
Why the character is corrupted when use request.getParameter() in java?

I have such a link in JSP page with encoding big5 http://hello/world?name=婀ㄉ And when I input it in browser's URL bar, it will be changed to something like http://hello/world?name=%23%24%23 And when we want to get this parameter in jsp page, all the characters are corrupted. And we have set this: request.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"), s...

jQuery update a Div with a PHP script

I have absolutely no idea how to do this, so I'm just gonna go ahead and ask. What I want to do is update the contents of a div with a PHP script I have in an external file, called send.php. So I have a div like this: <div class="classname"> </div> And I want to post data to this send.php file, and then update that div with whatev...

Changing the value of "id=" with document.getElementById

Is this the correct way to do it? <a id="load" href="#" class="btn load" onclick="request(this); $('#load').fadeOut(2000)">add</a> <a href="#" id="test" onClick="alert( 'TEST!' )">here</a> <script language="javascript"> var requests = 2; function request(self) {if(self.href != "#") requests -= 1; if(requests === 0) document.getEleme...

Should I use Request.Params instead of explicitly doing Request.Form?

I have been using Request.Form for all my code. And if I need querystring I hit that explicitly too. It came up in a code review that I should probably use the Params collection instead. I thought it was a best practice, to hit the appropriate collection directly. I am looking for some reinforcement to one side or the other of the argum...

Perform a simple HTTP request using C++ / Boost via a proxy?

I'm quite a newbie with Boost, and my only experience of surfing though a proxy using a library is using .NET (that is really convenient for that purpose). I'm now trying to perform a simple HTTP request through a HTTP proxy. Is there a tidy way to do it using boost directly? My proxy use a NTLM authentification. ...

Simultaneous Requests to PHP Script

If the PHP Engine is already in the middle of executing a script on the server what would happen to other simultaneous browser requests to the same script? Will the requests be queued? Will they be ignored? Will each request have its own script instance? Any other possibility? ...

Unable to set maxReceivedMessageSize through web.config

Hello there, I have now investigated the 400 - BadRequest code for the last two hours. A lot of sugestions goes towards ensuring the bindingConfiguration attribute is set correctly, and in my case, it is. Now, I need YOUR help before destroying the building i am in :-) I run a WCF RestFull service (very lightweight, using this resourc...

GWT Change URL after processing request parameters

I want to support linking with url request parameters in my GWT app. Example http://host/app?action=A&amp;p1=v1&amp;p2=v2 I am able to process the action=A & other params, but once I am done with that, I want to change the URL to remove them. The problem is that once the user comes to the webpage, for completing the "action" with para...

hidden field is null on !IsPostBack and not null on IsPostBack

First I'll apologize for the unclear title of my question. I wasn't sure how to succinctly describe my problem in a title. I have a hidden field in my .aspx <input type="hidden" name="hid1" value="0" /> I want to set the value of this field during the page load event, and if it is not a postback. protected void Page_Load(object sen...

Implementing Singleton across requests to HttpHandler

I am attempting to create a singleton service that is used to process incoming requests to an HttpHandler. At the moment the service is being instantiated on every request. I make a call to the static class that holds an instance of the service, implemented as a singleton as below: public static class ServerApplication { static Servi...

Use cache file or one more HTTP Request?

Hi people, on all the "speed up your website" sites and books they always tell us to minimize HTTP requests at all costs. This is fine and nice but what if that means that on every page you have to reload 120kb again and again and again because the user cache is empty? If i use 5 js files on every page of my website, wouldnt it be bett...

Http Modules are called on every request when using mvc/routing module

I am developing a http module that hooks into the FormsAuthentication Module through the Authenticate event. While debugging i noticed that the module (and all other modules registered) gets hit every single time the client requests a resource (also when it requests images, stylesheets, javascript files (etc.)). This happens both when r...

JMeter - how to log the full request for a failed response?

Hi folks, i'm using JMeter command line to stress test our website api. Now, here's a sample result i'm getting back: Creating summariser <summary> Created the tree successfully using street_advisor.jmx Starting the test @ Sat Oct 03 15:22:59 PDT 2009 (1254608579848) Waiting for possible shutdown message on port 4445 summary + 1 in...

ASP Classic GET request without multithreading

We are talking about Classic ASP and NOT ASP.NET! Lets start from top. We are using ISAPI_Rewrite and we would like to dynamically offer our customers to control rewriting of urls (giving them httpd.ini is not an option). We were thinking that all unknown url requests (we define this in httpd.ini) are controlled by one asp file which cr...

How to make a POST request in

i. I am using visual studio 8 using I am trying to make a post request that complies with the following schema, but am failing miserably. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <postBetOrder xmlns="urn:betfair:games:api:v1" marketId="2568540" round="1" currency="GBP"> <betPlace> <bidType>BACK</bidType> <price>2.5</price> <size>...

PHP $_REQUEST as array

I have a search form, I want to $_REQUEST the search terms as an array so I can list each search term out, wrapping each term in a span for styling. How do I do that? Edit: Here's the code requested. <form action="http://localhost/wordpress" id="search" method="get"> <input type="text" size="30" id="s" name="s" value="Type and hit ente...

Redirect specific file request (at any location) to specific location

I have a specific file, let's call it '', that I need to have redirected to a specific location, no matter what location it's requested from. For instance: /folder1/ /folder2/ /folder3/ I need all the above to be redirected to (as an example): /myfolder/ How do I achieve that within...

How to get AppID on iPhone using SDK/programmatically?

Hi All, I want to send the AppID as a http URL parameter for all webservice requests, but I do not know how to get the AppID on iPhone programmatically. Does Apple provide any API to obtain the AppID? Somebody please help. ~Neeraj ...

struts2 request encoding

I am sending a XML in HTTP POST body. Question: Does struts2 support processing request in utf-8 encoding? Reference: (Around bottom of the page) ...

Seeing duplicate http requests in server logs

Hi, I have started a small django application in my machine. When i have seen the request logs I figured out that It is actually logging the same requests twice. After a little investigation, I disabled all of my add-ons in my browser and tried. To my surprise i din't see duplicate requests in logs After that. After some trials I foun...