
How can I stop SQL Server Reporting Services 2008 going to sleep?

I have SSRS 2008 set-up on a server. All works fine except that if left inactive for a length of time the next time a request is made to the server it takes a long time for it to service it. I think this is to do with the worker process being shutdown after being idle for a certain length of time. However, as SSRS 2008 isn't managed t...

Hide Column based up Paramater Selected SSRS

I would like to set the visiblity of columns based upon the value selected in a paramater. The problem is I do not want a specific paramater to do this (i.e Hide column X True/False) My report has several diffrent "departments" who are only intrested in certain columns. What would be the syntax for example to hide the "Sales" column ...

ReportParameterValueNotSetException in SSRS subscription

I am not getting this error locally in VS 2005 or when running the report through the preview but during subscription I start getting ReportParameterValueNotSetException even though all my parameters especially the one it's complaining about is set this has started happening all of a sudden and has been working great before. Any idea...

How do you set up a Report Server instance?

Hi, I'm trying to set up Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services. I open the Reporting Services Configuration Manager, and it asks for a Server name. Thing is, I don't know the server name, because as far as I know haven't set a report server up yet. So, how do you set one up for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2? There seems to be plenty of ...

How do I set a SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services Template to a Default Font?

I'm creating a new template to create reports from at a later date. I know how to create one, and I know where to save it. However, the problem is this. Everything that is created on the report uses the default font of Arial with a size of 10pt. I need to set mine to default to Tahoma 11pt. I can create a mock title, mock tables, e...

Anybody seen this behavior with Sql Server Reporting Services, a 64bit OS and an Oracle datasource?

I'm working on a Sql Server Reporting Services solution that queries across both a Sql Server data source and an Oracle 10g data source. My dev box is Windows 7 64bit with Sql Server 2008R2 and I'm hosting IIS7 and SSRS on that system for development; using VS.NET for designing the reports. I have been having errors when running the rep...

Page break in RDLC Textbox.

How can I set a page break at the bottom of or after a TextBox control in an RDLC report I have created in VS 2010 for an ASP.NET ReportViewer? ...

Reporting services - custom library is not working after installing report on production Server

Greetings, I created a report which uses custom library created by me. I've copied these libraries to the following folders: c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.3\Reporting Services\ReportServer\bin\ c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies\ Everything works fine when I run the ...

Are SQL Reporting Services Report Parameters deprecated in VS.NET 2010?

We use an Reporting Services inside an ASP.NET web application. (We have an *.rdlc which is presented to the ReportViewer web control in our page). Our ASPX page wires up a few report parameters in code: var parameters = new List<ReportParameter>(); parameters.Add(new ReportParameter("StoreAddress", InvoiceStoreAddress)); parameters.Add...

Exporting from SSRS 2008 ReportViewer to Excel Causes Duplicate Columns

I have a report that groups months by quarters, so each quarter has three months and the display of the months under the quarter is toggled by the quarter header. It looks just fine in the ReportViewer, but when exporting to Excel the first month in the quarter with data is duplicated and appended to the end of the quarter group. Her...

How do I prevent a font from extending off the top of a textbox?

I'm using a barcode font (IDAutomationMC39H) in an SSRS 2005 report I'm developing, and while it renders fine in the preview in BIDS, if I export the results to PDF, print the results, or do any of the above (including preview) in Report Manager, the barcode font is extending off the top of the textbox. The barcode itself is nearly 20px ...

Reporting services and custom library problem

Greetings, I have a problem with reporting services and custom library I've created a custom Library: public class MyClass{ public static string GetValue(string s) { return s.ToUpper(); } } Namespace is MyLibrary. I've added reference to reporting services. I've done everything what is described here:

SSRS ReportViewer 2010 Iframe IE Problem

Hello all, My problem relates to trying to include an SSRS (SQL Server) Report inside my MVC application. I've settled on the hybrid solution of having a WebForm with the ReportViewer Control in and then on my MVC View pages having an iframe reference this WebForm page. The tricky part is that the iframe needs to be dynamically popula...

Error while rendering report(.rdl).

Hi, I have generated a .rdl report file. Now, when I am going to render the .rdl report file into pdf format,exception is throwing. The exception is : - "An error occurred during local report processing." The stack trace is follows : - " at Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.LocalReport.InternalRender(String format, Boolean allowInterna...

Plot data line in Scatter Report SSRS 2005?

How to add plot data line in scatter report... Please help me to achieve this...! Thanks in advance. ...

Need good RDLC (Reports) examples/samples

I am in evaluation phase of report tool. I prefer RDLC for the same. But I need some examples/samples available in the wild which can guide us on using the RDLC off the shelf. I would be looking for examples from as simple as list of data and as complex as using matrix, calculation, grouping, etc. This will help us to make a reference...

How to group columns for a Reporting Services Matrix?

I want to display data in a reporting services matrix. It is an access peak matrix, in a way that days are rows, and hours are columns. My procedure returns data like this: Day / Hour / Peak 2010-05-01 00:00:00.000 2010-05-01 00:00:00 0 2010-05-01 00:00:00.000 2010-05-01 01:00:00 0 2010-05-01 00:00:00.000 2010-05-01 02:00:00 0 2010-05-0...

Dynamic column heading from user input

Hi, How can I use the user input for column heading in reporting service please? My situation is User will enter first (200901) and the second parameter (05). I want to display the column heading like 200901 200902 200903 200904 200905 Thanks for all helps. ...

Displaying same record twice- SQL Reporting Services

Ok, here's the situation: I need to display the same record in two different sections. stupid i know, but here's why. The Report I am building is grouped by one Field, called Day. Each record has date/times, an expected arrival date time, and an expected departure date/time. so, at this point we have something like this: Day............

Reporting Services 2005 - How to display the deployment date?

I can see the execution date with Globals!ExecutionTime but how can I display the date the report was deployed? (I want to use this as a sort of version control) ...