to properly ...

Enabling Parameter based on the Value of Another Parameter in Reporting Services

I have a report with two parameters. The second parameter is only relevant if the first parameter has a particular value. I would therefore like to disable that second parameter unless the first parameter has the proper value. TIA. ...

How to see contents of deployed datasource?

I've inherited a project (without a handy handover) that contains reports published to a Reporting Server (2005). MY SSRS knowledge is 4 years stale, so I need your help. I need to edit one of the published reports, is this possible? I also want to peek into the Data Source on the RS, coz that's probably where I can change stuff. I'll...

How to stretch an SSRS table to the end of the nearest page

Hello all, I can't seem to find anyone who has had the same problem as me, which I find hard to believe because it seems like it should be a common need. On to the problem... I have a pretty standard SSRS 2005 Invoice report that has a header, a few address below the header, a table that contains the line item information about the in...

Programatically upload XML file to SSRS server

Hi all, How do I programatically upload an XSLT file to an SSRS server database? I would like exactly the same functionality as the 'Upload File', preferably using the 'rs' command. I have tried rs.CreateResource, but it doesn't seem to work for XML/XSLT files (though it works for Excel and image files) I understand that manipulating...

Daylight savings information for converting UTC dates

I am developing reports using Microsoft SQL Report Builder 2.0. One of my requirement is to display the timezone information by passing "Timezone Offset" (-08:00) as a parameter to the report. Based on the offset value, we convert a UTC date to its appropriate timezone value (using VB.NET) and display the same. However, this does not con...

Page width in SSRS

I want ot draw a line the full width of the page in SSRS. If I could get the page width in (say) px, I could assign it as an expression to the line width. Is this possible? How? Or is there an alternative? ...

ASP.Net SSRS Report Viewer 9.0 and Report Viewer 10.0 Side-By-Side

We are rolling out a large deployment of SQL Server Reporting Services Reports and our platform is SQL Server 2005 so our Report Server is version 2005 running in Native mode. Our web application uses server reports rendered in the Report Viewer 9.0 control. We want to be able to use local reports based on the 2008 RDL spec to create som...

Advice on WPF reporting

Hi Robert, I saw an answer from 2009 that indicated you have used Stimulsoft for WPF reporting. I am in need of a WPF reporting tool currently and I'm not sure what direction to go. I've looked at a couple of third party options (DevExpress, Infragistics, ComponentOne and Stimulsoft) as well as using native XPS Flow/Fixed document app...

SSRS code variable resetting on new page

In SSRS 2008 I am trying to maintain a SUM of SUMs on a group using custom Code. The reason is that I have a table of data, grouped and returning SUMs of the data. I have a filter on the group to remove lines where group sums are zero. Everything works except I'm running into problems with the group totals - it should be summing the v...

how to add parameters with mulitselection enabled in ssrs 2008

Well, I have a table called Resource(ResourceId,ResourceName) and a table Session (SessionId, StartDateTime,EndDateTime,ResourceId) I have a line chart that shows the count of sessions for a given month for each resource. so it will be something like Count Month resourceid resourcename 10 Jan-2006 2 ResourceA 9 Jan-2006 ...

Is there an easy way to transfer reports/schedules from an SSRS 2005 server to a different SSRS 2008 server?

We have a ton of SSRS2005 reports, which I intend to transfer to our new SSRS 2008 server. I'd rather not do this manually... Actually, we've got some SSRS2000 reports on a third server as well, so if anyone knows of a tool or technique for doing all these transfers I pay in upvotes! ;) ...

SSRS 2008 - Sending report as email

Hi all, What I want to do is render a SSRS 2008 report as HTML (actually MHTML) and send that as the body in an email. Has anyone done this? I've almost got it (I think) but I seem to have a encoding problem. The email shows up as what looks like some sort of base64 encoding. Like this: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/relat...

Can I make a matrix row group span its child groups in SSRS?

I have a matrix, whose rows are grouped into two groups. A class, and a time for that class. The class cell is going to end up being several lines long, and I'd like the rows for each time slot of the class to line up next to the class description, like this: ----------------------------------------- **Class** | 7:00am | [row ...

SQL reporting services reference

Hi everyone, I want to add service reference to SQL reporting services on local machine. In Reporting Service Configuration Manager under Web Service URL tab I have report service URL exposed, I have tried to add web reference to project with that Web Reference URL, but it can not be found. Please tell me am I missing something or is...

How to upgrade VS2008 reporting Schema from 2005 to 2008

As you all know Visual Studio using 2005 schema to create RDLC reports. SSRS 2008 use 2008 schema to create RDL reports. So I'm looking for a solution to change VS 2005 schema to 2008 schema. How to do this. will this issue fix with installing Report Viewer 2010 or not ? ...

How do I solve column width problems in a SSRS Tablix?

I'm creating a simple report from Microsoft Dynamics CRM. When I pull in the following dataset: SELECT FQD.productidname , FQD.NEW_PRICEBREAKS , FQD.NEW_WEEKSARO , ltrim(rtrim(FP.NEW_PRODUCTNAME)) AS NewProductDesc , FQD.productdescription , FQD.quoteid , FQD.quantity , FQD.productiddsc , FQD.bas...

How to add "missing" columns in a column group in reporting services?

Hello, I'm trying to create a report that displays for each months of the year the quantity of goods sold. I have a query that returns the list of goods sold for each month, it looks something like this : SELECT Seller.FirstName, Seller.LastName, SellingHistory.Month, SUM(SellingHistory.QuantitySold) FROM SellingHistory JOIN Seller o...